CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Weeds Virgin – U-Turn makes a wrong turn

WEEDS (season 3)

(Season 3, Episodes 4-6)

This second batch of episodes isn’t as action-packed as the first, but nevertheless, I really like this season so far. Nancy, while still not a character I can get behind, at least isn’t making me hate her so much. It’s probably because she’s come out and told her kids she’s a drug dealer instead of trying to act like a put-upon mother who found herself in dire straits. It’s much more interesting that way. There were a few surprises in these episodes, the least of which is that it appears as if Lupita is actually gone from the show. In any case, I’ve learned that I cannot predict what will happen on Weeds ever.

(Season 3, Episode 4 “Shit Highway”)

This wasn’t the most exciting episode in the world in terms of action; it was more of a breather that set up some storylines for the next batch of insanity. One of the best moments from the last episode that I didn’t mention was when Nancy was complaining to U-Turn about not being able to put food on her table because he kept on raising her debt, and he just gives her this incredulous look and says, “Then get a fucking job!” I understand that selling weed pays more than say, being a barista, but I never did quite understand why Nancy didn’t, you know, think of that in the first place.

So, armed with a fake resume that Shane typed up and a recommendation from Celia who seems to be trying to get back on her good side, Nancy does get a job: as the executive assistant to creeptastic Sullivan Groff (Matthew Modine) who’s developing Majestic, Agrestic’s neighbor. What’s great about this is that it means Nancy is going to be working with both Celia and Doug, who brilliantly wormed his way back onto the city council. As much as I love the idea of Celia and Doug working together, I love the idea of the two of them working with Nancy even more.

So I was once again wrong when I assumed the DEA agent who came to Nancy’s door was there about Peter’s estate. I didn’t recognize him as Peter’s partner, and hadn’t taken into account the fact that nobody even knows he’s dead yet. So now Peter’s partner is lurking around Nancy, and she may get some heat for his death, which will be very interesting to see play out.

(Season 3, Episode 5 “Bill Sussman”)

Well, Andy’s stint in the Army didn’t last long. I was kind of hoping he’d be able to bribe them or something, but in the end, he got his honorable discharge, so I guess that’s all that matters (we’ll just overlook the government’s role in an innocent man’s death).

We’ve had campus security and the DEA after Nancy, so when are the actual police going to be after her? She made a very suspicious appearance at the police station when she picked up her sons, and now she was involved in a drive-by. Isn’t that going to raise some eyebrows at some point?

I love Shane’s murder mystery summer class, especially Paul F. Tompkins as his teacher. The entire storyline was awesome in that it revealed just how creepy a place Majestic actually is. Also, WWVMD is going to be the question by which I live my life. Because quite frankly, I think more questions in my life need an answer of, “plant evidence and coerce a confession,” and more of my nights need to be spent “sleeping with my prostitute/informant.”

(Season 3, Episode 6 “Grasshopper”)

Man, I really suck at figuring out what’s going to happen next on this show. I thought that Peter’s money would be Nancy’s way of getting out from underneath U-Turn’s thumb, but I was wrong. Instead, Marvin murders him in a particularly personal and awkward way. So now Nancy doesn’t owe U-Turn anything, and she has about $5 million in black-tar heroin in her laundry room. Common sense would dictate that she just gives the trunk to Marvin and let him deal with the Mexicans whom it belongs to, but Nancy Botwin is nothing if not an idiot, so I fully expect her to hatch some ridiculous plan that will come close to getting her killed.

I knew Mary-Kate Olsen was in the season, so I’ve been waiting for her to show up. It’s weird seeing her act in something other than an ABC/ABC Family-type thing, but I like the novelty of having her on the show. I’m not entirely sure what her deal is, but she’ll undoubtedly end up making Silas’s — and by extension Nancy’s — life a lot harder somehow.

I’m also not really sure what Sullivan is after with Celia, but it can’t be good. I’m sure Doug is pissed about the fact that Celia was smart enough to get an entire house out of her deal with Sullivan, and he just got a golf membership, but I’d also like to think that he’s a little bit jealous because he’s in love with her. A girl can dream, right?

Photo Credit: Monty Brinton/Showtime

2 Responses to “Diary of a Weeds Virgin – U-Turn makes a wrong turn”

July 8, 2009 at 1:23 PM

If you like the first half of the season I wonder what you will think about the second half. Many fans feel the first half of season 3 sucks, and the second half is much better. I really love the later episodes of season 3. :)

July 9, 2009 at 1:28 AM

I’m in the camp that loved the first half far better. It was the first time that the show made distinct changes in it’s formula and didn’t screw it up.

SO yeah.

I’m glad you enjoyed these episodes as much as I did, but the next one is probably my most memorable episode because it’s the one I used to explain the show to my floormates in college.

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