CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – This is a season finale?

Penny and Leonard on The Big Bang Theory

Now, I understand that The Big Bang Theory has come up with the ultimate reasoning for their disappearance for the summer hiatus. Kudos to them, props and all that kind of accolades heading their way for coming up with a logical reason to vanish from our lives for three months. Not many shows do that. Some leave us with cliffhangers, people shot, worlds colliding … then go away until the fall. But the explanation aspect doesn’t make me a happy person.

Oh, the arctic exploration bit is kind of cute. It’s not the best fodder ever on the show, nor was tonight’s season finale an epic with snarky intelligent lines. If you count Sheldon saying “Bazinga!” after pulling off his classic pranks, I suppose the cleverness was there.

But I’m not upset with the obviously lackluster attempt in coming up with good lines. Nope, that’s not it. What’s getting my goat? It’s the Turkey Lurkey Penny Lenny syndrome once again. I realize I just fussed and moaned last week that I don’t want them to match up Penny and Leonard on the show. So, if I keep doing it, I might give the indication that I’m obsessive compulsive or something. Sure, that’s a Sheldon-esque quality I just might possess. But the ending of tonight’s finally actually had Penny near tears, alone in her messy apartment ready to sob about missing Leonard.


Here are a few avenues I’d rather they had taken with this:

  • Penny cries because she’ll miss Sheldon.
  • Penny cries because her entire little sheltered world social circle is on hold.
  • Penny joins them for the expedition, freaking Howard out so much that he has to be airlifted to the nearest psychological treatment center which happens to be over 1000 miles away. He then has to fight nature and polar bears merely to survive.
  • The boys go away for three months, and Penny rents out their apartment to circus folks. Hilarity ensues.

Oh, well. Maybe the elevator will get fixed while they’re at the North Pole.

Photo Credit: CBS

2 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – This is a season finale?”

May 12, 2009 at 3:00 PM

So she doesn’t want him to go. Big Whoop. Last week she called out his name during sex with Comic Book Guy. THAT is the thing that annoyed me the most. The last question after 5 second hug should’ve been “and why did you say my name then last week on a date with another guy?”

It’s just ridiculous and it’s getting boring. Really really boring. This whole season they desperately tried to occupy Leonard with other women and while it is ok to show that those weren’t for him why on earth doesn’t this force him to be more active? This pining… gawd. I can’t take it anymore. What’s next? Penny getting together with Raj just to “show Leonard”?

The episode was still funny though so I think we can all this a 3 on a 1 to 5 scale.

May 12, 2009 at 3:12 PM

“…miss Sheldon”? I’m not followin’. Someone could *ever* miss Sheldon? (well, his sister, maybe… sometimes)

The show’s fun to watch, but, honestly, I don’t really care about any of the plots/sub-plots–“Penny-Lenny” for instance, so whatever happens or doesn’t is fine by me–I figure it’ll be funny whatever it is. And I’m pretty sure that what happens in the arctic will stay in the arctic… no “what I did on my summer vacation” stories. (Anyway, I only watched ’cause ‘Chuck’ wasn’t on.)

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