CliqueClack TV

Help revive The Unusuals – Open Letter


Dear television watchers who panned The Unusuals,

I am outraged! The greatest new show on television delivers less than a dozen episodes and then craps out on us. Or, rather, has the rug pulled out from under it by ABC. What the hell have you done?

I know that tastes are subjective, but how much more enjoyable can a show get? The Unusuals has a little bit for everyone. The cop drama is about as good, clean, and digestible as any other similar show out there. And the comedy can stand toe-to-toe with the best of them. Not to mention the fact that the stories never lag, the pace is just right to keep things interesting and still keep viewers involved, and the talent is off the charts. To name just a few: Amber Tamblyn (Joan of Arcadia), Jeremy Renner (S.W.A.T., amongst other movies), Adam Goldberg (yes, that one), Harold Perrineau (Lost), and Terry Kinney (Oz), all provide intriguing characters who are immensely enjoyable and watchable.

This was the first show in a really long time that immediately clicked for me and my wife, and I had it seasoned passed on our TiVo before the opening credits of the pilot stopped rolling. Finally, a great show that deserved the effort it takes to get invested in it!

So, where were you? It’s quite possible that people were simply wary of getting hooked, for fear of the show meeting the same fate that so many others on ABC have of late (for me, Sons and Daughters, Commander In Chief, The Nine, Day Break, Six Degrees, Big Day, Carpoolers, Notes From the Underbelly, Dirty Sexy Money, Eli Stone, and Boston Legal. And that’s just the last three years.)

But, come on; is it really worth never putting yourself out there on the off-chance that you might get hurt? Should you not jump into the deep end just because you can’t swim? Or pass on the blowfish roll just because it might be lethal? Man up! Put yourself out there for the world to fondle, because you never know which uninvited grab will be from the person of your dreams!

I mean, how’d you find all of the other shows that you’re so dedicated to? You gave them a try. You said, “I know this will likely only end in heartbreak, but, doggone it, I sit on my couch watching television twenty hours a day anyway, so, why not?” And if it was good, there you go. If it was great? You won. So what if it was usually bad, or if you were one of the few people who actually liked it, only to see it get yanked a few weeks later? At least one day you could tell your grandkids that you had experienced some adventure in your life. That you’d taken some risks.

Well, The Unusuals is awesome! And you’re really doing yourself a disservice by missing this smart, funny, slightly different series. And, as a result, it’s costing those of us who love it, too, because ABC announced the show’s cancellation. They need to make room on the schedule to ply us with new crap, at the expense of the weakest producers (read: smallest audiences). Sometimes the numbers are right; but, sometimes, people just miss the diamond for all the rough that obscures their views. Can you imagine if NBC had just gone by the numbers in 1990 and canceled Seinfeld?

The word on the street is that The Unusuals will air its final episodes now that primetime is wide open, following all of these season finales. Do us all a favor: give up the four hours it will take to view them all live. I’m willing to bet that if ABC gets blown away by the surge of interest in the show, they’ll be willing to at least give The Unusuals another mid-season pickup, and a second shot at making it.

Plus, you’ll have found your new favorite show. Now, how can that be bad?

With thanks, from down on bended knee,

The 4.6 million of us fans who could sure use your help

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Features | General | Open Letters | TV Shows |

16 Responses to “Help revive The Unusuals – Open Letter”

May 20, 2009 at 1:59 PM

I have to agree with you at least a thousand percent! I love every aspect of the show. Before this, everything Adam Goldberg did just made me dislike him for some reason. The Unusuals is, ahem, unusual in the fact that I love Goldberg’s character. That’s just how good this show is.

I also feel the need to drag out the old, but I think valid point that the Nielsen’s are about as inaccurate a meter of viewership as could be devised. In fact, if NASA were given an unlimited budget and 10 years time to work on it, I don’t think they could purposefully come up with a worse system.

Thank you, the soapbox is now available.

