CliqueClack TV

Curb – What would you write next to Larry’s name in your BlackBerry?

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Seinfeld watchers, take heart: I was fast forwarding through the credits and whatnot at the end of last night’s episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, and I saw that not one, but all four (I think Michael Richards was there) of the Seinfeld cast members are scheduled to be on next week’s episode. Unless the show is screwing with us and showing us scenes from the entire season, something I wouldn’t necessarily put past Larry David. Now that I think of it…. But he did say that he was currently writing the reunion show script.

“Denise Handicapped.” Seriously? Not just that that’s the name of the episode, but that that was the best that Larry could come up with to remind himself of who she was? Not surprisingly, there was only an extremely narrow part of the episode that I wasn’t offended by. Let’s stick with that stuff.

It was definitely funny watching Larry as he tried to fool around with Denise in her wheelchair. No thought as to possibly moving things to the couch, or the bedroom? If she wasn’t in a wheelchair, but was sitting on some other straight-backed, armed chair, would he climb on top of her to get at her? Larry’s already a rather awkward guy, so I generally don’t expect physical comedy from him; it’s funny just to watch him run. But seeing him attempt to contort himself to make for a more comfortable approach to Denise’s body and lips was rather amusing.

The handicap parking and preferential treatment that changed Larry’s mind about Denise was both predictable, as well as kind of humorous in a groaning sort of a way. What I really loved was how George Costanza (and therefore Larry) the situation was. George would have so reveled in that. The difference is, George would have kept Denise’s number in his wallet.

Also George this week was the “hat at first sight” moment that Larry experienced with Denise, juxtaposed well against Denise rolling out from behind the table that had hid her chair. Remember George and Kramer’s friend (“She’s bald, Jerry!”), or the hat he picked up at the flea market with Elaine?

Oh! A bit more Seinfeld (see, there is something each week): when Larry carried Denise up the steps to the restaurant, his screaming was very George Steinbrenner sounding. Not surprising, considering he voiced the character, but funny because it means there’s some naturalness to the voice in Larry’s own demeanor.

Is it a Curb thing to regularly bring on a star (besides Ted Danson) for Larry to feud with? I’ve seen about fifteen episodes now, and it does not appear to be a trend … so it was a little weird watching Larry go at it with Rosie O’Donnell in almost the same way that he did with Christian Slater just last week.

A thought to leave you on: why do people continue to extend Larry invitations? Good question, no?

Photo Credit: HBO

7 Responses to “Curb – What would you write next to Larry’s name in your BlackBerry?”

October 19, 2009 at 1:44 PM

this was one of the funniest episodes of the series… i loved jeff’s scene with larry at the recital at the end.

no mention of the return (to top-notch form) of leon?!? you brought it, right?

cant wait for more seinfeld!

October 19, 2009 at 1:54 PM

Honestly? Leon’s purpose confuses me a bit. I mean, I get why he (and the Blacks) showed up, and why he stayed, but in the grander scheme of things, who is he meant to be to Larry? Certainly not a conscience, and Larry doesn’t need another devil on his shoulder. I also find Leon rather irritating – I’ve mentioned before that I prefer J.B. Smoove on ‘Til Death to him here, which is a really ominous thing….

Anyway, I was looking to stay positive only! :-)

October 19, 2009 at 2:24 PM

ha, sorry aeyeh! didnt meant to make you go negative… leon was killing me, though! the brother conversation in the car. did i sound okay saying it though?

as far as i know, his purpose is to make me laugh, so he works for me :)

October 19, 2009 at 2:30 PM

Oh, I’m okay with it; I was trying to avoid upsetting people who don’t like us Curb-watching Seinfeld fans ;).

I actually laugh at the Larry to Leon exchanges (that direction), when Larry uses him as a sounding board for his racial/female/life/whatever questions. And it’s funny because of exactly who Leon is. But Leon himself is just too over-the-top for me. I did enjoy the “brother” exchange, though. :)

October 19, 2009 at 2:24 PM

ha, sorry aryeh! didnt meant to make you go negative… leon was killing me, though! the brother conversation in the car. did i sound okay saying it though?

as far as i know, his purpose is to make me laugh, so he works for me :)

October 19, 2009 at 4:08 PM

I think you really do Curb a disservice when you view it solely in the context of Seinfeld – which you appear to do. It’s great that you’re a Seinfeld fan, but this show stands completely on its own and should be viewed as such. Also, why would you write reviews for a show you don’t seem to “get”?

October 19, 2009 at 4:59 PM

I’m not sure how I’m doing the show a disservice, but I’ve certainly made it clear from the beginning that what I’m covering is Seinfeld on season 7 of Curb, a valid angle to approach the show from, as well as the only reason that Curb’s getting as much attention this year as it is.

I certainly can appreciate what you’re saying, but again, I’m covering Seinfeld on Curb, so that’s why I’m reviewing it, but just because I don’t think the brand of humor is particularly funny means I don’t get it?

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