CliqueClack TV

Weeds – Celia’s a lesbian

Weeds - Dean and Doug season 5

Picture this: you’re a fourteen year-old with a strained relationship with the parent of yours whose gender you share. They and your other parent are divorced, and its unclear just how much time you actually spend with said parent any longer. Lots of bad feelings and basis for intense therapy there. Oh, and you’re homosexual, an announcement that didn’t go over so well with this parent.

One day, this parent invites you to a salon, or to play some basketball, or whatever. Over the course of conversation, the purpose of this get-together is revealed — they’re surreptitiously gathering information on being your gender’s type of homosexual. Freaked out yet?

So now you’re roughly nowhere near where Isabelle was last night with Mom Celia, when Celia started pontificating on strap-ons. Holy crap, but didn’t that catch me totally unawares, even though my wife called that that’s what they were doing at the spa. To be honest (and embarrassingly revealing), this situation reminds me of what’s-her-name from Sex and the City who tries going lesbian for a bit; not really a lifestyle decision, is it? But, what to do if you’re Celia, and your “mentor” tells you that she’s “wetter than a slaughterhouse floor?” Geez.

So, we’re way into this post here, and I have yet to say that this episode of Weeds was awesome! I was laughing almost the entire way through, except for maybe the brief instances with Esteban’s daughter, Adelita (Seychelle Gabriel). I’m just gonna put this out there, and then move on: she wishes she could land Silas. I mean, if he wasn’t horney enough to sleep with her regardless, but rather on a “capturing the man he is with her feminine charms” sort of way; she wishes.

Actually, the only rocky part of where we are is the necessity for Esteban’s outside life to play a role (and too little Silas), like the fact that he’s been arrested. Clearly he’s guilty of all charges, but they wouldn’t have mattered had he not been butting heads with Pilar. Now we have to waste time on this, unless Guillermo can get the job done.

Speaking of, Guillermo’s brief scene with Nancy reminded me of exactly what’s great about the character: his ability to charm by being totally bananas. His rant on the AT&T call center up in wherever when talking about how he got out of his contract? Priceless. And how about telling Nancy that they’re “like one of those YouTube videos” where the tiger and the duck forget that they don’t get along … I lost the thread there, but the complete absurdity of it was classic Guillermo.

Quote of note: Gale the protestor’s clarion call after Andy and Audra peal out in Andy’s car: “Fornicators!”

Oh, and how awesome were Doug and Dean together? Seeing Doug sober both totally freaked me out, and also tells me that his character’s clearly been stoned for five seasons. And that his feet are unusually large. Maybe. But that whole spider-goat thing? Totally, ridiculously off-the-wall insane, and awesome.

I don’t know about tigers and ducks, but when a spider and a goat get together and do a friendly tango, the world has officially turned on its head. And I’m loving it.

Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows | Weeds |

7 Responses to “Weeds – Celia’s a lesbian”

August 18, 2009 at 3:01 PM

I agree – not enough Silas! I love Doug. And I think all women saw the Celia lesbian thing.

August 18, 2009 at 3:14 PM

Meaning you saw it in her, or the story line coming?

August 18, 2009 at 3:18 PM

I totally forgot to add…. Re the spider-goat:

As a toy of my son’s would say, “A spider-goat? ‘whatever sound a spider makes,’ ‘bleat!’ That’s silly!” :-)

August 18, 2009 at 4:10 PM

This episode was very good, and I think Isabelly is the best character on the show. :)

I think it’s very clear now that Esteban will be dead by next season. Only one or 2 episodes until the finale? Hope they are as good as this episode.

August 18, 2009 at 7:29 PM

I think it’ll be one of Nancy’s kids whose life will seriously be in danger/will die, because Esteban will “beat the odds” and do it without Pilar. He may be the target, but it will end up landing on Nancy and family.

August 18, 2009 at 8:02 PM

I think that might be too dark even for this show.

More so because there is at least 13 episodes, and I think Showtime will want a season 7. If one of her kids die I think she might finally smarten up, and that can’t happen.

August 19, 2009 at 5:51 PM

Yes and no … I think it depends what they have in store for whatever episodes/seasons are left. If the idea is for her to end up back where she started, it will take time for her to extricate herself. That’s where I see things going, personally.

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