CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Green week: intrusive, hilarious

- Season 4, Episode 6 - "Sun Tea"

30 Rock

Shows must hate being on NBC. It’s not enough that nobody actually watches the shows on NBC, but then the bigwigs force their programs into these silly theme weeks. A month ago, all their shows were about volunteering, and this week they featured stories about going green. Certainly these are altruistic causes, and they don’t bother me as much as they surely bother others, but I mostly feel bad for the writers who have to work these stories into their shows.

At least 30 Rock does an excellent job working the stories in. I think they are the best show on television when it comes to integrating product placement. This is mostly because the writers are not afraid to make fun of it. I’m reminded of an episodes a few years back where there was a blatant placement for a telephone company, followed by Liz looking straight into the camera and saying: “Can we please have our money now?” right before a cut to commercial. This episode featured a similar moment, where Liz makes fun of the green peacock in the corner of the screen and Kenneth looks down at it.

Overall, I thought this was one of the stronger episodes of the season. There were so many quotable lines, I had trouble keeping up (and I know I missed a few below). All of the characters really shined this week. The flashbacks of Jenna as Liz’s roommate were classic. Tracy and Jack going for vasectomies was funny. Any excuse to bring Tracy Jr. or Dr. Spaceman on the show is okay in my book. Kenneth acting as the “green police” worked really well. Of course, Liz resorting to trying to “Jack, Jenna, and Tracy” her new roommate out of their place was excellent. It only added to the comedy that in order to actually get him out, she had to “Frank” him out.

A selection of my favorite quotes:

“Do you know why my place is so big? When I was first married to my ex-wife we were in the basement. Over the years I kept buying the floors above me to make room for the family that I thought we’d have. Well now I have something better than a family: a walk in humidor, a lap pool, and a replica of the Irish Pub where my grandmother was born.” – Jack, on his apartment

“Some of them are sun tea, and… some of them were sun tea.” – Frank, on the jars in his office

“Brian sucks, he doesn’t have a TV and he wears political tee shirts.” – Liz on her new roommate

“Don’t worry, Jack, our topical cold open is about Omorosa borrowing Bjork’s swan dress.” – Liz

“Kenneth, I once took a low volume shower with Ed Begley Jr., what more can I do?” – Jenna, on going green

“Don’t talk to me like that. You look like a turtle who lost its shell.” – Liz, to Kenneth

“There’s an old African proverb, that I made up: if you want to go quickly, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. We have to go far. Quickly.” – Former Vice President Al Gore

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Photo Credit: NBC

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