CliqueClack TV

Defying Gravity is accessible science fiction, and what’s wrong with that?

DG Meeting

It’s time to try
Defying gravity
I think I’ll try
Defying gravity
And you can’t pull me down!

– “Defying Gravity,” Wicked

If you know me well enough, you had to know that I would find some way to work a Wicked reference into the post (the title of the show is also the title of one of the cornerstone songs of the musical). The United States premiere (actually the first two episodes, “Pilot” and “Natural Selection”) of the new “sexy Sci-Fi” drama Defying Gravity ran on ABC tonight. The lyrics fit nicely on how I like the show, and most out there don’t seem to.

Keith previewed the show a couple of weeks ago, so for my inaugural post, I won’t really rehash TOO MUCH on what’s already been said as much as I just want to rant on the reviews the show has been getting, particularly in comparison to Ronald D. Moore’s stalled Virtuality (my preview here).

Grey’s Anatomy in space.” That’s the catch phrase for the negative buzz the show has been getting, specifically amongst “critics” (and you can read that out loud with all the sarcasm you can muster, especially verbalizing the “quote on quote” and busting out the air quotes with the hands, too). Herc (whom I like a lot) over at AICN seems to have that opinion, and a nice collection of like minded reviews from “critics.” For comparison, they agree on Virtuality, too.

I very rarely praise anything the FOX Network does, but I think they gave Virtuality all the chances in the world. They asked Moore and team to rework the pilot several times, but, simply, it just never worked. The characters were unlikeable and uneven, the show within a show within a show was confusing, and by the time the end credits rolled, I just didn’t care. I think I was disappointed most because I’m about as big a Battlestar Galactica loyalist as you’ll find out there.

Yes, Defying Gravity is as much about the interpersonal relationships of the flight crew (and ground crew) as it is about the mission. What the frak is wrong with that? It feels a lot more truthful to me. You put a group of successful, young, good looking people in a pressure cooker like that, and those relationships are bound to develop. What is so wrong with having that be a part of the show? I think that this will make the show much more attractive to a broader audience, giving it a better chance to catch on.

Rant off. Tidbits about the actual, you know, show:

  • Ron Livingston is outstanding, and I fail to understand why he hasn’t become a breakout star. He is this generation of Hollywood’s Everyman if there ever was one. He also gives good interview.
  • Really dig the chemistry between Livingston’s Maddux Donner and Laura Harris’ Zoe Barnes.
  • Also digging tracking how the future’s sociopolitical landscape has changed (particularly with the abortion issue, but I hope there will be more as the show develops).
  • The flashback storytelling works. I know as a general rule, flashbacks being used are getting played out, but I like it here.
  • Was that a big 2001 homage, or was I just imagining things?
  • Much ado about nothing as far as the “sex in space” scene goes, methinks. Wasn’t even the most important thing that happened in the montage.
  • In Keith’s preview, he did miss one actor, the first Mission Commander Rollie Crane is played by Ty Olsson, Battlestar Galactica’s traitorous Captain Kelly.
  • Just to make sure the show doesn’t shift too far from it sci-fi roots, the mystery surrounding what, or who, or who/what Beta is, is pretty intriguing. I actually don’t think it will be long until at least more of the crew are aware of Beta, and hopefully we will be too. I’d rather this not be the kind of mystery that goes unanswered until the season finale.
Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

35 Responses to “Defying Gravity is accessible science fiction, and what’s wrong with that?”

August 3, 2009 at 10:45 AM

I can’t say the show grabbed me, but the mystery has me intrigued enough to come back. I’m curious to see the premiere ratings and wonder how long ABC will actually keep it on the air before we’ll have to wait for the DVDs to see how it all ends. After last season’s series slaughter, I don’t really have faith that ABC will keep anything interesting and different on the air.

August 3, 2009 at 1:19 PM

1.1/3 in 18-49 and less than 4 million total viewers.

August 3, 2009 at 1:52 PM

So how long before the “effective immediately, ABC is moving Defying Gravity to Saturday night at 10:00 to finish it’s run,” then pulling the show altogether after another two episodes?

August 3, 2009 at 11:40 AM

I didn’t mind the show at all … I definitely think that the Grey’s Anatomy comparison is weak at best … and I am intrigued by the “It” that seems to be calling the shots.

August 3, 2009 at 12:02 PM

Me too. I really liked it. The casting s great and I agree with just about everything Ivey has said about the chemistry etc. I’m looking forward to next week.

August 3, 2009 at 12:22 PM

I think they made a mistake showing two hours to start out. It was clearly two seperate episodes, and they should have been split up. By the end I was getting bored.

