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Harper’s Island – Have we seen the last of Booth?




Let’s get right to the meat of the matter here. The killer is not Abby’s dad, despite what Madison has to say about who kidnapped her. First of all, did Madison ever see Abby’s father, or did she simply know her father was “the sheriff?” Could it be that the kidnapper was simply dressed as a sheriff or a police officer?

Secondly, it’s way too soon for a killer to be revealed. We won’t know until the third-to-last episode at the earliest — we’ve got more than that left to sit through.

Lately a lot of commenters have been guessing that the late (or, as they seem to indicate, presumably late) Booth is behind all of the killings. I have to admit that for a split second I thought this might be a valid guess, but just think about the episode where he shot himself for a minute. He was scared and assumed himself alone the whole time, plus he had the money all to himself. Why, as the killer, would he be afraid? The only way it makes sense is if he has a split personality, and I just hate the idea of a split personality when it comes to a killer’s motives.

My top picks so far for the killer are Maggie the innkeeper and Jimmy. Maggie is just too “what the hell are you still doing here” to not be something more to the story. Jimmy just fits well when you think of his whereabouts during all of the killings.


Interesting about Booth, because it really has been the only accidental death so far … but does that have to mean something? Let’s tie this into my new theory.

Is there anyone in the house who said Abby could be Wakefield’s kid, like, I don’t know, three episodes ago? Yeah, that would be me. Now that I’m done patting myself on the back (and I still think there’s going to be a long-lost relative), I’m going to revise my theory a bit.

We learned in the journal that Sarah had an affair with Wakefield and had his child, but what we don’t know is when. In a flashback, Sarah told Abby about the bad boys in her past, of which Wakefield is obviously one. So let’s say for a moment that Sarah gave birth to a bouncing baby boy before she even met the sheriff — Booth perhaps. He’s pissed about something….

It’s still got something to do with money, money, money. Shane asks Trish’s dear old step-mom, Katherine, what her inheritance looks like, and then she’s dead? Somehow the Wellington millions are going to be connected to Wakefield’s and Sarah’s love child. Agatha Christie would totally do that.

Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

38 Responses to “Harper’s Island – Have we seen the last of Booth?”

June 14, 2009 at 2:51 AM

Madison was interviewed by Sheriff Mills after Wellington was killed, so she had met him before. She could be lying, or maybe the “game” she was player was not communicated to her face to face – perhaps a written note?

Anyway, I think Henry is Wakefields son, and thus Abby’s half-brother. He’s committing the murders and Maggie is his accomplice.

It’s worth noting that the only character that could have grabbed Abby’s leg in the tunnel, from the characters we already know, are her dad and Maggie. I found it interesting how Maggie went to talk to Madison straight away when she and the others returned to the inn, despite barely knowing her. Was this part of the “game” or perhaps reiterating that she better not tell anyone she’s involved?

There is the issue of Henry’s unexplained cuts on his forearms and grazed face. He was evasive when questioned about it, and seemed to get them around the time JD was killed. JD likely fought back before dying. Also, he was over protective of Abby when everyone was turning against her. Yes, he’s supposed to be her best friend, but it seemed like something else was going on. He probably wanted to keep her with the group.

June 14, 2009 at 12:39 PM

I am almost embarrassed to say how much I am loving this show. I find both these posts thought-provoking. I hope the revelation is a surprise.

I don’t think it’s Jimmy. Jimmy and Abby have to survive, as do Henry and Trish.

Booth as the killer wouldn’t pack enough of an emotional wallop– we barely knew him and didn’t care about him. Abby as Wakefield’s kid, that I thought a few episodes ago, but now I think maybe it could be someone else…

In any case, I am loving this show!

June 14, 2009 at 2:34 PM

I definitely think that someone else is Wakefield’s kid, and that person is the killer (or one of them), but who that person is, I couldn’t say.

June 14, 2009 at 9:39 PM

I am really enjoying this show, too bad they moved it to Saturday and it won’t be back.

After last night’s episode, I think that Abby is the daugher that her mother had with the Sheriff and that Henry is Wakefields son.

Can’t wait until next week!

June 14, 2009 at 11:30 PM

Not sure about the Booth being alive theory although I think it is certainly possible. A young healthy man dying that soon of a gunshot wound to the leg is not that likely. I definitely think that Maggie is a factor in this. Also, if you think back to beginning episodes and the creepy things going on it was very apparent that there was someone talking to or with Madison and that it was someone she was very comfortable with, again Maggie comes to mind.
Cal is a bit too weird and too “cool” though….I am not sure about him either.

