CliqueClack TV

Cougar Town has sex for all the right reasons

- Season 1, Episode 13 - "Stop Dragging My Heart Around"

“There’s not that many men out there looking for a forty-something mom who needs lots of foreplay and is a mediocre cook.” – Jules

Yeah … I don’t think I would have gone there, meaning pretty much everywhere Cougar Town went tonight. Grayson and Laurie? Jules and Bobby? Talk about 1001 complications. It seems like a really strange choice for the writers to make when Cougar Town was just falling into a comfortable groove with itself and the relationships between the characters.

Somehow, against all odds, they made it work — perfectly.

Frightened wouldn’t begin to describe how I felt when I saw that Grayson and Laurie had sex. Terror took over when Jules and Bobby slipped back into the sack. How on earth were they going to get out of this? With grace and style, just like everything else Cougar Town does.

I like that Cougar Town has been adding a layer of sweetness to the snark, and the final scenes of this episode were really well done. Jules didn’t pull any punches with Bobby, but was so tender with him, and when we get a glimpse of just how sweet Ellie can be, and how much she really does love Andy, it’s gold. And Cougar Town can make their characters three-dimensional without taking away any of the funny.

Yes, I’m still missing Jeff — we didn’t get near enough Scott Foley — but the way they resolved the breakup, so we didn’t have to watch Jules pine away. And they can hold the Grayson-Laurie card now until much, much later, when it looks like the “someday” couple might just get together. Well done, Cougar Town.

Other things worth mentioning:

  • “Someday Girl”
  • “Sex with Your Ex”
  • M&M tea
  • Laurie’s misunderstanding of the word “defiled”
  • Barb catching Jules on the golf cart of shame ride
  • “I can’t believe you got all the way naked for me last night. I love you.” – Andy to Ellie
  • Andy, formerly known as “Bobby Worshiper,” has solidified his position as Travis’s guru, and it’s great. I hope the interplay between those two characters continues along this path.

What do you think — did Cougar Town sink or swim with this ballsy episode?

Photo Credit: ABC

2 Responses to “Cougar Town has sex for all the right reasons”

January 21, 2010 at 9:15 AM

i reckon it swaaaaaam :D grayson’s songs were amazing.

January 22, 2010 at 4:24 PM

Absolutely loved it! I look forward to this show every week. It always makes me laugh and it’s a nice break from all the seriousness of the real world.

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