Seems like the show has promise, though, if they can maintain the intrigue without getting dull. I am concerned about what sort of commitment ABC has to it since it is premiering at the beginning of August.

August 3, 2009 at 12:26 PM

Yeah, but that second hour had considerably more action to it, which I think was key to get in the first viewing.

ABC might be starting it late, but you’ve got to remember how cheap it will be for them to run, considering how many other countries the show is running in.

August 3, 2009 at 3:31 PM

*cough* “The Listener” *cough*

August 4, 2009 at 6:48 AM

Wow Great Argument. You Talk about this show’s prospects based on production costs, which I also did when reviewing “The Listener” and you stomp my hint at that not preventing the Show from being canceled by saying this Show doesn’t suck.

What really sucks is that I totally agree with you on the ratings issue and that I thought the Same about the Show I liked and reviewed and what I really hate the Most is that now I’m Kind of rooting for DF to fail just like TL did just to be “right” all the while just Wanting the Networks Big wigs to f***ing get a clue.

Bottom line: I thought “Yeah but your Show sucked” was Kind of an Argument we were Done with. I feel like you just stomped on my sandcastle. *sigh*

August 3, 2009 at 3:36 PM

Flashpoint made it multiple seasons, and reports out of the CBS TCA stuff today indicate that it might not be totally dead in the states. So the formula can work if the show doesn’t sucks (*cough* “The Listener” *cough*)

BSG started off this way. Plus, Mental and Merlin also fit the category with your Listener. The model can take an average to above average show (i.e. Defying Gravity, in my opinion) and make it work because the bar is set a little lower from a ratings perspective.

Standoff in space? Just because of Ron Livingston? Because otherwise, there’s no similarities that I see.

August 3, 2009 at 4:24 PM

I don’t think any of those comparisons actually work in Defying Gravity’s favor, where ratings are concerned. Battlestar is a cable show, so it’s out. Merlin and Mental are both like DG in that their ratings are terrible, but it’s not like either of those networks is tripping over themselves to get more of that.

And Flashpoint, well, DG just doesn’t even begin to compare. I don’t have the original numbers handy, but looking at the last full season it was right around 9.5 million viewers with a 2 demo. Almost triple the viewers and almost double the demo. It’s going to take a mighty increase for episode three for any of that to be relevant.

That being said, I liked the show. My only real issue was the clumsy way they talked around giving out any information about what ‘it’ is.

August 3, 2009 at 4:29 PM

But that’s what’s frustrating… Yes, these aren’t cable shows, but they are being produced at the same cost, and in some cases, by some of the same production companies. Just because its being broadcast on a network its ratings have to be higher. I “get” that standard, but don’t like it.

I haven’t looked, but the numbers that Oreo posted earlier were accurate?

August 3, 2009 at 4:57 PM

Yeah, overnights say 3.7 million viewers and a 1.1 demo. At this point DG isn’t even up to cable standards. Forget about any higher standard for being on network. There will be a laundry list of cable shows that get better ratings than DG this week. There’s lowering the bar for the cheaper show, and then there’s sitting an elephant on the bar so DG’s meager little legs can hop over it.

August 3, 2009 at 12:57 PM

Pilot: “Standoff” in Space. I wasn’t thrilled…

I bet people will drop this like a hot potato.

Bring back “Journeyman” (and leave Britney alone) *sob*

August 3, 2009 at 1:17 PM

I forgot to watch it! It better be on Hulu!

August 3, 2009 at 3:33 PM

I Watch 15 minutes. The worst 15 minutes I seen on tv for a long time. Just bad. Really bad.

It made me miss the american version of Coupling.

August 3, 2009 at 4:21 PM

Personally I think the Grey’s Anatomy stigma hurts this show. I never made that connection until watching it the 2nd time, and then I started wincing at the similarities.

But to call the show off after 15 minutes … ?? Come on.

August 6, 2009 at 4:18 AM

Hey, I only made it nine minutes in before deleting it. Never seen Grey’s Anatomy, gave this a chance tonight on iTunes because it was set in space. And yes, I did like Virtuality better, though that’s not saying much.

August 3, 2009 at 4:37 PM

I had enough of the pregnancy story.

Pregnancy in space? Doesn’t interest me at all.

Why would people sleep in small bed if they had the chance to sleep at zero gravity? You can sleep sitting in space…

August 3, 2009 at 4:42 PM

Not to get all technical, but she was pregnant on the ground, not in space. I guess Sci-Fi stories should operate independent of real world interpersonal problems?

I actually think it opened up interesting questions on how society had changed in the next 50 years.

Re: Sleep… I think its reasonable to surmise that, in their future, research showed that the human anatomy responded better to extended space travel with sleeping conditions closer to what they were used to.

