CliqueClack TV

Where the heck do the Hecks live that they didn’t get robbed?

- Season 1, Episode 6 - "The Front Door"


I’ll admit that maybe the East Coast is rougher geography than some, but how in the world do you get a deer (and not a thief) in your house, when you don’t have a front door?

That’s just one of the many quant side-points that The Middle employs in creating its off-beat, and very likable feel. This week it was Axl’s (and Mike’s) turn to take center stage, as maybe Atticus Shaffer (Brick) was hitting his federally mandated child labor law hours limit. Oh sure, he still built a pyramid out of sugar cubes — for fun — but last night’s episode was missing its traditional Brick-ness. It was still quite good, don’t get me wrong, but it’s telling that I have no quotes that I feel I must share.

At work, Frankie continued to be hounded by one sticky little fact: apparently, she’s not a very good salesperson, and she was running the risk of being stuck in the dog suit trying to attract customers. Her going the “mom” route was actually very Debra Barone of her, if you think about it.

Meanwhile, after Axl refused to bring his plate into the kitchen and clean it, he stormed out of the house, slamming the front door behind him and knocking it off of its hinges in the process. I’m only surprised that Frankie didn’t fix it sooner, but I love how the net result was Axl in the dog suit. Nice punishment, and I’m guessing it smells how it smells because of the guy who usually wears it, not because of something inherent to the suit itself.

I also thought we’d get to enjoy a wider cast of characters traipsing through the open entryway, not just wildlife and a bunch of Jehovah’s Witnesses. That was definitely an area that could have been mined for more than it was. Where were the neighbors, coming to offer suggestions on how to get a stubborn kid to listen to his parents? Or, yes again, thieves? It was a cute idea that simply went in a different direction.

I’m loving the guy who does the announcements at the used car lot — I can picture him, but I still can’t put a name to the face. Also, that bell that they ring after making a sale … I got a very distinct memory from that event. Anyone remember the ninth season Seinfeld episode entitled “The Serenity Now,” when Lloyd Braun (Matt McCoy) would ring a bell every time he “sold” another computer? Definitely some cool flashbacks going on in my head.

And finally there was Sue. It was like Chandler and the wedding announcement picture; Sue just can’t get a yearbook picture down. I know we all hate ourselves in photographs, but what is wrong with that girl? I sometimes wish they’d do a little more with her, but for now she’s a good laugh on the side.

All in all another strong outing for The Middle. Hopefully next time we’ll get double the quotes.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | The Middle | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Where the heck do the Hecks live that they didn’t get robbed?”

November 5, 2009 at 10:12 AM

Easy. The cute little buck ran the thief out of the house. Or maybe a lot of homeowners have guns in Indiana, like the ones car dealerships give out.

I was surprised the parents didn’t co-opt and other two kids into encouraging their brother to fix the door right away. Treat them like criminals or soldiers: everyone gets punished until the malefactor rectifies the situation.

November 6, 2009 at 2:45 AM

Cute. I suppose with the combo of no front door, ample wildlife, and free guns, in-house hunting in Indiana could be a big thing. ;)

Frankie and Mike don’t appear to have a full grasp on parenting. I think they’re trying to work the kinks out with Axl, but they also know that Sue and Brick are unlikely to be anything like him, so they’re never forced to think globally. Plus, how could you punish Brick?

November 5, 2009 at 12:13 PM

Having lived in rural Indiana for a few months (and I liked it), I can confirm that people there don’t lock their doors, and everyone knows that everyone else leaves their doors unlocked. Getting robbed just isn’t an issue.

November 6, 2009 at 2:49 AM

Wow … different world. Thanks for the first-hand info! :)

November 6, 2009 at 12:57 PM

We would get robbed either, if we had no front door. Probably no one would even notice! :-)

November 9, 2009 at 11:55 AM

Is it jaded of me to find that sad? :)

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