CliqueClack TV

The nine reasons How I Met Your Mother’s Barney and Robin worked tonight

- Season 5, Episode 6 - "Bagpipes"


“That must be that tantric bagpiping that Sting is into … shut the bagpipes up.” – Ted to Robin, about the noisy “bagpiping” neighbors upstairs

What? A How I Met Your Mother episode that was centered around Robin and Barney being a couple, and Marshall and Lily’s domestic issues? I guess that’s not so weird this season, but what is weird is that I actually liked the way both situations were handled, and I laughed.

I’ve been lukewarm about Barney and Robin being together this season. At first, I was really open-minded and on-board, trusting the writers. But then, as they became just a typical couple, I felt disappointed, let down by Bays and Thomas and the entire writing team that I trust to deliver such greatness as “Slap Bet” and “Naked Man.”

Tonight, it worked. I enjoyed Robin and Barney together on several levels, and here’s why it worked:

1. Ted called Barney and Robin out on how nauseating they were being. I’ve been wanting to do that all season.

2. Ted knew that it was just a front and that the real Barney and Robin were under there somewhere. Just like I’ve felt … all season.

3. NRS: New relationship smugness. We needed a term to describe the nauseating behavior that nearly all couples display when in the throws of early dating.

4. We got Marshall’s speech to Barney, the “Rook.” I truly believe that Marshall can brew a mean pot of chamomile tea.

5. We also got Barney as Lily’s husband, which was so delightfully Mad Men meets Leave it to Beaver.

6. Slap bet!

7.”I’ll wash my manhood when I’m good and ready!” – Marshall

8. As soon as I saw the ski lift, I knew there’d be a delightful scene of trouble.

9. The very, very best moment, where we really got to remember exactly who Robin and Barney really are: After Lily’s speech about how when you love someone, you need to put your ego aside and realize it’s just not important to be right … Barney and Robin roared with callous laughter. And that, my friends, is why I love Bays, Thomas and the characters he created so very, very much.

Photo Credit: CBS

2 Responses to “The nine reasons How I Met Your Mother’s Barney and Robin worked tonight”

November 5, 2009 at 3:49 PM

Slap bet. Missed that! I also liked how they returned to calling something other than what it is for the sake of “the kids” ie; bagpiping.

January 3, 2010 at 7:56 PM

We still haven’t got to where they actually hook up over here, but I just don’t get why people want them to get together in the first place! I love Robin and Barney’s funny in his way, but the two of them together just seems slightly.. wrong.

Now, you guys have obviously seen how it turned out, but on here most people seemed so positive towards the idea from the start… why was that? Why did (and do) people think they are so “perfect for each other”?

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