June 15, 2009 at 1:15 AM

I heard somewhere that it takes like 3 minutes to bleed out of you cut (or get shot in) the big vein that runs in your thigh

June 15, 2009 at 3:20 AM

im really leaning towards jimmy being wakefield’s son. he has the bad boy image. totally hotness! and he was the one to go under the boat to check what was stuck when the boat docked at harpers island. how is it that he didnt see the cousin’s body and blood there? its like the weirdest part of all.

jimmy was the one who supposedly “rescued” abby from wakefield. im very sure jimmy and wakefield were in cahoots. so when wakefield was killed, jimmy was utterly unhappy. he planned all along to get back at abby and her dad for killing his dad. he must have seen wakefield’s journal.

jimmy was always around when someone died. even when it was during the time when wakefield was the one committing the murders. anyway.. they never did have sex so. that seemed more likely that jimmy and abby are related. or else it would all be too wrong. jimmy is sooooo the murderer.

but damn! i would be really sad if jimmy was the killer. hes like hot and looks really good with abby.

June 15, 2009 at 12:55 PM

Ok I spent all day yesterday rewatching all the eps (it was raining so I don’t feel too guilty) and here’s what I noticed. First off: “nobody” was supposed to know Abby was coming to the island.

Second, killing cousin Ben, complete with scuba equipment, is a task that would take strength; knowledge of boats, marinas, and scuba; and money. Also: what is the point of killing Cousin Ben in such a premeditated and costly (in time, money, energy) manner when no one even knows he’s there?

Third: why does Uncle Marty bring at least $250,000 to the island, with a gun, in the first place?

Fourth: why didn’t the person who stole the money and the gun (not necessarily the same as Marty’s killer) put it in a safer place than the open cabin of the Inn’s boat?

Fifth: is it possible that all the folks who died in snares and pits were first the victims of Cole’s defenses, and then second of the killer’s happenstance in finding them?

Sixth: Kelly says she sees Wakefield everywhere. Just cause there is a skeleton in a grave doesn’t mean its his.

Many of these murders take real strength– there is no way the murderer is a woman, especially a middle-aged one, at least acting alone.

Its very strange to me that Shane– who should be charged with kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon (the car he hit JD with) and attempted homicide, is just being kept in jail till the wedding is over so he won’t cause more “mischief.”

If a bunch of different people are responsible for different deaths (eg. Henry killed JD, Richard killed Wellington, etc.) then I am gonna be pissed: like how many homicidal maniacs would be in one wedding party??

Even though there is dirt in Malcolm’s room and the shower mysteriously on, Booth isn’t alive. If he shot himself in the leg he could die very fast no matter what his age as there are huge veins and arteries in there.

Glad Malcolm is dead!

It’s implied that Abby’s mother gave birth to Wakefield’s child. But maybe that’s not clear– I didn’t watch the most recent ep again. It sounded like Henry is at least a year older than Abby cause she says he and Trish go to diff colleges when she is talking with Jimmy about going to college for the first time in the fall.

What is the motive for all the murders? If someone is avenging Wakefield, why the heck does Cousin Ben have to die? Plus, if it does have to do with avenging Wakefield, what do you make of the apparent copy-cat murders in Oregon and greater Washington?

How did JD and Henry’s parents die?

Still, I like the idea of it being Henry and/or Jimmy. If the writers can pull this one off without everyone groaning “OH COME ON!”, it will be a lot of fun.


June 15, 2009 at 3:32 PM

the more this show progresses, the more i keep thinking the killer is Henry.. i just can’t see anyone else doing it. it isn’t Abby, definitely not Trish, it has to be one of the main characters, otherwise it wouldn’t be interesting, the sheriff is a no, i doubt it’s Jimmy, because he seems like too much of a nice guy.
this only leaves Henry – he could be Wakefield’s son and i’m quite sure he doesn’t have an alibi for all the murders. he sort of has opportunity, being a not-so-scrawny guy, familiar with the island etc. and motive (for some of the murders at least) as well.
the only thing that seems iffy is J.D. if Henry does turn out to be Wakefield’s son, where does it leave him?

the Booth theory seems fun, but i doubt it’s true. also, in these types of show there’s almost never an accomplice, the killer always works alone so that rules out Maggie.

also, the “game” that the sheriff played, i’m pretty certain that has nothing to do with the killer, i bet he just wanted everyone to stay on the island so he can catch the killer himself and this was the only way he thought it would be possible.

my point is, i hope the end won’t be something banal like the aforementioned theories (multiple killers etc.) if i happen to be right, i will be very pleased with the show because it is keeping me hooked and if the killer is not Henry, then i for one will be very, VERY surprised and possibly even more pleased.. :)

June 15, 2009 at 4:00 PM

Remember how Henry’s parents arnt talked about or are a mystery?????? Uncle marty was one of the first to go and the only one along with JD new bout henry’s past. I believe we should take a closer look at the victoms and what order they died.