August 3, 2009 at 5:55 PM

After starting a bit slow, I ended up really enjoying it. I too, am curious about how the show percieves society and morality at this point in time.

Was anyone else trying to see how much spit they could form in their mouths when she was told to spit? I fear I would not have had enough!

August 3, 2009 at 6:29 PM

it wasn’t great, but good. much better than virtuality, wich was a piece of crap, definitely some interesting ideas and a talented enough cast to get me to tune back in… I wish the whole show-within-the-show / reality tv like stuff would go away though, hated that on virtuality and does too here…

side note: somehow it made me actually laugh, but anybody else noticed how they have live-and-without-delay video chat from Earth to outer space that easily, and with perfect audio/video quality? no more delays to wait for the signal to come & go and all those trouble…

August 4, 2009 at 8:23 AM


When considering the different “standard” for network ratings and cable ratings you have to keep one thing in mind: it is really all about the money. Cable channels get income from the cable companies, networks don’t. Comcast, RCN, etc pay FX a small amount of money for each subscriber. Networks depend solely on ratings and advertising.

August 4, 2009 at 9:41 AM

But why is Gossip Girl a hit with 2.5 million viewers?

I get that there ARE two different standards, its just frustrating as I try to learn more about the ratings process to see disparity :)

August 4, 2009 at 11:51 AM

The CW is another standard all its own. Gossip Girl is a hit because the CW is targeting very specific demographics, and it does well in that demographic.

A good rule of thumb: When you find yourself comparing the ratings for a show on one of the big 4 networks to something on CW, that show is in real trouble. And if you really want to dig into the numbers, DG wouldn’t even be that successful on CW. That 1.1 demo is scary low, and (educated guessing) wouldn’t put it in the top 100 for broadcasts on CW last season. Or, as Blair might put it, OMG! WTF!

August 4, 2009 at 1:07 PM

Yeah but keep in mind, it doesn’t suck *rolleyes*

August 4, 2009 at 1:23 PM

For what its worth, I’ve never actually seen the Listener, I was just making a generalization.

August 8, 2009 at 4:15 PM

Ah ok. ‘coz you know, I think “The Listener” is a fine enough show. Just about as good as this one here. Or as good as “The Standoff” (of which I watched 9 of the 11 episodes that aired).

It’s not top-notch but why on earth do these networks not manage to air stuff during the summer that’s really good enough to be shown instead of putting on more reruns or reality crap?

I know that’s a rhetorical question because it’s all about the mighty advertising buck but still…

So glad I still have FNL. And then there’s Glee coming and Community and another Season of House so nevermind.

Hey even “The Nine” is airing its remaining episodes now.

Production companies should really start producing shows like this here as a one shot. What’s so bad about that? Like “Harper’s Island”. But without the Swiss Cheese of a plot in the finale… like Twin Peaks… you can always add another terrible season and a totally screwed up movie later on as long as the first season is perfect.

Which now reminds me of “Veronica Mars”…

I watch too much TV…

August 6, 2009 at 10:05 AM

I guess its official, that I am the only one on the planet that liked the show. The ratings bear that out, as do the comments here, and on Twitter.

I guess I’ll just have to live with that. The show is in the can, so I imagine at the very least I’ll get a DVD set somewhere along the way, even if its an import.

August 8, 2009 at 4:19 PM

I’ll watch it. It’s interesting enough even if it’s just for the CGI scenes.

I mean I’m a guy who sat hours upon hours in front of “BR Alpha”, a channel which doesn’t show infomercials during the night but rather video recorded in the space shuttle and on the ISS of earth going by. Hours upon hours I tell you… watching Oceans, coastlines, mountains and clouds go by with the occasional thunderstorm thrown in is just so amazing…

And hey I watched the first two Seasons of Grey’s as well before dropping it.

August 8, 2009 at 10:17 PM

I already erased it, so I have to ask if anyone remembers clearly.

At this time abortion is illegal (right?). Then aboard their spacecraft they are destroying embryos correct? How is one illegal, and the other a careless matter. Does anyone recall better? Was there an explanation?

August 8, 2009 at 11:14 PM

They were, for what its worth, rabbit embryos, which was probably the distinction.

August 8, 2009 at 11:39 PM

Then what was that business about “killing your children” and the gal hiding the embryo which made it seem like she would like to keep it for possible implantation someday?….

August 9, 2009 at 2:09 AM

The basis was that her and Rollie thought of the bunnies (or potential bunnies) as “their children.”

August 9, 2009 at 11:42 AM

Ahh, I gotcha then, thanks for clearing that up for me Dorv!

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