May 20, 2009 at 2:34 PM

I think beyond Nielsen, chatter has become a large problem for a fair amount of shows. Now that the internet can make or break shows and movies in a matter of hours (see: R.J. Spencer on Entourage), if a show has nothing to buzz about, with no statement about its quality, it gets overlooked. Like Cold Case, a show with 12 million fans but not much to discuss. I think the Unusuals got stuck in that rut, too.

May 20, 2009 at 4:24 PM

I watched every single episode. I love this show and I’m unable to do anything to bring it back, that’s just it.

Maybe I should’ve reviewed it, I have a 100% renewal record of shows I review ;-)

May 20, 2009 at 8:47 PM

So I guess we can blame you for this cancellation? :)

May 20, 2009 at 10:12 PM

Yeah, uhm… about that… I have to admit I don’t like Adam Goldberg because of “Friends” – he didn’t want to move out of Joey’s apartment! Screw that guy. That and because Harald Perrineau had such an on again/off again relationship with “Lost” made me really hesitant to even start watching it. How would’ve thought that those two guys are the engines that kept this train steaming through all stations not wanting to stop? Not me for sure.

So go ahead, blame me for not believing in the show before seeing it :-)

May 21, 2009 at 11:54 AM

I’m writing a post to that effect right now. “How Sebastian killed The Unusuals … and Christmas, too”

May 20, 2009 at 6:20 PM

When a network airs a good show and then yanks it away yet still continues with the garbage “reality shows” it makes me steaming mad. The Unusuals has so much potential and I would love to see it get a second chance.


May 20, 2009 at 8:48 PM

Totally with you. It’s just beyond ridiculous!

May 20, 2009 at 10:14 PM

Uhm… since when was “running a TV network” about quality?

Reality Shows = Cheap.
Reality Shows = Viewers

And since the customer is always right the networks do what the customer wants. And those companies buying ad time want reality shows to push their products (and if you still don’t get it: companies = customers)

Viewers = sheep.

May 20, 2009 at 11:05 PM

I don’t know…I enjoyed the Unusuals, and I watched every week (albeit usually in the next day or two on my dvr), but I just didn’t think it was thaaaaaaat great. However, I like it a lot more than most of the drek on tv, and I think it could have become awesome given time. I think a lot of my problem with it came from my expectations of what it would be vs. what it actually was, which was, actually, not all that unusual.

May 21, 2009 at 11:56 AM

I guess then its more a question of whether you needed it to be different, or just enjoyable. If it’s the latter, that’s unusual enough, right? :-)

May 21, 2009 at 2:00 PM Can it do any good ?WHo knows. Can it hurt? Nope.

At least I feel like Im doing something

May 30, 2009 at 11:55 AM

I’m beginning to believe i shouldn’t get attached to any show with more than 4 main characters. Ensemble casts are relatively expensive in this new age of low-cost reality fare. To survive they have to have instant buzz and impact to generate the ad revenue the studios need.

It’s a sad world we live in when a show about a witch, her cuckold husband and their brew of 8 is a big winner in it’s 4th season…

June 2, 2009 at 12:02 PM

this show rocks! I hate how the stations start a show and then cancel it after you are hooked– but I really hate when it is something is as well written and enjoyable as the unusuals. I donot watch much tv but when I do it is the Unusuals I enjoy. I wish some entrepreneur would take all these shows that get cancelled and are good and produce them and keep them going for on line viewing–

June 7, 2009 at 1:40 AM

Not a totally outlandish idea. Anyone know anyone?

June 5, 2009 at 2:29 PM

I have gotten to the point that i f ing hate tv.Every show I like gets cancelled…Monk, Boston Legal, dirty sexy money,Eli Stone, Pushing Daisies,Womans Murder Club…but lets keep those reality shows…if I see one more dance, fat people,apprentice,bachelor or bachelorette i will F ING PUKE…Someone with brains PLEASE take over the stations

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