CliqueClack TV

McGee’s in prison, Silver’s in a play, and House takes a break – Daily Rerun Roundup

Mentalist_150Everyone, meet the summer doldrums. Summer doldrums, meet everyone…oh, wait. There’s no one to meet because they’re all out enjoying your season. Well, September is only two months away.

  • At 8 PM we find agent Timothy McGee stuck in a women’s prison on NCIS. I’m pretty sure he’s thinking about Caged Heat the whole time.
  • Switching gears, the spring play approaches on 90210 (8 PM as well) and it’s putting pressure on all involved. Think pill-popping, lack of eating, and overwhelmed stage managers.
  • No House on FOX this week. Instead, we get the umpteenth re-broadcast of Legally Blonde. Because, you know, we can’t catch it on cable or DVD or On Demand or in women’s prison any other time.
  • At 9 PM, Jane and his team investigate a murder (big surprise) on The Mentalist. This time around a bunch of surfer dudes are under suspicion after a dead girl that washes up on the beach. Narly!
  • Finally, at 10 PM, NBC airs a repeat of Law & Order: SVU. Which, of course, is the perfect follow-up to two hours of America’s Got Talent. Note to NBC executives: get a clue!

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Photo Credit: CBS

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