CliqueClack TV

Grey’s Anatomy – Meredith cries on the Chief’s shoulder (best scene this season?)

greys_anatomy_meredith_043009Just when I think Grey’s Anatomy is sinking into a big sap-hole, it does something that makes me really appreciate the writing. Such was the case with Meredith’s storyline in this week’s episode.

It was an interesting premise: Abusive guy gets shot by young daughter. I guess it’s to parallel Meredith’s childhood (was her dad abusive? I knew he was an alcoholic, but guess I never really got that he was abusive).

Anyway, so while all this is going down, Meredith and Lexie’s dad shows up at the hospital to complete the ninth step of recovery and apologize to his daughters for his past mistakes.

So it’s all fresh in Meredith’s head, and she just can’t take the idea that this mother and daughter might go back to the abusive guy, so she steps up and does the unthinkable, in medical circles. Puts herself into the middle of it and tells the mom and daughter that no, the daughter should NOT apologize to the dad. In fact, the mom is the one who should be apologizing, for putting her daughter in that situation to begin with.

Meredith feels strongly enough to put her medical career in jeopardy. That’s pretty strong.

OK, so all this rolls along in usual Grey’s sap and heartbreak, but what really changed it up for me was when Meredith and the Chief met at the end. He realizes what Meredith went through in her childhood, and she lays her head on his shoulder and cries.

Agree with me that this was a really nice scene? Probably one of the best this season, in my view. It really brought together a lot of past storylines and relationships in one little moment.

Photo Credit: ABC

4 Responses to “Grey’s Anatomy – Meredith cries on the Chief’s shoulder (best scene this season?)”

May 3, 2009 at 11:48 AM

Abuse does not have to be physical. And the abuser was her mother. Which is what the Chief apologized for, for not stepping in.

May 3, 2009 at 9:25 PM

I loved the entire episode. Mark showing up to meet Lexie’s father was very brave. Izzy’s mom was a hoot and a little depressing. It was a little difficult to watch Christina’s reaction when she was handed the slip of paper with the three word phrases her love (can’t think of his name) could use on her instead of the 3 words he really wants to say. Great acting by all on tonight’s show. I do agree it was a great scene between Merideth and the chief.

May 4, 2009 at 1:44 PM

The Chief felt bad for not protecting Mer from her mother, not her milktoast of a father. Ellis was clearly emotionally abusive, and I don’t believe her father started drinking heavily until her stepmother died.

May 6, 2009 at 10:01 AM

I think Meredith was abused by her mother and the child’s mum (who was also suffering abuse from the husband) really represented Thatcher Grey, as in he was Meredith’s Dad and was also ‘abused’ by Ellis and driven away and he didn’t sood up for Meredith, he didn’t defend her from her mother and neither did the Chief.
I thought it was a great episode, I finally feel like Mer can take care of herself, emotionally and professionally and she has her own family (Derek) and friends to feel complete, she’s way over her parents and their past dramas.

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