CliqueClack TV

More doesn’t mean better on Heroes this week

I was certainly a little wary heading into tonight’s Heroes doubleheader. There are some weeks I can barely stand one episode, let alone two. Then there are other weeks when I am delightfully surprised by a great episode, or at the very least some great moments within an episode.

How did tonight’s two episodes stack up? Well, it wasn’t completely unwatchable. There were some interesting things, some good things, and some really boring things.

I had previously complained about Claire hugging Doyle in the last episode. It seemed like an abrupt turn around after he, you know, kidnapped her, held her hostage, and tried to kill her. It certainly didn’t take long for Doyle to turn on her in this episode. It’s the character inconsistencies like this that continue to plague Heroes. I was certainly glad to see Claire regain her senses and leave the carnival, though. Perhaps there is hope after all.

It was infinitely strange, as Ivey pointed out, to show us clips at the end of the last episode before the break of Hiro, Ando, and Mohinder fleeing the mental hospital. At the end of these two episodes tonight we still haven’t seen this come to fruition on the show, though things are certainly leading there. That scene wasn’t even that important to the montage. It was just a strange decision.

Peter has never been my favorite character, but watching him “throw himself into danger” I was terribly bored and more than a little annoyed. Sure, I should be more compassionate, the dude just buried his brother, but at the same time I just wasn’t buying the reaction. He somehow managed to take a tragic life moment and make it all about him. Way to go, Pete.

It’s not all complaints for tonight’s episodes, though. I’m still enjoying Noah and Lauren together, and I maintain that a show focusing on the two of them hunting down superpowered people would be a whole lot more entertaining than the current version of Heroes. I also liked everything with Samuel. He’s become a great character over the course of the season and I’m intrigued on just how his seemingly benign plan will become twisted and evil, because we all know it will.

What did you think of this week’s double dose of Heroes? Are you excited for the end of the season? There are only four episodes left … perhaps forever.

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “More doesn’t mean better on Heroes this week”

January 5, 2010 at 12:07 AM

People know me as the Heroes fanatic. I try and give them positive reviews when others continue to search for “problems” with the show. But I must say that I may need to give up that reputation. Tonight’s episode was just too dragged out, boring, and cliched. Bouncing back and forth between boring characters for 2 hours just is too much to handle. Claire was shown way too much through the episode. Everything seemed to revolve around her when in actuality it should be on someone interesting. Hiro’s story, much like Claire’s, is irrelevant and only confuses the viewers. If Heroes wants to gain higher ratings again, they need to cut out this whole mess with Sylar dying and living again, Claire whining, and Hiro teleporting to dumb places. Gives us some more action and keep things consistent i.e. if someone is dead…they should really be dead.

January 5, 2010 at 12:25 AM

Samuel is good and all, but Elizabeth Rohm’s Lauren has been my favorite addition to the cast. Seeing Noah back in his element, and growing as a character.

Too late for this show though. I mean, I’m a trooper until the end, but a reluctant one :P

January 5, 2010 at 10:56 AM

Agreed with Bob and Ivey. There’s no hope of a spinoff, but I wouldn’t mind seeing HRG and Lauren riding off into the sunset together at the end of the season, freelance secret agent partners well rid of the whole powers mess. With special appearance by René as Sporty James/Huggy Bear.

I do appreciate that he no longer has to worry about Claire being hurt or kidnapped, but that a credible threat to separate his daughter from him of her own volition has him as unhinged and hateful as we’ve ever seen him. I can’t wait to see Noah put away the taser and pull out the .45 again. Everything else can go burn.

January 5, 2010 at 12:47 AM

I thought the first hour was hell. When did it become a soap opera? and a bad one at that. The 2nd hour though showed promise and actually got me to pay attention. Samuel as a cult leader, interesting. For me, the segments with Hiro are my favorite. What did they do to Hiro’s mind? He’s stuck between Don Quiote, Star Wars, and Star Trek. It’s so funny.

January 6, 2010 at 3:05 PM

Very, very disappointed with HEROES this season, especially since I’ve been watching weekly since season 1. The characters behave nonsensically when they’re not disappearing for weeks on end. Mourning Nathan was way overdone, and this cello playing woman is still baffling. Suddenly she’s a tool of Samuel, who’s pathetic. For all we know, he’s got Molly advising him where to find people. Hiro is truly ridiculous, and I suppose Mohinder will contrive some unbelievable formula to fix him…yet again. And then there’s Sylar…who exemplifies this season – no path, no plot, no plan. Why do I keep watching??

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