CliqueClack TV

Is Heroes worth bringing back?

The ratings are bad, but NBC still might bring Heroes back.... Is it worth it?

Heroes had its season finale last week, and it certainly didn’t play out like a series finale. The ratings have been pretty bad for the show all year and there has been a lot of chatter about whether or not it will come back. There was no tidy wrap up to the series, however, last week. In fact, the next “volume” was introduced at the very end of the episode, indicating that everyone involved with the show must think that it’s going to return for a fifth season.

There were certainly some high points in this past year of Heroes, but there were also a lot of low points, which has me wondering if it’s worth a fifth season.

I think Brett would tell you that based on the ratings alone, the show should be canceled. With the Leno debacle leaving five hours of television to fill and no other shows on NBC really taking off, there is a chance that Heroes will come back. In fact, I think there’s a pretty good chance that it will return for a fifth season.

Through its four seasons, Heroes has lost a lot of viewers, and I just can’t imagine any of them returning. I know that, personally, I’m a little curious about what the new season would look like with the existence of super-powered people being made public. Certainly, it was about time that something big happened on the show, but I think it’s a case of too little too late. After a great first season, there was a bad second season, a terrible third season, and a slightly improved fourth. Through all of them though, the status quo has been maintained. Finally there was a shakeup in the finale this year, and that is a positive sign.

I think I could get on board a new season if some big changes were promised. The cast really needs a revamp. It’s a shame that so many characters who started as interesting people were all but ruined through poor storytelling. Luckily, it seems like the writers are getting bored with a lot of the characters. Tracy and Mohinder were barely featured in this season, and storylines seem to have been wrapped up for Hiro, Ando, and Matt. I don’t think I would miss any of them if they were all absent in a new season.

Even with changes, I’m just not sure if I could commit to another year. I’m sure I’m not alone, and it’s going to be extremely difficult for Heroes to find new viewers. Once people stop watching a show, they rarely go back.

What do you think?

Photo Credit: Chris Haston/NBC

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12 Responses to “Is Heroes worth bringing back?”

February 16, 2010 at 2:18 PM

Maybe someone should send the writers of heroes a stack of xmen comics. That might help.

February 16, 2010 at 3:11 PM

If they bring it back they’ll retcon everything that happened in the Season 4 finale. Just like they did on S02E01.

This show, to me, sucks because of that about as much as Neon Genesis Evangelion after Episode 19.

February 16, 2010 at 3:26 PM

I don’t know if the xmen thing was a joke, but they really should consider it. An X-Men like story with the good supers fighting back the bad ones. You could even put Sylar in a Wolverine-like position of doing some good things, but leaving a body count of bad guys. There’ve been worse stories told on this show.

As for characters, I’m indifferent about Mohinder and Hiro (though I like Ando), and indifferent is never good for a TV character. I wish they’d use Tracy more, she’s one of the few characters I liked in volume 4, and then she got shelved early on in volume 5. I could see Claire being the face of the newly-outed specials. Noah needs to do something other than keep Claire safe.

Whatever they do, it has to be different. I think what Claire did forces this show to change, but I’ve thought things like that in the past.

February 16, 2010 at 4:40 PM


Next question.

February 16, 2010 at 5:18 PM

“There were certainly some high points in this past year of Heroes”

And those were…?

February 16, 2010 at 5:34 PM

I liked Lauren and Noah together… I liked the twist with the invisible girl at the beginning of the season…

I didn’t say there were a lot of high points… ;-)

February 17, 2010 at 8:22 PM

The commercial breaks?

February 17, 2010 at 11:31 AM

“Is Heroes worth bringing back?”

I’m with Oreo. No. Please no.

February 19, 2010 at 2:56 PM

I liked this season and it would have been better with a big budget. Of course it had bad points but also highlights.
I whink we deserve a closing volume and this last volume could be totally different.

PS: Yes, I liked Lauren and Noah too…if no new volume, give us a good spin off…

February 23, 2010 at 5:48 AM

As bad as this season was, I think of the chance of any replacement NBC drama not completely sucking, and the further chance of that new show being sci-fi/fantasy-oriented…

And I’m reluctantly forced to conclude that I would completely welcome another season of Heroes. I just wish that the writers would ignore the characters they love to spotlight every single previous season, and concentrate on the others whom we barely know. It would be far better than seeing Peter, Claire, and Hiro make the exact same mistakes one more time.

February 23, 2010 at 5:51 AM

BTW, Bob, the poll needs a middle option between “psyched” and “not watching” for me to vote.

April 29, 2010 at 11:35 AM

Are you kidding me? This is the most interesting creatve show on television. It’s the only show I never miss. If NBC does not pick up hopefully someone else will, because I will definatley change the channel to watch!

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