June 15, 2009 at 4:14 PM

I also believe that cousin ben and uncle marty had somthing big to do with this.

June 15, 2009 at 5:55 PM

some more random musings: it was weird when Henry tries to catch Trish being unfaithful when he gives her the note to meet Hunter in Hunter’s room. A bizarre thing for someone to do. What would have happened if she had opened the door…?

Hunter is killed by that rifle rigged to the trunk of the boat. Henry certainly knows how to wield a rifle, as we saw when he threw the skeet competition so Trish’s dad could win….

June 15, 2009 at 5:56 PM

The split between Henry and JD that occurred after his their parents died is interesting. Sully says that Henry and JD used to be really close when they were younger, so why the change? If Henry had found out, it might explain the rift, and maybe he killed his adoptive parents?

Also why was JD was helping Cole track the Wakefield copycat killer? Why would he be interested or even care? If he knew Henry was Wakefield’s son and suspected him, he might have been trying to prove or disprove it was him. Then again, if he knew or even suspected Henry was the killer, he probably would have warned someone, at the very least he would have warned Abby. Still, why is he so connected?

June 15, 2009 at 6:02 PM

mister_d, good points. Makes me start to pay attention to the fact that JD tried to kill himself in the past. I just assumed it was part and parcel with his dyed black hair, generic teen angst, and goth look– but maybe not.

June 15, 2009 at 6:58 PM

Everyone brings up such good points! And I am so digging this show, it’s just the perfect mix of scare factor, mystery, great acting and location. My thoughts are jumbled but what I do know is that anything that seems obvious, is probably just to throw us off! This show is excellent at throwing curveballs.

So here are some of my thoughts:

1. I think there is more to Sully then meets the eye. He has said on more than one occasion that he wants to leave the island but continues to stay and he just seems to be playing a part…can’t quite decide if he is a good guy or a bad guy.
2. The murders have more to do than just being about money so I don’t think the Wakefield bank account comes into play.
3. The only “locals” killed so far have been Kelly, the priest and Harkin right? Killing Harkin is obvious, he was tracking the killer and the priest is obvious too, he probably heard Abby’s mom’s confession that she had a child with Wakfield. Why Kelly though?
4. The killer has to have help. I cannot recall one person who has been unaccounted for every time. Can you?
5. And where are all the other townfolk? That bar seemed packed on occasion but now only Maggie seems to be around.
6. And to pollyo, you brought up a really good point about cousin Ben’s death. That took a little more finesse then just skewering someone and nobody even knows he is dead so why not just crack his skull and feed him to the fish? That alone could make you think that all this is about the Wakefields not Abby. More Wakefields have died then anyone else, right?

June 15, 2009 at 7:39 PM

I personnally think its some sort of just random killings done by 1 or 2 people the one im most suspicous of is Abbys boyfriend wateva his name is or it is the hide and seek aspect and Madison has her a Charlie thats pulling the strings of the murders i think that Henry should be disproved seeing how he loved Uncle Marty and he seems pretty flimsy.

P.S. The killer wont be revealed till the last episode according to CBS

June 16, 2009 at 12:30 AM

So I have read all of these and they have really made my mind start to work. So I was thinking, when Shane found the late Mrs. Wellington (I think her name might have been Katherine but I’m not sure) dead in that wicker chair she had just been killed becuase she just started to really bleed out when he walked over to her. There was also no special rigging on the shears in her back, meaning someone would have had to forcefully jammed it into her. So, who (other than Shane becuase I think that’s too obvious) wasn’t outside to greet Madison, Trish, Abbey, and Trish’s sister (can’t think of her name) when they got back? The only others that I can think of were Cal, Cloe, and the sheriff but I am almost positive it wasn’t Cal or Cloe.

