CliqueClack TV

Somebody jumped the Greek gun

PaulJames- GreekYup … it was me. Last week got me excited about some life on planet Rusty, but this episode of Greek threw him right back, deeper even, into the quicksand of Jordan land. Oreo, forgive me, but she will be the death of a great man-child. Rusty’s sinking fast, and not just because he can’t juggle Jordan alongside the KTs and polymer science. She’s also turning a nerd into a loser. Not a pretty sight.

What is interesting is the turn that seems to be befalling a few of our other pet peeve characters. Are Max and Frannie really done? Can it be? With Casey dumping Max, he’s free to go back to England, move on to Cal Tech, or just simply recede into the night. If wishing only made it so. And, Frannie? Ashleigh scared her into thinking about her legacy, and she’s running scared from the IKIs. If that means a few “seasons” without her, I couldn’t ask for more.

At least, not much more. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There’s still the ever-present Cappie/Casey drama, and my wife made an interesting observation as we were watching the episode: Casey’s the one dragging Cappie down. Chew on that for a while.

What else could use a change? Well, Rusty sucks. But, you know what? His disappearance into a whole new universe has opened the door on something rather interesting. Namely, Dale and Calvin are spending an awful lot of time together, and being awesome while doing it.

The entire Dale/Sheila (Kristen O’Meara), and Calvin/Grant (Gregory Michael) thing was inspired, and came not a moment too soon for those of us who’ve been suffering all season long. Purity pledges, pretend gay couples, topless pictures, and naughty videos … they all translate into some really great television, as well as a really fantastic friendship that clearly has so many places it can still go.

While I’ve lamented the lack of Dale/Rusty in the past, and the poor use of Calvin this season, I’m beginning to realize that it’s not so much any twosome, but rather the extremely talented Clark Duke, that makes these companionships as entertaining as they are. The only problem with that, and it’s a big one, is how infrequent Dale’s been on the show this season. Without him, Calvin would have been absent almost this entire episode. Thankfully, it was a Duke week, and we got a whole lot of brilliance.

While the issue hasn’t been directly addressed of late, I think that Dale and Calvin have reached a natural point in their relationship. Sure, Dale will never give up hope of curing Calvin, but I think that their time on the heterosexual-tutorial trail definitely scared Dale, well, straight. I believe that Dale would have matured enough to be able to accept Calvin as a person without accepting things about him that he can’t fathom, a level that Calvin reached long ago as a gay man. Dale has toned down his Southern Baptist roots, something I find hard to imagine, but part of what I believe was the character’s evolution from the beginning of the series.

Meanwhile, Dale still talks of hell, damnation, and perseveres in his efforts to teach through God, by leaving scripture on Rusty’s pillow, for instance. His comedic material may have been altered a bit, but it’s still delivered in the same biting way.

Some of the funniest exchanges of the night came during Dale’s attempts to help Calvin through his struggles not to hook up with his Omega Kai brother, and roommate, Grant.

Calvin: “Whatever I do, I just, I can’t have sex with him.” Dale: “Because you’ll go to hell?” Calvin: “Because we’re in the same fraternity, Dale. Alright? Having sex with your brother, is like –” Dale: “Having sex with your brother?”

Dale, upon entering Calvin and Grant’s room: “Smells like Hugo Boss and brimstone in here.”

And for the gay, religious, scientists amongst you, a trifecta, from Max to Rusty about the latter’s poor grades. Max: “I hate to tell you, pal, but O-Chem’s what separates the scientists from the technicians.”

It’s still in there. Somewhere.

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Somebody jumped the Greek gun”

June 16, 2009 at 6:32 PM

Best of the season. I loved Dale and Calvin pretending to date. The muffin girl there was funny.

What I really loved is Ashley! She went around and acted like a Greek president, it was great.

Frannie ‘s character ended up well, she finally grew up, something I hope I never have to do. haha The actress who plays Frannie will not be a series regular next season. But if she was a season regular this season what does that really mean? I think she might have been in half the episodes, so now maybe she will pop up once in a blue moon.

June 17, 2009 at 7:11 AM

OK this episode was ok but some things like Dale/everybody and Cappie/Evan little scene was awesome.

Scott Foster was good in his emotional scenes and Rebecca actress (i don’t remember her name) has a quite good comedic timing so it’s charming.
Good riddance Franny (the character was too cartoonish for me) but the actress nail her last scene.
Spencer Grammer is less good than before : she nailed the Evan/Casey breakup last season, not here. I am disappointed, what’s happening girl ??

Warning spoilers…
so i am looking forward for the next season with the scoops i heard :
Big storyline for Dale involving his religion dilemma …awesome !!
Triangle friendship between Evan/Casey/Cappie (i said it the flash-back is my favorite) and more in a funny vibe than a drama (i am so glad !)
Welcome back bitchy Rebecca Logan..

One more thing : there will not be a Evan/Rebecca hook up : yes i didn’t want that ! But a girl for mister Chambers i found !!
I loved Casey/Evan (mostly because actors chemistry) but it’s Casey/Cappie show so maybe there will be better with…Janette !!
Do you see who i mean ? Maybe not..she was in this season finale and before in several episodes..she is the little cute blond sassy girl (and a bit bitchy) who want to expulse the sweet Ashley. The miss looks like Veronica M i mean Kristen Bell and like Jake/Evan is a Jason Dohring look alike….this would ensue to a kick ass, sexy as hell chemistry !!!!! (ok nobody can beat Bell/Dohring chemistry but still..)
So are you with me ? Because i think it is a genius idea and like Greek already worships Veronica Mars this could be a possible futur…

June 24, 2009 at 9:50 AM

Glad to hear that Duke will be getting more screen-time. He deserves it!

I’ve never seen Veronica Mars, so don’t get the reference, but was there something between Evan and Jeannette that I missed? I didn’t notice that they really had anything to do with one another…

July 18, 2009 at 10:03 AM

No they didn’t interact since now, but i see the potential with the actors appeal maybe the writers doesn’t think of that..We will see !
And you should definitly watch Veronica Mars (it’s one of the best show of these last years : top notch acting, writing, storytelling..)

June 18, 2009 at 3:35 PM

I forgot to add that while I enjoyed the episode, that Rusty was the weakest part of the episode! Quite sad. I hope someone teaches him the rule, bros before hoes next season, which is oddly the state of season 3.

June 24, 2009 at 9:51 AM

I’m with you. Rusty’s been a huge disappointment!

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