CliqueClack TV

A profile of the other players in the Bones’ finale

bones_gormogonbandSPOILER NOTE: I give you fair warning. If you haven’t seen the season finale of Bones or have yet to read my review, then stop right here and go no further.

If you read my review on the season four finale of Bones, you’d know that I was pretty happy with the results. Sure, it was a fantasy story that in no way connected to the reality that we have all come to love. However, it was a nice look into a ‘What would’ve, sort’ve been” scenario for the characters, and it gave us a glimpse into what a potential Bones-Booth relationship could be like.

As this was a fictional story (within a fictional story — blows your mind, huh?), the main and recurring characters of Bones had different roles. Some were very similar to who they are in the real world of the series, while others exhibited characteristics that we aren’t used to. Then there were those who, without their medical backgrounds to fall back on, showed their real colors. Here now is a list of all the folks that appeared in the finale and what was the same and different about them.

  • Cam and Jared: Makes sense that these two would be detectives since they worked in law enforcement previously. Even thought he told his brother to grow up, Jared was still the immature one. Cam pretty much remained the same as her real life character, though a bit more straight-forward then we normally see.
  • Hodgins and Angela: Neither were the geeks that they are at the Jeffersonian. Angie was actually a bit dense when it came to some things and was definitely not as headstrong as she is at the Jeffersonian. Meanwhile, Hodgins the crime novelist was somewhat more dour (and a bit drunker) than he is normally seen.
  • Caroline Julian: Same as she is in real life, except she works for Booth and Bones and not the Federal government.
  • Sweets: Sweets is pretty much Sweets, except he may be somewhat happier here then he is in real life, and has a good singing voice. The best reference of the night came from him when he introduced his band — Gormogon. He mentioned that he wasn’t Gormogon, although people said that he was, which referenced what the Squints and many fans felt at the end of last season.
  • Zack Addy: Zack was Zack; how could he not be? Another nice reference in the episode was when Vincent Nigel-Murray mentioned Zack is one of those people who would go to jail for a murder he didn’t commit.
  • Clark: This must have been the inner Clark that was being channeled. His P. Diddiness was a total opposite of the fairly straight-laced assistant that helps the Squints.
  • Daisy: If you took away Daisy’s medical intelligence you would get what we saw in the story. She was, for all intensive purposes, the Coat Check floozy.
  • Vincent, Wendell, and Fisher: I didn’t quite get why Mr. Nigel-Murray was portrayed as the club’s DJ. I never saw him in that light as an intern (by the way, he’s my number one favorite become the one true assistant to Bones). On the other hand, that was the pure Wendell, stripped of all of his medical background and left with his street skills. Not too sure about Fisher. He seemed like his real life character but he wasn’t. The white chef’s jacket probably threw me.
  • Max Keenan: Or, as Booth thought, The Gravedigger. Definitely more sleazy then he is in real life. Sure, he’s a murderer, but at least he has some redeeming qualities. The other question I had was if he was still Brennan’s father in this reality or someone totally non-related.
Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Bones | Clack | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “A profile of the other players in the Bones’ finale”

May 16, 2009 at 11:11 AM


You left out the Persian, but thanks for doing this. I was impressed that characters such as Nigel-Murray, Clark and the latest lab assistant were all portrayed as pretty uptight in their scientific roles, but when you removed that they became fast-talking, smooth-talkers. Is it wrong that I suddenly found myself 100% more attracted to them than in their normal personaes? I also loved that Bones and Booth essentially stayed the same personality-wise. I was afraid they’d do what they did last year and I tend to prefer Bones when she’s uptight and less ‘human.’ In a way, that personality-flaw is what I think makes her a real character, as opp9osed to making her the typical, yawn female in most series. I loved the meta-references to parts of Bones’ serial killer canon – Gormogon, GraveDigger, etc.

May 16, 2009 at 12:54 PM

Mr Nigel Murray is my favorite also, although Wendell is a close second.

May 17, 2009 at 2:40 AM

Although I also enjoyed the finale, I should point out that the phrase is “for all intents and purposes,” not “for all intensive purposes.”

May 17, 2009 at 10:06 AM

hmm, Marenamoo,

I partially agree with you. However, I like Nigel, Wendell, Clark, and Fisher equally. I wonder why we just can’t have all of them on the same schedule as this year or maybe on a month rotation. Since the show will never bring back Zack and copied House’s format in the hopes of bringing in new blood, I figure why not go whole hog and keep all of them, save the latest addition unless he channels his ‘Persian’ personnae from the finale.

May 18, 2009 at 8:07 AM

The writers have no plans to pick a new person anytime soon, they like having several different ones.

Plus it’s most likely much cheaper than having one main character. if one of them wants more money just drop them.

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