CliqueClack TV

You can’t spell hypocritical without FOX (well, you actually can)

kingofthehill_250The FOX network is known for many things. Shuffling their schedule around on a yearly basis to squeeze out 500 weekly viewing hours of American Idol is one. Another is canceling new shows right after their very first commercial break. Jerking around Joss Whedon is yet a third. But the one thing that FOX has never, ever been is hypocritical.

Okay, they’ve been hypocritical hundreds of times. For the sake of this post let’s pretend this never happened. Deal?

Just a few minutes ago (real time, not blog time) I received a press release from FOX’s promotions wonks. It announced the following: ‘Unforgettable 250th Milestone Event! King of the Hill celebrates its 250th episode on Sunday, April 26th on FOX.’ On the surface this sounded like good news as Hill has been a quiet and long-running success for the network over the last dozen years. Look a little deeper, though, and you’ll  find some mixed signals. See, FOX canceled the show earlier this year.

So, I ask you… is FOX being a bit hypocritical celebrating a milestone of a show they let go? Or, is my hatred of FOX clouding my judgement?

Photo Credit: FOX

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4 Responses to “You can’t spell hypocritical without FOX (well, you actually can)”

April 22, 2009 at 5:24 PM

King of the Hill has become stale in the recent one or two years. I stopped watching.

Also I think it has been said elsewhere that there will be at least two more years of the show on Fox due to so many pre-produced episodes. So why not celebrate?

I think if you’d be able to find a reason for the cancellation in maybe The Cleveland Show, which has subsequently been pushed back too, you might be on to something but I guess we all lack some kind of proof for that. The show has been on very very long and just knowing that the end will come doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate the milestones. It’s as if you’d call off Grandma’s 90th just because you know she has cancer. Ok that was harsh but sorry this celebration is better than knowing Dollhouse is on the bubble. Tear into Fox for that one any time :-)

April 22, 2009 at 6:27 PM

They also didn’t cancel it, they just chose not to pick up anymore episodes. :)

I love the first Futurama movie commentary, which is better than the movie “I think it took Fox 2 years before they said we were canceled” and the other guy is “I don’t think Fox ever told us we were canceled, they just stopped calling us” or something like that. :)

April 23, 2009 at 2:01 AM

It’s just not FOX who does this.

Stargate Atlantis was cancelled this year. SciFi Channel says it wasn’t their decision…which kind of leaves the ball hanging in MGM’s court.

Yet, MGM recently published a video on their Stargate web site titled, ‘What Makes Stargate Atlantis a Success?’ At:

April 24, 2009 at 8:22 AM

Could very well be MGMs decision. No matter what they show in that video, they also decided to go ahead with Seasons 9 and 10 for Stargate SG-1 instead of producing a Hollywood Movie. I think SciFi might be correct on this and it all came down to production costs.

MGM will bite themselves in the ass if the new incarnation bombs. I even forgot the name already because it looks so dull and I’m so absolutely not looking forward to it. Continuum? Voyager? What was it again? Too lazy to look it up…

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