CliqueClack TV

Damages – Ellen does her best Patty impression

Ellen is looking more and more like Patty Hewes these days on 'Damages': paying mind games and manipulating young, innocent lawyers. She may not be able to match wits with Patty, but it sure is fun to watch.

- Season 3, Episode 7 - "You Haven't Replaced Me"

It seems like we are seeing Ellen turn into Patty right before our eyes this season on Damages. Certainly, Ellen’s been able to keep up with the mastermind in the past, but I feel like this season she has really been trying to get out in front of Patty. I don’t know what I liked better in this episode: Ellen using Alex to mess with Patty, or Patty seeing right through it. I do feel a little badly for Alex at this point, though.

I’m enjoying the Alex character. She’s a great reminder of the innocence that Ellen used to have, during the first season of the show. She’s also a perfect illustration of how much Patty really does care for Ellen. I’m not sure that “care” is the right word here, especially considering that little attempt on Ellen’s life. There is, however, a certain bond between the two women, and Patty definitely wants Ellen back. Perhaps it’s just a desperate need to “win” on the part of Patty, who sees Ellen’s leaving the firm as a loss. Regardless of the motivations, I’m immensely enjoying the give and take between Patty and Ellen.

With the flashforwards coming closer and closer to the present, the case took some significant steps forward in this episode. Patty and Tom tracked down the Tobin money to a bank in Antigua and even managed to find “help” from a government official. Unfortunately, he is also under the employ of Mr. Zedek. It will be interesting to see if Patty and Tom can find a way around whatever obstacles this man is sure to put up.

As we move forward there is certainly no shortage of suspects for Tom’s death. It could, indeed, be Patty, as the flashforwards have suggested, but I don’t think it is. I would certainly believe that any of the Tobins are capable of offing Tom. Heck, it could even be the financial advisor that he beat up at his daughter’s school. Time will tell.

This episode also gave us a look at Leonard’s past and why he considers himself a member of the Tobin family. It will be interesting to see how those revelations play out through the remainder of the season. I imagine that the Tobins are going to find out about his secret past as a con man, I’m just wondering about what the repercussions will be.

What are your thoughts on this season of Damages so far?

Photo Credit: FX

Categories: | Damages | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Damages – Ellen does her best Patty impression”

March 9, 2010 at 9:41 AM

Thoughts so far?

Better than Season 2 but not quite as good as Season 1.

It is fun to watch Ellen emulate Patty, but some of the mind games (like the 4 a.m. dinner invitation) are getting old.

March 23, 2010 at 10:27 PM

I absolutely agree with you, Bob!

This has been incredibly fun to watch and the particular episode you are talking about has become one of my favorites.

By the way, I hope I don’t offend any one when I say this, but…

I didn’t know that guys watched Damages! All of the people I’ve talked to are gals.

It’s obviously a misconception that men aren’t interested in television shows in which the lead and/or main characters are women.

Thanks for the insightful post!

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