CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Battlestar Galactica Virgin – Earth is found, but Earth sucks


My brother warned me. He told me when I started watching Battlestar Galactica I would reach a point of “no mas.” He didn’t tell me when this would happen, but he assured me it definitely would. His sentiments seem to jive with most other die-hard fans of the series. As much as I’ve tried to conceal myself from any potential spoilers, bits and pieces of info have managed to seep into my consciousness. At any rate, last I left you, the Hybrid decided to jump the Base Ship with Laura and Gaius on board. Where did they go? I got my answer and many more in the final chapter of season 4.0.

“Sine Qua Non”

It’s mass hysteria among the fleet. The president is gone, Tom Zarek has assumed power, and the Quorum of Twelve is in a tizzy. Lee decides to search for an interim president with assistance from one of my favorite characters, Romo Lampkin. Romo seems a tad off-kilter to me. Despite his window, I think he’s going batty in his cramped quarters. When he pulls a gun on Lee and shows him the corpse of his dead kitty, I’m hardly surprised. Good episode for Jamie Bamber. The scene where he talks Lampkin down is well done. I’ve been critical of politician Lee, but giving him some meat to chew on might be the solution.

Saul questions the Six prisoner on the whereabouts of the Resurrection Hub. Only the Hybrid knows. Wait, the Six is knocked up? What the frak! Did I miss it and Saul doing the deed? I know he thinks it’s Ellen, but I don’t recall them banging. Maybe I wasn’t paying close enough attention. The Bill and Saul tussle was entertaining. I really like watching them together in scenes. They rarely disappoint.

Like Starbuck before him, Bill embarks on a perilous mission: To sit and wait for the Base Ship to jump back. He admits he can’t live without Laura. I quite enjoy the irony of him handing over command of Galactica to Saul the Cylon. Oh, if he only knew. Meanwhile, Lee becomes interim president. Saw that coming from a mile out. Who else would it be? I think I’ll like Lee as president. He’s better in a leadership role. Giving Lampkin a pooch was a nice touch. Lee really is, as Lampkin contends, “a beacon of hope.”

“The Hub”

Finally, I get to see what happened to the Base Ship. It’s on its way to destroy the Hub, as originally planned. The Hybrid is one panicky Pete. Although, I would be too if I had to listen to Laura and Gaius pepper me with stupid questions. Watching these two is like watching a bickering husband and wife argue about how to properly punish a child. It’s only fitting that Laura be the one to “save” a dying Gaius. Damn, I wish she let him kick. C’mon, he confesses to giving the access codes to the Cylons. Alas, Laura discovers love is the key to the survival of the human race.

Welcome back D’Anna. Her smashing Cavil’s face drew applause from me. The Cylon rebellion needs a leader, and she seems like the perfect choice. I have to say, I missed the Threes. They didn’t take shit from anyone. I can’t wait to see how D’Anna handles matters. I doubt she will be as trusting as the Six leader, or the Eights.

Helo, as ordered, takes D’Anna to Laura. I dig Helo. He’s one of the few humans who can rationally see things from both perspectives. He hates betraying the Eight, but he has no choice. Obviously, being married to Sharon has opened his eyes; however, he’s always struck me as someone who gets it. All this killing is counterproductive, and does nothing to advance the human race. Anyway, the Hub is nuked and the Base Ship jumps back to where Bill is waiting. At long last, he and Laura embrace and share a tender moment.


And here is where I reach my “no mas” point. Ahem. D’Anna predictably takes the humans hostage. She wants the Final Four. Needless to say, they are a wee bit nervous upon her arrival on Galactica. Surprise, surprise, Tory willingly accepts the invite from D’Anna. She relishes breaking the news to Laura that she’s a Cylon. What a bitch. I really do hope she gets her comeuppance.

Saul is in a damn tight spot. He could convince Chief and Anders to leave, but that would be foolish. The annoying music has returned. It leads the three of them to Starbuck’s mysterious Viper. I knew that Viper was hinky. The moment I’ve been waiting for finally arrives. Saul reveals his true identity. Bill’s freak-out reaction is what I anticipated. Saul offering himself up as bait to stop D’Anna is right in line with his character. For all his faults, Saul is a man’s man, or a machine’s machine, if you prefer.

Needless to say, Starbuck learning Anders is a Cylon comes as a shock. At least she listened to his premonitions about the Viper. She could’ve ignored his Cylon ass, but to her credit, she investigates her phantom ship. A game of chicken is under way. D’Anna wants her Cylons. Laura and Lee realize giving them up means waving goodbye to Earth. Starbuck, once again, saves the day. Lee and D’Anna hold hands, and humans and Cylons all sing “Kumbaya.”

So, they jump to Earth. Hooray!! All the story-lines have been neatly tied up. The three-year search for a planet to call their own is over. Case closed. A great series comes to a rousing, and satisfying conclusion. What’s that sound? Oh, it’s the deafening screech of wheels falling off the happy bus. Earth is a post-apocalyptic wasteland devoid of life. Major bummer, dude.

Final Thoughts

Curse you, Syfy channel. Curse you Ronald D. Moore. You blew it! You had a golden opportunity to end on a high note, but you had to keep composing. Ugh. Why do I get the feeling I won’t like the direction season 4.5 heads? Begrudgingly, I shall soldier on.

Photo Credit: Syfy

6 Responses to “Diary of a Battlestar Galactica Virgin – Earth is found, but Earth sucks”

July 17, 2009 at 10:22 AM

“Why do I get the feeling I won’t like the direction season 4.5 heads?”

You won’t. lol

July 17, 2009 at 2:21 PM

@Oreo is right lol. 4.5 beats the rest of the series hands down. Look out for RDM in the finale :)

July 17, 2009 at 6:11 PM

The finale is trash, actually the last 5 episodes are horrible. The finale is interesting, but the answers to the questions you get are so badly done, or planned that you might as well not have any answers at all.

Actually I say that is season 4.75 is what is bad because the first few episodes of 4.5 are awesome.

July 18, 2009 at 11:39 AM

Soz I misread your original post. I loved the ending. I wont expand due to spoilers but I think it was just the right mix of answers and mystery

July 18, 2009 at 11:33 PM

Sorry man, but how could you ever imagine that BSG would have a happy ending?

August 9, 2009 at 8:14 PM

the show is really bad. I’ve tried watching it so many times, but the acting is unbearable.

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