CliqueClack TV

Entourage’s stalker de-pantsed

Entourage 6.9 Zac Efron

… And, while we’re at it, stalkee, as well. Not in a million years would you have convinced me that “Jamie-Lynn’s boyfriend” would have been the target of that boxer raid. Do you realize what that means? Those girls don’t even realize that they’re walking around in Vincent Chase’s underwear! I even thought that maybe Turtle was becoming the campus stud, or the studious nerd, but not that they were giggling about breaking into his house. Crazy world.

All of which will hopefully free Vince and the boys of their bodyguards. I’m not saying they weren’t very safe with them around, but wouldn’t the simplest solution have been to have a conversation with them about being more professional?

The unfolding drama this week really came in the form of Lloyd and Ari. You know, I love him, but Ari is going way too far with this whole “slave” thing. Believe it or not, there’s a line that Ari had yet to cross, even with all of the sexual and racial slurs … well, he’s crossed it now. Everything that came before was part of the “rush” experience; at this point, Ari just wants to keep Lloyd down for his own selfish reasons. In the past he’d always been a little above that.

Instead, in swoops Adam Davies (Jordan Belfi) with a seemingly genuine job offer — although I imagine it has at least a little something to do with revenge. Explain something to me … Davies blackmailed Ari into bringing him on at his new agency as a partner. He was at the meeting where Gold became Miller-Gold. Then, all of a sudden, he was a rival again, when they played a little one-upsmanship in season five. What happened?

I’ve heard that this is the season where Lloyd becomes a man (professionally). Does that mean he finds his footing with Adam Davies, or that the pressure will force Ari’s hand into bringing him back into the fold? I assume the latter, but not before a lot of painful former.

Things of note from last night:

  • Ashley (Alexis Dziena) is off-the-wall crazy. I didn’t think she was the stalker, because that would have meant her interest lay in Vince, but she is definitely going to do serious bodily harm to Eric while he sleeps.
  • The Zac Efron guest spot was pretty funny, including the mom using her daughter to get close to him. But, killer, what’s up with your hair? Is it your “thing” to have it swooped over like a bad comb-over, dangling in your eye? Because you look like an idiot.
  • Frank Darabont guested. Frank Darabont. If you haven’t seen Shawshank, yes, there is something wrong with you.
  • The Pleasure Chest was inspired, and wholly believable as a Drama haunt. Might we be seeing the lady behind the counter in his future?
  • Ari’s new assistant, Craig? He won’t last very long. Besides, he looks like the litigious type, and the racial slurs will not be lacking.

Photo Credit: HBO

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Entourage’s stalker de-pantsed”

September 14, 2009 at 11:31 AM

The other odd thing about the underwear theft/prank– since somehow the sorority knew who Jamie-Lynn’s boyfriend was and where he lived, you would think that they would know who his “roommate” was. It was unexpected, but has some holes. Also, if some college girls can break into Vince’s house, while they might not be stalkers, I’d say it’s pretty clear that there are some big security problems. Vince might want to rethink letting EVERYthing go back to normal.

September 14, 2009 at 12:18 PM

And why was this the first time we saw Vince having an alias listed on his number? You can’t tell me that before his number was listed as Vincent Chase. Plus, way to keep it quiet, Drama, with your picture caller-ID a photo of you and Vince.

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