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Lost in Lost – Spoilers pouring in from Comic-Con


Lost in Lost has been absent for a while now during the very quiet off-season, but with San Diego Comic-Con in full swing this previous week, radio silence was broken and a ton of little spoilery tidbits have been rolling in. If you’d like to go into the final season completely fresh then stay away. Certainly, there isn’t anything Earth shattering in this information, but they are spoilers none-the-less. I am, however, dying to talk about some of them.

If you haven’t seen any of the Comic-Con panel videos, you can head over to DarkUFO, where they are collected. Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are certainly entertaining, as anyone who listens to their Lost podcast already knows. The Lost panel was very entertaining with jokes, bits, pre-recorded videos, and lots of special guests (make sure to head over to

Jokes and fun aside, there were some very interesting details that were spilled. First, the producers said that the final season was going to mirror the first season in many ways, capturing the feel of the first season and featuring characters that we have not seen since season one. Entertainment Weekly is also reporting that Boone (played by Ian Somerhalder) will be back on the show in the final season. It was also revealed that Faraday and Juliet will appear in the upcoming season, and with Dominic Monaghan’s surprise appearance at the very end of the panel, I have to wonder if we will see Charlie again too.

With all these appearances planned, it leads me to believe that history was rewritten with Juliet’s actions in the finale. (As a side note, the producers certainly made it seem like that bomb went off, no big fake out there, thankfully.) Whether or not the past was changed, I think they certainly want us to believe that. As part of the panel they showed a clip from a fictional episode of America’s Most Wanted featuring Kate on the run.

My theory on the final season: the past was indeed changed, but the 815ers are still going to find themselves on the island in the exact same situation. So much of this show has been billed as “fate” and “destiny” that I think no matter what happened in their lives, they are supposed to be on the island. So, some smaller details may change along the way (like Boone being alive, perhaps; or Juliet never coming to the island), but all the events surrounding Jacob and his enemy will still be in place. I think that we will see flashbacks in the new season filling in the changed details in the lives of our favorite characters.

If I’m right, I have to say it’s a very risky move. To try to rewrite a lot of the history that we have seen over five seasons, with only one shortened season left, is a highly ambitious task. Lost has excelled in virtually everything leading up to this moment, so I have faith that they can pull anything off.

Well, only about six months left until the final season premieres. Not that I’m counting the days or anything….

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Columns | General | Lost | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “Lost in Lost – Spoilers pouring in from Comic-Con”

July 27, 2009 at 6:04 PM

Great post Bob, thanks for all the links, especially to the missing pre-recorded video that’ve been missing from all the panel vids on youtube.

July 27, 2009 at 6:51 PM

Hrm… Juliet never coming to the island… she’s been on the island long before Oceanic 815 crashed. If we are following Donny Darko mythology (engine breaking off, wormhole to the past, dead Donny) then all that should be wiped is the crash with all of them returning to the exact same spot they’ve been in before the crash happened. On the plane, before Desmond could not-not enter the numbers (for he wouldn’t have to).

I think Juliet would be already on the island in that case, they would just not be able to meet her until they get to the island by other means. I mean people got to the island by the calculations of Desmond’s mother way before the huge energy source from the Swan had been tapped, so that basic structure of getting to and from the island would still exist. The sub got there by those calculations, they returned there with them by choosing the new Azi… A… a what the heck the flight they all took to get back…

The question I would want to have answered is why pregnant women die on the island. If that problem would be eradicated, THEN Juliet wouldn’t have to be on the island in the first place. But not because of the reset.

At least that’s my take on things…

July 28, 2009 at 7:40 AM

Ajira 316. There, looked it up :-)

July 27, 2009 at 7:08 PM

I like the idea of a second chance, zig instead of zag and so and so lives, mistake averted etc. Can’t wait!

July 28, 2009 at 7:57 AM

So here are my thoughts, RE: Juliet. If they blow the bomb back in 1977, the thought was that the swan station would never be built, and therefore the plane would never crash (no button pushing, etc). It may not seem like the swan atation has any bearing on Juliet coming to the island or not, but it could set a whole bunch of events into action that didn’t occur before.

Maybe there was something about the swan station that was causing all the pregnancy problems, so Ben never has to go out and get Juliet. Who knows? My only real point is that I think if they did indeed change the timeline, anything that occured after 1977 is subject to change.

July 28, 2009 at 11:25 AM

I guess “V” is a better explanation ;-)

But of course you are right. Everything from 1977 on is subject to change if the bomb did go off, including Juliet.

Question is what happens to those people who lived on the island until the crash… Desmond, Ben, Mr. Friendly… all those people should be dead, it’s their only past. If you ask me the blast must’ve been contained to a very small area and not have affected the rest of the island for them to have a future and, with that, a “present”.


Now I’m all anxious for more lost. Damn Comicon. I hate being a fanboy ^^;

July 28, 2009 at 11:36 AM

Here’s a spoiler about Juliet. I don’t know that it clears up anything….

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