CliqueClack TV

The most satisfying hour of television

In case you missed all the hullabaloo, the Golden Globes were this weekend. One story that slipped through the cracks was Mad Men’s win for best drama. I actually read two or three articles on the awards that didn’t even mention the show’s victory. Perhaps it’s because there were so many “upset” wins that make for better stories, or maybe it’s just become commonplace, as this was the third win in a year for the show (which has been on the air for three years).

In any case, the win at the Globes got me thinking, again, about the great season that Mad Men had, including an amazing finale. After giving it a lot of thought, I think I can say it was the most satisfying hour of television that I have experienced.

Now, I’m being very specific here with my word choice. I’m not saying “the best hour of television” (though I think the episode warrants mention in that conversation), or “the most emotional hour of television.” No, “Shut the Door. Have a Seat,” was momentously satisfying. From the first frame to the last, the episode felt like an amazing culmination of three years of emotions, character development, and subtle plot moves. It was so uberly awesome, I still get goosebumps thinking about it, and have yet to muster the courage to delete it from my DVR. Every time I reminisce about the finale I get giddy at the thought of season four, even though it is half a year away.

In all honesty, I had planned this post to be a list of sorts, nominating several episodes from recent TV that could compete with the finale of Mad Men. I just couldn’t come up with many episodes that can hold a candle to “Shut the Door. Have a Seat,” when it comes to 60 satisfying minutes.

The first season finale of Damages came to mind, as it wrapped up all the intrigue that built up over a year while perfectly setting up a second season. “The Body” was an incredible hour of television delivered by Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but I wouldn’t call it satisfying. Other shows have had satisfying moments or even half hours that were satisfying, but when it comes to a whole episode that delivers so well — every scene better than the last, Mad Men takes the cake.

What did you think of the finale? Can you think of any other shows that have had episodes as satisfying?

Photo Credit: AMC

Categories: | Clack | General | Mad Men | News | TV Shows |

One Response to “The most satisfying hour of television”

January 19, 2010 at 11:41 PM

I agree– the Mad Men finale was great. But another brilliant episode, in my opinion, was Big Love’s Come, Ye Saints, when the Henrickson’s go on a pilgrimage to NY. Wonderful glimpses into family life and relationships as they switch car buddies and roommates; absolutely incredible acting in the last five minutes. I’ve seen it at least twice, and I’ve had tears streaming down my face both times.

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