CliqueClack TV

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – The gang’s back, and they’re all wet

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

I love the way the writers of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia manage to take two completely opposing ideas, and forcibly mash them into one horrifically delicious stew. Tonight’s plots involved Frank buying a house on the cheap so he could turn around and sell it for a profit. The problem is, the homeowners who were foreclosed on refuse to leave.

Then, there’s the so-called B-story, Dee offering up her womb to parents looking for a surrogate to carry their babies. I’m sure you can imagine she’s doing this solely out of the kindness of her heart … right?

Of course not.

But almost none of that matters. The funny comes because of just how deplorable these people are. The situations they find themselves in are just setting them up to be despicable.

For example, yes it would be frustrating to buy a house and find the former owners still living there. But would you threaten to kick the husband’s ass, rape his wife, and kill his children because they’d already seen your face?

I absolutely loved Brian Unger as the lawyer. He was a perfect foil for Charlie’s babbling idiocy. I was genuinely laughing out loud by the time the lawyer was accepting Charlie’s challenge of a duel to the death.

Honey and Vinegar Real Estate (Dennis and Mac) wasn’t quite as funny a shtick, though it did allow us to see Anna Vocino from Free Radio as the frightened housewife, Fay. But methinks she only agreed to buy the house because Mac was going crazy on them. They won’t be back.

But I knew the gang was back and in fine form when everybody showed up in the backyard of Dee’s potential surrogate family. Charlie climbed over the gate, and Frank plowed right through it. When they were all asked to leave, of course they wound up in the pool, oblivious to anything but themselves.

Just the self-centered, moronic jackasses we always knew they were.

Photo Credit: FX

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