June 16, 2009 at 12:47 AM

Here is a list of the cast I have pulled up, I tried to separate it into living and deceased but bear with me in my mistakes:

* Elaine Cassidy: Abby Mills
* Katie Cassidy: Trish Wellington
* Christopher Gorham: Henry Dunn
* Cassandra Sawtell: Madison Allen
* Gina Holden: Shea Allen
* Ali Liebert: Nikki Bolton (haven’t heard from her in a while though)
* Brandon Jay McLaren: Danny Brooks
* Cameron Richardson: Chloe Carter
* Beverly Elliott: Maggie Krell
* Jim Beaver: Sheriff Charlie Mills
* Ben Cotton: Shane Pierce
* C.J. Thomason: Jimmy Mance
* Matt Barr: Christopher Sullivan
* Adam Campbell: Cal Vandeusen

Dead (I got this from a yahoo site):
* Cousin Ben-tied under the boat and dismembered by propellers
*Uncle Marty-cut in half on the bridge
*Priest-dismembered and his body parts are placed in the lake
*Lucy-Burned alive
*Hunter-shot in face
*Booth-shot in leg(accidental)
*Wellington-sliced cranium in half from rigged trap in church
*Malcolm-probably stabbed and then cut up. he was killed off camera but his skull was found in the furnace.
*Deputy-Shot in back
*Cole-Bow and arrow
*Beth-Killed off screen and i didnt get a great look at the body..stabbed?
*Katharine-Garden sheers through the back

June 16, 2009 at 1:09 PM

I’m not entirely sure about this, but…i think i remember a few minutes before they showed Katheirne dead (shears through her back), Henry was going through the kitchen with Sully and the other guy and he grabbed a pair of garden shears..

Not entirely sure but someone should check because if he did have shears then…why do they appear stabbed in Katherine’s back a few minutes later?

June 16, 2009 at 2:52 PM

Cassy, I remember thinking the same thing, but I think they were bolt cutters (or similar) that they had found and were going to try and use to cut the bars in the tunnel. However, the guys of the group did rummage around for tools, so you’re probably right about there being a connection there with the shears.

katavhs, good point about the shears. If they’re being reasonably logical about everything, we could also assume only someone with pretty good physical strength could have pushed those shears through a chair and body.

That murder bugged me a bit though. I mean, how could it really be done without anyone hearing something, much less seeing something? There must be a pretty significant amount of time missing from the show when it happened for everyone to have been out of that room.

June 16, 2009 at 9:06 PM

Ok everyone, I am pretty sure its not Henry who murdered Katherene because when they all grabbed tools from the kitchen Henry clearly grabbed a pair of garden shears or whatever they are that were made of metal with red rubber handles. The tool that murdered Katherene had wooden handles. But one of the other guys could have grabbed a pair of garden shears then went and murdered Katherene. I personally think its Jimmy because all of the murders have been using traps and Richards death by a harpoon gun which is used on boats for people who dont know what it is. p.s. everyone has great theroys!

June 16, 2009 at 10:49 PM

Beth is the only person we haven’t seen the death how it happened or while it happened. maybe she isnt dead maybe its her. ill be pissed if its maggie, but then again i dont want it to be henry or jimmy i want them to survive and be happy

June 17, 2009 at 2:52 PM

I think the killer is Sully. He wanted to leave the island, maybe so he wouldn’t get caught. Also he is trying to blame Abby for it. I think he is Wakefield and Abby’s mothers child.

June 17, 2009 at 3:49 PM

Remember the explosion on docks when Jimmy and Abby were going camping? Henry was on scene helping Cole – notice he had a Washington Huskies College hat on? Where is the college located? Dah, Washington were copy cat murders happen later.

Here is my theory… for what it is worth

Henry is definitely a killer but not the one doing the killings now. Henry committed the original murders and Wakefield got the blame for it.

Remember the scene in the Sheriffs attic where they are looking at all of the news articles and such? Remember the post cards that were sent to the Sheriff – the one on top was from Seattle, Washington and it said liar on it. That is because like all serial killers they want some recognition for committing the murders – well Henry who was going to college in Washington state knew darn well that they Sheriff was covering up the fact that Wakefield committed the murders – so he sent the post cards taunting him and even killed again just to rub it in his face.

Wakefield is alive and well and was not the skeleton in the casket. Go back and take a look at the gardener trimming the bushes that handed over the money bag – nothing a little hair dye like Greshan Formula 44 couldn’t cover up. Wakefield is back on the island and is doing the killings now to get back at Henry for what he did in the past and letting him get blamed for it. According to his journal he wanted them to feel what he felt and said he would make them pay. He also is pissed at the Sheriff for sending him away for 17 years for having a affair with his wife. Abby for certain is his child because she never ever appears to be in any danger – even when she is alone. Why would Wakefield hurt his own daughter.

The only troubling clue for me is when Cole was shot with the arrows! If you go back to they scene where Shane and Jimmy were hunting in the woods and take a look at their arrows….The arrows used to kill Cole were green and white – the exact same as what Jimmy was carrying that day in the woods. Shane’s were white and orange. I am not sure how this fits in yet.

