CliqueClack TV

Where is Greek going?


Greek is far from a serialized series. In fact, it’s probably a lot closer to some genres that I’d rather not even mention here for fear of making the comparison. Nevertheless, there are characters, and there are stories, and both must be headed in some direction.

Casey’s been aimless for much of this school year (which includes the second half of season two, or chapter four, that aired in the spring). Not that she needs a boyfriend to define her — God forbid — but a lot of the questions swirling around her involve guys: will it be Evan or Cappie who gets a round 2? Also, what comes for Casey after graduation? We’ve seen her struggle a bit with the question, but beyond her internship in Washington, she’s done nothing about it.

Then there’s Casey’s ZBZ identity, which has been lacking ever since Ashleigh won the presidency. This fight for ZBZ’s ranking holds some promise, but it also makes me think that the writers may be planning on having Casey accept some long-term Greek society position, which could be twisted to give her longevity on the show. I’d like to see her stay, but in a manner fitting for her character; I don’t think Casey’s a Greek lifer.

Rusty’s spent all of his time — since getting comfortable in the KT house — looking for love. I guess that’s okay, but it does say that a person like him needs the reassurance of a girl to make him feel more normal. I thought that that’s what joining a fraternity was supposed to do for him. I’d love to see Rusty worrying about establishing himself with the KTs, and his position there going forward. Now he just seems like a visitor with his brothers.

Cappie’s also gone without a lot this school year. We’re seeing more of him in the KT house again, but otherwise he usually comes in to assist someone else’s story, instead of having his own plot (as he did while dating Rebecca). Cappie and Evan hold promise, but a friendship does not a plot make. Plus, what’s next for Cappie? I suppose he could pull a Van Wilder, but if he does graduate, what’s he interested in? And how can we keep him around? Grad school, maybe?

Calvin needs some focus; his relationship with Grant, his membership in Omega Kai, and his studies all seem lost in … being a buddy to Rusty? Calvin’s a great character, but he’s still kind of fuzzy. Besides, now’s the time he’d be choosing a major, and staking a claim to his position in the house. I’d love to see some movement on that front from him.

Evan has a good hook — the forsaken trust — but it needs more time to develop. Plus, before graduation he’s going to need to deal with his parents. I could take him with or without a girlfriend, but the writers need to give him runway even without a love interest. Him I could see going to law school at CRU, for monetary reasons.

Dale’s never had a plot so much as a spot in the ensemble. We need more focus on him, both for the obvious reasons as well as for the fact that, if the seniors graduate, the remaining players need to step it up. What’s good about the premise of the show is that new people (freshmen, transfers) can pop up non-stop, but our favorites still need to be allowed to become headliners.

Ashleigh’s spent her time on the show as a social butterfly. What do people like that do after school? I’m not sure, and I’m not sure I see how she could possibly hang around. Again, grad school is the answer for many people who find themselves aimless as graduation looms, but I don’t feel it from Ashleigh. Some people (myself included) are just done with school after 18 years. While she’s around, though, we could do with some more leadership from her within the ZBZ house. It’s worth considering making the president less of a secondary voice of authority.

Rebecca seems like an extra wheel right now, like the creators envisioned what she would be to Casey in season one, but not what to do with her afterwards. I’ve never been a fan, but if she’s here to stay than she needs to be fit into things. And not just a fight with Ashleigh, but something real, along the lines of her relationship with Cappie, or her issues with her father. Or let her become Ms. ZBZ. Just make it worth all of our time.

With Rusty, Dale, Rebecca, and Calvin still in the beginning of their sophomore year, we have countless seasons to come for them. But time is running out on our seniors, and I’d love to get some clarity on where they and the show are headed.

Anyone else have any questions, predictions, or other? Share them below!

Photo Credit: ABC Family

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5 Responses to “Where is Greek going?”

October 15, 2009 at 10:51 PM

I’m hoping it’s going to a 4th Jordan free season. :)

October 15, 2009 at 10:59 PM

I am curious and worried actually because the seniors are my favorites.
I am afraid that for me : no Cappie, Evan and Casey means no Greek !!

October 15, 2009 at 11:29 PM

I don’t think Cappie will ever go away. However they should really be making Rusty more into a Cappie type so he can take over in time.

October 16, 2009 at 4:28 PM

OR upgrade Pickle, or someone else, to a more major player so that they can do so.

October 16, 2009 at 4:26 PM

I agree, although I’d have to imagine that there’s a plan in place for that, i.e. grad school or on-campus jobs. I just hope it feels at least original 90210 natural.

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