CliqueClack TV

Rescue Me – Reserve another Emmy for Michael J. Fox

rescue-me-foxWatching last night’s episode of Rescue Me I came to a sudden realization. I miss Michael J. Fox. I grew up with the guy. No matter where I’ve been in the last 25 years of my life, Fox has been right there with me, be it on the big or small screen. When I felt like a social outcast at 13, Alex P. Keaton was there to cheer me up. When I started trying to unlock the mysteries of girls at 16, Marty McFly provided me the necessary inspiration to keep my chin up. And when I was navigating the post-college minefield, Mike Flaherty helped guide me to safe ground.

Fox’s return to television on this season’s Rescue Me — as Dwight the angry paraplegic — has been a welcome addition. The cynic in me thinks Fox is pulling a My Left Foot-Rain Man-Forrest Gump routine by portraying a character with an affliction, but the cynic in me is an idiot, so I’m not listening to him. I’d rather just enjoy watching a great actor do his thing once again.

For the first time last night, we got an extended peek into Dwight’s backstory. He’s not unlike Tommy, which is probably why Janet is attracted to him. Although, his sexual prowess allows him to maintain an erection for close to an hour, so Janet likes that too. Magical penis aside, Dwight is a complete wreck. A drunk driver took away his legs and killed his brother and cousin. Now he’s a junkie alcoholic who talks to ghosts. Again, not much different from Tommy.

Fox shines in the role. He pokes and prods at Tommy like no one else dares. Tommy doesn’t know whether to feel sorry for him or punch him in the face. You see, Dwight is kind of a dick. It’s a departure from the parts Fox normally tackles, which is why I find it so appealing. The comparisons between the fictional Dwight and real Fox are obvious. A bitter man struggling with the hand he’s been dealt is not a persona presented by Fox in public since being stricken with Parkinson’s Disease, but I’m sure he endured a similar stage after being diagnosed.

At any rate, Fox remains at the top of his game. His signature comic timing is sharper than ever. It’s not very often Denis Leary plays the straight man in scenes, but Fox has the chops to take the lead every time they share the screen. I’m not sure how many episodes Dwight has left this season. It appears the character’s arc may be closing soon.

I expect the Emmy Awards to take notice of Fox’s performance. He deserves a nomination, and toss out the sympathy votes because he doesn’t need any. Michael J. Fox wears many hats: husband, father, crusader, author, humanitarian. But first and foremost, he’s an actor. I hope people haven’t forgotten that.


Photo Credit: FX

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