Just my theory…

June 17, 2009 at 3:57 PM

One last thing that doesn’t fit….
Where is the girl (sorry don’t remember her name)that fell into the pit and why hasn’t she been found yet? I don’t think she is a killer but you would think someone would have found her or at least asked about her at some point don’t you. Maybe I missed that if the did find her.

June 17, 2009 at 4:07 PM

I am really wondering if good ole Dad (aka the sheriff) and Maggie aren’t in it together…. She seemed all too eager to talk to Madison after she was found. I don’t think Abby is Wakefied’s child… but one od the survivors is…Shane was awfully accusatory…. hmmmm

June 17, 2009 at 5:47 PM

Lucy, after she fell into the pit, was burned alive :(

June 18, 2009 at 9:13 AM


June 29, 2009 at 4:34 PM

I think it is Henry, the groom. He brought everyone there for the wedding. It is also obvious that he killed J.D. I know they are trying to make it look like Jimmy, but Abby’s dad had a criminal file on him, yet still wanted Abby to be with him, so he asked Wakefield to spare him.

June 18, 2009 at 6:36 PM

Madison DID see Abby’s dad when they played cards while he was questioning her earlier in the series. But I agree that it can’t be him, too early, and too easy. How did someone impersonate him well enough to fool Madison? I guess we’ll find out.

I also tend to think it may be Henry due to the fact that 1, he couldn’t explain how he got the cuts on his arm, and 2, he seemed to freak out and almost go into a trance during the fight scene at the inn last week. They could be setting us up for a “black out, didn’t know what I was doing” type of killer, but that would be a little lame.

June 19, 2009 at 12:12 PM

The killer is not Maggie as she and the sheriff both die in tomorrow’s episode along with both State Guards that show up. Jimmy and Cal are injured and might die. Check out Wilkipedia as it shows you the death chart up including who dies tomorrow.

June 20, 2009 at 4:57 AM

Thanks for the massive spoiler there… :(

June 20, 2009 at 12:25 PM

OMG. the spoiler aint so bad! but damn it. the ending of episode 10 was so eff-ed up. it totally made all our theories crap. we should create our very own harper’s island. we’re far more creative!

June 20, 2009 at 11:41 PM

i called abbey being wakefields kid on day 1 of the series. if you watch the opening credits the newspaper said “ANOTHER WAKEFIELD?” and you just now called it 3 episodes ago… y’all are slacking. my list of people still are

2. Henry
3. Booth

not in any order. Booth seemed so quiet in the beginning that i figured he was the murderer. But when he “died” i was thinking otherwise. However, because it was an accidental death, it made me think. I’m just pissed cause they aren’t killing enough people.

June 25, 2009 at 11:53 PM

I just can’t see the killer being Booth even if he is alive. I mean, when he went missing, everyone suspected he went home to his mom so he’s obviously a mama’s boy. And since I think the killer is Henry, I think that Henry killed Malcolm for what happened to Booth since Malcolm was the only one there… and for the money he was burning I guess. I don’t know but I just can’t see Booth committing such violent murders. He just seems too soft and weak.

July 2, 2009 at 12:48 PM

its not booth. i just cant see him killing all those ppl, plus-didnt malcom burry him?? i personally think its henery :( which sucks because i love him. The killer isnt Jimmy. They are trying to make it seem like it was him, sort of like what they did with Abby’s dad. And why would Abby’s dad make a deal with Wakefeild to save Jimmy if he was bad? Henery was gone for some of teh killings. like when he went to go find his friends trying to leave the island at the marina& the old deputy was killed. but who knows. maybe theres not even a second killer. why is wakefeild killign ppl anyway???
oh and might i just point out tht these ppl hav horrible aim??! they hav shot at wakefeild numerous times, mainly in the last episode, and nobody has hit him once! is he lik a magicain or something?? can he make bullets move!? how is it possible tht he wasnt hurt when sully&danny shot at him behind the door?

July 1, 2009 at 1:23 AM

It’s Jimmy. Wakefield and Abby’s mom’s love child: Jimmy. What would drive a man to join a killing rampage with his long lost daddy? Uh finding out that the woman he has carnal feelings for is totes his sister. It’s Jimmy. Mark my words.

July 9, 2009 at 4:21 AM

ok just saying but i think jimmy is wakefeilds kid and i think he has been helping him out it would only make sense because you never see jimmy when someone gets killed but that might be to obvious but he still has something to do with it ok seriously whats up with the stupid tunnles already i mean they dont make sense to me at all but whatever it should be an interesting 2 hour filnale

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