CliqueClack TV

Primeval – The casts they are a-changin’

Primeval Cast (Start of Season 3)Let’s see, first we added an Egyptologist into the team at the beginning of the season. Then we lost Cutter, the leading man of the series, and now tonight we lost someone else. Primeval has been all about change virtually since the beginning, even going so far as to change Lucy Brown’s character from Claudie to Jenny; and honestly the change wasn’t an improvement.

I guess the idea is to establish a brand new status quo for a new generation of Primeval. Cutter always seemed a bit out of place once we got into the ARC with the second season. He never seemed a good fit for that much bureaucracy. Connor and Abby didn’t look that much more comfortable, but they managed to make that work. I do miss Hannah Spearritt having to run around in her underwear virtually every episode, though.

I never really connected with Jenny Lewis; it just seemed needlessly cruel to Nick to simply erase the woman he was falling in love with. Now that Cutter is gone, what further role did Jenny serve dramatically for the show? For that reason, I’m okay with her departure from the ARC and our plotlines.

It’s kind of funny that in the absence of his arch-nemesis Cutter, Lester has become tolerable and even (gasp!) somewhat nice to the team. He’s letting Connor stay at his city place until Connor can find a place of his own. Which makes me wonder if his temporary displacement from Abby’s (because her brother is in town) has become more permanent.

We haven’t really checked in with the Connor-Abby relationship in awhile, so we don’t know what’s going on with it or where it stands. I’m glad to see Danny Quinn officially on the team now. I wonder if Sarah will start going out on mission with them now, considering the team is smaller now.

I get her research role, but it would still be fun to see her out there. Plus, now that Jenny is gone, who’s left for Danny to make a move on? Poor Connor might not be able to take it if he made his move on Abby, especially if she reciprocated.

Welcome to Primeval 2.0. It looks like the water’s going to be just fine.

Photo Credit: ITV

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Primeval – The casts they are a-changin’”

June 15, 2009 at 3:45 PM

Okay – Jenny left? I watched the ep and loved it, but somehow that went over my head. Granted, I was starting to fall asleep, but still! Why did she go?

I think it stinks that it was canceled, because the show has felt really right this season. Figures.

June 16, 2009 at 10:16 AM

Sorry, but I still miss Steven.

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