CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Firefly Virgin – Mal Reynolds and his women


firefly shindig

(Season 1, Episode 4)

For the past few episodes, I’ve had to turn subtitles on because I can never tell when they’re speaking English and when they’re speaking Mandarin. I love how some of the actors barely attempt to do the proper Mandarin accent and just apply their own inflection, which makes everything an extra-nightmare, because Mandarin is all about inflection. This is precisely the same reason I avoid speaking it because I always accidentally insult/proposition someone. These situations end badly. Usually.


Ooh, there’s some frilly romance going on. I’m not one for love stories, but when there’s blood and swordplay involved, I’m more inclined to stay tuned. Despite Mal being a generally fist and gun man, it looks like he has stabby tendencies, too, especially in a duel setting. How very old-school.

Of course, the focus of this episode was to push the relationship between Inara and Mal, even though I was much more interested in that of Kaylee and her captain. Wash and Zoe were also very — dare I say it — adorable (score: ridiculously cheesy fanvid) and Jayne’s odd fascination with her was fantastic.

Also, River’s spontaneous Cockney moment caused a few heads to turn. I certainly didn’t see that coming. It’s good that it happened, though, because her canned food freak-out just made me find her even more annoying, not only because of her girlish whining but because I hate it when cans lose their labels. Anyway, my current theory is that a regressed, psychotic Eliza Doolittle traveled to the future and started the Academy. I’m feelin’ confident.

Photo Credit: FOX

One Response to “Diary of a Firefly Virgin – Mal Reynolds and his women”

June 20, 2009 at 1:06 PM

I have to admit, it wasn’t until the later Firefly episodes that I truly bought the Zoe-Wash relationship. However, I enjoyed their afternoon delight in ep 4. But, I always wondered why Jayne hadn’t hit on her more often or there wasn’t more tension between Zoe and Mal. However, the throwaway lines (while greatly paraphrasing) I enjoyed in this ep, include:

Wash: Captain, could I have some money to buy Zoe a slinky dress?
Jayne: I’ll chip in –
Zoe: You know I can kill you –

Jayne: What we need is a diversion. I say Zoe takes of all her clothes –
Wash: No.
Jayne: How about I take off all my clothes?

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