CliqueClack TV

Curb Your Enthusiasm – If you’re a huge Seinfeld fan, Larry will call you on your birthday!

curb your enthusiasm - the black family and larry

My impatience with waiting for the Seinfeld reunion on Curb Your Enthusiasm led me to take advantage of my screener last week. Alas, no luck on episode two (and a scratch on episode three, entitled “The Reunion,” cut my viewing short at minute two!).

However, you’ll be happy to know that I took what some of you said last time to heart: while I still don’t like him, I found myself laughing at (the good “at”) Larry David, and a number of the gags, on this episode. On the flip-side, the title of the episode is “Vehicular Fellatio,” so as expected, it was a little over-the-top. Okay … but I did say some of it made me laugh; so I get credit, right?

I was thinking it was very Larry David to spend two minutes (I checked the DVD counter) trying, and failing, to open that vacuum-sealed container. And it worked in so perfectly at the end with the exacto knife and Jeff’s (Jeff Garlin) car crash! That’s actually quintessential Seinfeld (and thus David) to have all three stories tie together in one (relatively) ridiculously plausible scene. I really did appreciate how that all came together.

This week’s shout to Seinfeld was a happy birthday call that Leon (J.B. Smoove) asked Larry to make to his friend Alton; anyone expect that big of a guy to appear, with that name? But nothing reunion related this week, Seinfeld watchers. Nevertheless, it was funny to see Larry screw even a call up, which actually rid him of Loretta (Vivica A. Fox) in a twisted turn of events. I’d say had she gotten a look at the woman she would have had no reason to suspect Larry could have been cheating with her, but it’s beyond the realm of possibility that Fox is dating David, so there you go. So long Black family … but no surprise that Leon has no plans to move on.

What was really great about the situation was how Larry trying to get the new oncologist to split them up had blown up in his face, only to have this ridiculous scenario come along and do the job for him. There is an admitted skill to that type of story crafting, and David absolutely does it well. But, was Larry acting like a bad mate at that doctor’s appointment, or just like a complete psycho? Fine line for him.

Did the former neighbor who’ll be sending Larry a bill for his broken glasses ever appear on the show? Because, if he did, he never got to know Larry well — Larry felt badly about not recognizing the guy? Not in this lifetime! The cancer guilt, however, is a throwback to many things, including the season six Seinfeld episode “The Scofflaw,” where Jon Lovitz guests as a friend who pretended to have cancer for the free membership to the Hair Club for Men, among other things, that came with people’s feeling bad for him. Apparently it’s a joke that David (and Seinfeld) enjoy; I hear that!

Some good, if at best PG-13, quotes:

“How gentile.” – Larry, upon learning of the original vehicular blow-job in the episode

“That’s second-hand semen.” – Larry to Richard Lewis, on why he refused to kiss Richard’s new girlfriend goodbye

“You can’t be homosexual by proxy.” – Richard to Larry, because, well, Larry … yeah

I’m looking forward to next week!

Photo Credit: HBO

5 Responses to “Curb Your Enthusiasm – If you’re a huge Seinfeld fan, Larry will call you on your birthday!”

September 28, 2009 at 10:14 AM

Is it sad it takes me that long to open those packages as well?

September 29, 2009 at 6:25 PM

You’re not alone. :)

September 28, 2009 at 1:10 PM

hell no, ac! there is no easy way to open those damn things… pretty sure it’s some sort of conspiracy with the scissor manufacturers – cause most scissors fall apart after taking on a couple of those plastic nightmares.

September 29, 2009 at 6:28 PM

Steak knife, sawing – not stabbing – motion. ;)

September 28, 2009 at 3:37 PM

Well the Blacks are gone. What a great episode. I know so many people are tuning in to see the Seinfeld stuff, and despite the fact it hasn’t started yet they are getting treated to some great Larry David moments.

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