CliqueClack TV

Why I’m loving Hung


I’m loving HBO’s Hung, and not for the reasons you might imagine. In my See Jane Clack column last week, I mentioned that there seems to be a rash of shows with characters using illegal or unscrupulous means just to get by in the world. For the most part, these are just normal people who’ve had a string of bad luck and need some way to get back on track.

Well, at least they start out that way. Desperation drives people to do things they wouldn’t normally do. If Hung goes the way of other shows like Weeds and Breaking Bad, the main character might end up traveling down a path that’s outside the law in a big way.

Our own Keith wasn’t so crazy about the show, calling it “flaccid,” so I’m going with Aryeh on this one, who writes: “Ray Drecker’s just an ordinary guy. He’s got two kids, an ex-wife, and a house that’s uninhabitable now that most of it has been structurally damaged by fire. Ray works as a coach/teacher at a local high school, getting called on the carpet in the principal’s office for swearing in front of the kids. No superstar sex pervert here.”

In this week’s episode, “Strange Friends or The Truth is You’re Sexy,” the characters continue to flesh out (you know, it’s really hard to write about this show without the double entendres!). Tanya’s pretty much in the same situation as Ray. She doesn’t have much going for her, so why not try and grab onto this guy’s special talent and get a piece of the action (see what I mean about the double entendres?). By the way, I’m loving seeing Jane Adams on this show. She played Karen in Relativity. (Check out my CliqueClack Flashback.)

But, like Ray, Tanya has a good heart. When Lenore steals his wallet, Tanya pretends that she paid a fee of $300 and pays Ray with her own money. What I don’t get is this: Why was Ray so ticked off that Tanya would try and do the right thing? If I was his pimp, I certainly wouldn’t want to give him the bad news that Lenore paid nothing for his talents. I would have done the same thing — given him $300 of my own money. A pimp should be building up their clients, not breaking them down. And for that, she gets the “world’s worst pimp” award? I mean, she’s doing the best she can; she’s new at this, too.

I liked the cookies part, though, where Ray finds the bag of cookies Tanya left with “I’m sorry” messages baked inside. But I’m not so sure Lenore is a good person for Tanya and Ray to get involved with. Charging $400 on Ray’s credit card as a “commission”? That’s not a commission, that’s stealing.

I’m hoping they give Ray’s kids more personality, and I didn’t really feel Jessica and her “sick dog” storyline in this episode. What’s that all about? Is it supposed to make us feel something for her?

Anyone else watching Hung? I look forward to your thoughts on the show and this week’s episode.

Photo Credit: HBO

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Why I’m loving Hung”

July 22, 2009 at 11:34 AM

I’m liking it too, I think. The ex-wife portion is boring. It’s hard to see Heche’s forehead looking like a marble statue.

July 22, 2009 at 3:10 PM

I think Anne Heche fits the role perfectly. She’s super annoying – job done :-)

July 22, 2009 at 3:22 PM

Great to see you like the Show Jane. I liked it from the start. It’s very slow paced and in parts it’s annoying as hell because of that (sorry I can’t stand to see his kids they are so go… dang it bsgfan what are you doing here? Ok so they are “gosh darn” fugly ;-) I can’t stand looking at them)

I love it how they show a man who is desperate, who’s trying to get by and it’s totally desperate but not in a “I’m going to hang myself” kind of way but the “OK I’m trying to make lemonade out of this, let’s taste that lemonade *yuck* god that tastes awful” kind of way :-)

It’s funny seeing him fail over and over and how a guy with a big dick can make… err… huge (? or vice versa) it in today’s economy. Love it. Hasn’t to be drugs all the time.

Let’s see where it goes. I’m just hoping that they don’t try to over-connect everything on this show like the writers on “Breaking Bad” always do. Because… you know… the image of everything being connected in a porn environment is kind of scary to me O_o


July 22, 2009 at 3:23 PM

Man I keep using the same words twice in consecutive sentences today. Shucks…

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