CliqueClack TV

Weeds – A bris and just saying so don’t make you Jewish

weeds 5.8 Andy and Audra at bris

The theme of this weeks episode of Weeds was a struggle for patriarchal claim to Nancy’s new baby. Yes, it’s Esteban’s kid (we’re assuming Nancy didn’t have multiple suitors at that point in time), but Nancy’s luck, and Esteban’s mysterious female backer, Pilar (Kate del Castillo), all dictate that it not be so. At least not on paper.

To where should Nancy turn? Why, to Andy, her brother-in-law, and gentleman-caller scorned; who else? Part of me wants to say that what pushed Andy to Nancy’s number one choice is their shared surname … is that too cynical of me?

The sad truth this season is, if it weren’t for Nancy’s user-y nature, Andy may have fled long ago. Her need to take advantage has kept him in the picture. Bad for him, but good for us.

There must have been a hiatus between the shooting of this episode and the last, because Andy’s beard, pre-shaving (what have you done?), looked very much like that of a rabbi. Last week he was a homeless Amish man. Weird. Oh, and did I miss something between him and Dr. Kitson (Alanis Morissette)? I wasn’t left with the impression that she would necessarily have even recognized him if she saw him again.

No surprise that she’s past him in life, but did the woman have to be so cold? Andy may be a man-child, but he’s a perfectly nice guy; I don’t think he deserved to be body-checked to the ground, is all. And, clearly, with his all “I’m in love with you, Nancy,” thing, his “fatherhood,” and his budding relationship with Audra (Morissette), there’s gonna be some trouble a-brewing. Cat fight, anyone? Maybe in front of that abortion clinic, with the lone protester cheering them on?

It seems as if Dean (Andy Milder) is back to stay, although how that man can have so little self-respect, as to have anything to do with Celia again, is beyond me. Stand up for yourself, whimp! She’s a black hole into which pieces of the show keep falling. Even if you do enjoy her, compare Dean’s scene with Silas and Doug (he actually put his penis in that drawer!), to his scene with Celia; Doug gave Dean no less of a nasty tongue-lashing than Celia did, but I laughed at the former … Celia just made me annoyed. And that Dean would jump on the Celia bandwagon by stealing from Doug and Silas? The man deserves his turn in the top drawer.

Who had money on the return of Lupita (Renee Victor)? Man, did she dive right back in where she left off. Nancy was always the employee in that relationship. Nice throwback, although it also could have been an opening for a new character, or the extension of one we already know, like Su-Su-Sucio as “manny.” I know he’s dead … I’m just saying.

I somehow manage to enjoy the fact that this show, this dark and destructive comedy, drunkenly staggers into Judaism every now and again. A bris for the baby … why not? Andy on the bima at his Bar Mitzvah … sure! It’s not like he’s even remotely of Jewish lineage, or anything. And yet it’s all done in an amusing, while not insulting, way.

The baby’s name is “Avi Melech.” Traditionally that’s a one-word name, but I doubt he’ll be called much else besides “Steven Ray,” the English version. The point was, “Melech,” like “Reyes,” Esteban’s last name, means king. It was a nod to daddy, by Nancy. I’m not sure you want to get into a custody/visitation battle with a Mexican drug-kingpin, but maybe that’s just me. Besides, her angry demeanor aside, its obvious that Nancy’s ready to jump onto Esteban’s go-kart just as soon as he stands up to Pilar. Sucks for Andy. As usual.

I’m not much of a quoter, but two things stuck:

“Because you’d eat them? And children are fattening?” – Nancy, to Pilar, after the latter asked if Nancy knew why she, Pilar, never had any children.

After the bris, Silas and the rabbi/mohel chat: Silas – “What do you practice on?” Rabbi – “Goyim.”

Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows | Weeds |

8 Responses to “Weeds – A bris and just saying so don’t make you Jewish”

July 28, 2009 at 10:47 PM

Wow… this show has jumped the shark so much it’s unreal. I think I’m only watch Weeds 2.0 because it’s like a car crash.

July 29, 2009 at 11:46 AM

Come on, really? I think this season is fantastic … I don’t know that they’re being more over-the-top then they were on day one. There’s a progression to the crazy, no?

July 29, 2009 at 2:57 PM

The season sucks. The website “jumptheshow” will have a field day with the poll asking when this show jumped the show, season 4, getting pregnant, staying with the dad, the 6 month job, having the baby, making Andy a loser and then being a loser with that horrible beard.

The show is forgetting the funny! Celia needs to go, she is completely useless! It’s not it being over the top, that has been the case for years, it’s just that now it’s too silly, or even stupid, and hasn’t been funny in weeks.

July 30, 2009 at 2:10 PM

Kinda blue, huh? Cheer up buddy; Greek’s coming back soon! ;)

July 29, 2009 at 1:49 AM

I really enjoyed this episode. I think it was the fact that Nancy finally seems to be growing rather than falling even deeper. I don’t know if her growth is going to be sustainable considering the odds that are against her, but I think that there more going for her.

What I’m really missing this season is Shane. What is he, the cynical side of Nancy’s conscious, because he had a brief moment as a drug-dealer and was scared (unbelieveably) out of the darker elements of the drug world. It seems like his character which has had the most reliable growth over the last four seasons and now he’s…just there.

I’m also intrigued by the evolution of Celia. Have people forgotten that Celia used to be the Queen Bitch of the PTA with a deft of manipulation to rival the cunningest of characters. I hope she can get out of this hole soon and stop being a door mat.

July 29, 2009 at 11:50 AM

I wonder, though, what those winks and nods were between Andy and Nancy at the end. What was the look on Andy’s face supposed to mean when he turned to go back into the house? “Nice stand”, or “You’re going back to him, aren’t you”?

I think Shane may appear to have had the most growth, because he was a kid when the show started. I don’t know that his character ever developed being mirroring where Nancy was at any given moment in time. He’s never really done anything for me.

Besides with the cosmetics lady, in which case she tried to find a legal loophole, I think Celia’s been totally as manipulative as ever. It’s just no longer in a clear-cut sense, but how else would she have gotten Dean, the man she cheated on, to sit there with her and steal his clients weed for her own purposes?

July 29, 2009 at 10:29 AM

I’m pretty sure it was a fake beard in both cases…

July 29, 2009 at 11:52 AM

Oh, I know. I was just saying, that in the evolution of a beard, it would have taken a hiatus to make that leap.

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