CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Gossip Girl Virgin – Least exciting murder plot wrap-up ever. Ever.


ggfinale(Season 1, Episode 17)

It’s the big season finale and, honestly, I’m kind of bored. The writers quickly wrapped up Serena’s big murder-y secret with the most sloppy shrug-off imaginable and decided to make the big cliffhanger fueled by raging hormones instead. Horny teens will always top murder in the world of Gossip Girl, that’s what we have learned.

If Serena’s involvement with the cokehead party boy’s death was the whole reason why she fled her comfy, preppy life and supposedly changed her ways, why did they reveal and wrap up the story within two episodes? It felt so forced. And to almost shrug it off with “Hey! His parents aren’t too bummed about it, so don’t worry” half-assery was ridiculous. They can create the most outrageously complicated, incestuous sex-web social scene but it’s too difficult to really explore Serena’s feelings about death and what it is to have a direct hand in someone’s passing away? If someone doesn’t have a wacky existential meltdown in the second season to counter this obvious avoidance of philosophical matters, I will have it for them.

It was kind of cute to see Blair, Nate and Chuck joining forces to save Serena, though I’m still completely confused as to why they would set aside their differences to help her at this time. Throughout this season, they’ve spent so much time and energy trying to ruin each other’s lives and then they suddenly decide to be good friends. Despite the completely ridiculousness of the situation, I enjoyed Chuck’s contribution to the conversation: “I’m Chuck Bass.” The perfect response to anything.

With all these inexplicable story choices and goings-on, a random appearance by Lisa Loeb seems almost expected. She showed up for no reason, looking super-cute and singing that one song from Reality Bites and then disappeared again. No corny words of wisdom to impart, I guess.

And now the season ends with Dan and extra-crazy incarnate Georgina going to town on each other’s faces and Serena looking horrified. This. This is the big twist, not the whole murder business. No, because that would make too much sense.

Photo Credit: The CW

5 Responses to “Diary of a Gossip Girl Virgin – Least exciting murder plot wrap-up ever. Ever.”

June 10, 2009 at 11:50 AM

I don’t understant the popularity of this show ! It sucks since the beginning seriously, the OC first season was cool and quite funny and it’s the same thing with Chuck but not with this. To resume this show three words : OVER THE TOP.
People are dumb or what to worship this teen soap opera ? After all for the teenage girls i can understand (12/14 years, it’s for them ok) but lot’s of these mediawhore with this show i don’t get it. It’s just pathetic.

June 10, 2009 at 5:30 PM

The older viewers, such as myself, realize how funny and intelligent the show actually is, but it’s not as surface-level as Schwartz’s other shows, The O.C. and Chuck.

June 10, 2009 at 1:19 PM

Exactly. Gossip Girl made the classic mistake of putting storyline scandal over character during it’s first season.

I LOVE The O.C, and the reason I love it is because it was about the characters, and those characters were awesome. Blair, Serena and co are just there so crazy things can happen around them, and the writes don’t even have the balls to follow the storylines through, which is why the plot seems to reset every few episodes. Season 2 is a little bit better at this, and the characters become more like people, but it still suffers from the same mistakes, and isn’t even a percentage as good as The O.C was. They could replace every single character in Gossip Girl with a different actor and I probably wouldn’t care, or realise.

June 10, 2009 at 9:30 PM

I think a lot of the problems in Season One were based on the writers trying to find the voice for the characters on the show, instead of feeling forced to follow the storylines of the book (not that I’ve read the books, other than the audiobook that came with the S1 DVDs).

Organically, it makes sense that over time, these characters would deviate from the original.

I am hooked on this show, but can’t really tell you why. I’m definitely not the Demo, but I’ve enjoyed it from day one :)

June 12, 2009 at 1:06 PM

Oh my god the second season is worse than the first ! (I just watched some episodes to have an idea) : DUMBEST SHOW.
The fashion clothes is the only good thing, the acting is awful awful awful (beside Leighton Meester and sometimes Ed Westwick). This show is PATHETIC !!! I am not ashamed to say it, actually i am very proud to say it.
You know you love me
gossip girl.

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