CliqueClack TV

Esteban meets Nancy’s family on Weeds

weeds season 5 andyThere are shows, or anything really, that spend a lot of time and/or energy on building something up. And then, there are shows that can get something right in an instant.

I’m not an Esteban (Demian Bichir) fan. I think he’s a very ugly person. But his interactions with the Botwin crew have been priceless. From last week when he met Andy, to this week with Shane (Alexander Gould) and Silas (Hunter Parrish), Esteban can be a really funny guy when thrust into an uncomfortable situation that he can’t just shoot his way out of.

And that’s also an area that the show itself excels in. Weeds has always put people into farcical situations, and it’s generally the humor employed that makes the series so enjoyable. Of course, sometimes the humor can slide into absurdity (what the hell was Nancy doing throwing lit matches at Celia?), but when it stays on this side of the track, it’s hilarious.

Question: Not that I care, but what happened to Jill (Jennifer Jason Leigh)? When last we saw her, Nancy intended to drop her at the airport, but she didn’t want to leave. I also got the impression that they’d be running a little further than the local arcade, a misconception that only lends itself to there being more of a reason for Jill to have still been there. Am I totally off-base in thinking that, once upon a time, guests were cast better, utilized better, and had their actions better justified? It seems like every show today is failing at that.

Nevertheless, within the tight-knit world of Weeds, I really only find myself with two complaints this season … okay, three; why has Celia not gone away already? What has to befall the woman to make her disappear?

But, to my real two: first of all, the whole Nancy and Andy thing. It’s just gross. It was digestible when an attraction, or whatever, between them was only suggested. But this weird thing going on between them now is just wrong. Not only was she married to his brother (which I realize isn’t taboo, but still), but, we’ve gotten to know these two over the last four plus seasons. A pairing between them is in no one’s best interest, and watching them discuss their non-relationship is just uncomfortable for everyone.

The other thing is Shane; why is he so angry? I just don’t get it. Yeah, life sucks, your mother’s crazy, whatever. But Silas is experiencing life in much the same way, and he’s not the anti-Christ. It made sense when Shane was just naive. It was cute when he ran security for the business. But, ever since he’s started to feel like he can act out because no one’s interested, he got way out of control. And, the truth, if you’re watching closely, is that Silas cares. It hasn’t been overexposed too quickly, but there is the paternal instinct that an older brother develops when the father’s dead, developing there. If Shane hasn’t turned me off totally before then, I’d like to see it once it blossoms.

Weeds has definitely found its groove again. That stupid Nancy and her prisoners thing aside, I like how they’ve once again found the humor in these crazy, dark situations (who didn’t enjoy Ignacio?)

Sure, a few things may need some touch-ups, but, overall, Weeds is a winner!

Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows | Weeds |

2 Responses to “Esteban meets Nancy’s family on Weeds”

July 1, 2009 at 3:48 PM

If my mom acted like Nancy I would be like Shane too, i think he is the only one acting “normal” on the show.

July 1, 2009 at 5:19 PM

Maybe, but then normal is acting like a four year-old girl. It could be right, but it doesn’t make it any more appealing as subject matter.

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