CliqueClack TV

Heroes – Don’t think too hard

Generally, when I watch Heroes I try to turn my brain completely off. I find it’s pretty much the only way to get any enjoyment out of the show. If you think too hard, you’re bound to come up with any number of perfectly logical questions that will no doubt have no reasonable answer. Unfortunately for me, I failed in my one goal this evening and have to say that I just don’t understand any of the actions taken by many of the characters in this episode.

Why was 1985 in black and white? I guess it was just a storytelling technique to indicate the past, but I always associate black and white flashbacks with the 40s and 50s. Maybe it’s just me. I have to say that it was pretty awesome seeing 1980s Noah with his flipped up collar and his first wife with her swooped-to-one-side hair. While we’re at it, how was showing Noah’s tragic past to Claire supposed to do anything but make her sympathize with him more than she already did? For that matter, how did Samuel even know about Noah’s past? The whole thing just seemed like a convoluted excuse to have some Noah-centric backstory. That’s lazy writing, and if anyone knows about lazy writing, it’s me.

Let me just state for the record: sensitive and repentant Sylar is insanely boring. Seriously, why even bother? This show was never as much fun as when he was cutting into someone’s brain every episode. Redemption can be a powerful storytelling technique, but when it’s used to take a fun character and make him mopey and sensitive, it really doesn’t work. Let’s hope that his ultimate redemption will end with a noble sacrifice, because I can’t deal with this neutered incarnation of Sylar.

Now, with one episode remaining we learn that Samuel’s big plan was… nothing? It certainly seemed like a spur of the moment decision to move the carnival and do some damage in New York City. Wasn’t he planning something else? Is this really it? I’m severely disappointed. This season finale next week better be off the charts spectacular, but does anyone really think it will be? I just don’t really care what happens to any of these characters anymore.

And where the heck is Tracy? Wasn’t she called in to help last week?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Heroes – Don’t think too hard”

February 2, 2010 at 12:29 AM

Almost all of the flashbacks in this show have been in black and white, it’s so the stupid people watching this show can realize, OH It’s in black and white? It must be a flashback. The producers don’t think that we can read a date or just realize it’s set in the past. I’ve stuck through heroes since season one and even enjoyed some of the beginning of this season but man, this show has gone nowhere in these 18 episodes. If the show does get renewed, they need to figure out some way to get it focused. I’d say kill off everyone and start anew, but we know they’d just have those characters do the same things these ones are.

February 2, 2010 at 12:31 AM

This episode was kind of an underwhelming lead into the finale. Yeah, the HRG stuff was kinda pointless, all they had to do was show the Gretchen stuff to be effective. And I wish they would’ve used Thompson (forget actor’s name) better if they were going to bring him in.

I’m taking a wait and see approach on Sylar, but I agree that he mopes a little too much. And although it was a very convenient way to have these two put the past somewhat behind them, I liked the way Peter responded to the situation.

Also, I found it funny that Parkman finished the wall after both were out of it

February 5, 2010 at 8:26 AM

As Claire said, Samuel didn’t understand how love can trump lies and mistrust. He learned about HRG’s past by having dreadlocks guy root around in his brain, then just brought in Claire to show her the good parts.

Speaking to the writing, I did find it amusing that Peter and Sylar voiced the audience’s obvious questions, such as how dream New York can contain books they’ve never read. However, I’m done with psycho killer Sylar, and am more interested in the times each season he tries to be a good guy, even though he necessarily becomes much stupider.

Speaking of stupid, I’m okay with Sylar having to kill Emma next week. I know she had no reason to trust Lauren, but she could have at least let the wounded, unarmed enemy of the carnies run for her life rather than rat her out. Or at least call in the local police.

Seizing a specials-only zone in Central Park is just the declaration phase of Samuel’s plan. I think his response to the government’s predictable attempt to evict them will be the part that causes the thousands of deaths.

I believe Tracy was still living in DC last we saw her. Without Hiro around, she’ll have to take a plane to the site like everyone else.

February 5, 2010 at 6:38 PM

Does Samuel really think his multiple man can take on the likes of Sylar and Peter? Really? He’s gonna be MURDERED. Or not, since Sylar repented and what not. Either way, multiple man is a joke.

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