CliqueClack TV

Damages – Patty is coming undone

This week's 'Damages' featured some big advances in the story in both the present and flashforwards. Things are not going well for Patty, though.

- Season 3, Episode 9 - "Drive It Through Hardcore"

As we get closer and closer to the end of this season of Damages, things are becoming more complicated. The big reveal in the flashforward this week was Tom jumping off a bridge. It would certainly seem that at this point, he killed himself. My best guess is that his family life went horribly wrong with the loss of his entire life savings to Tobin. However, he did get a huge bag of money from Lenny, and appeared to be starting a new exciting opportunity with Ellen. Clearly, there is a lot more that we don’t know.

There are many pieces that need to fit together before everything is wrapped up. Tom may not have been murdered, but we have seen that he got the stuffing beat out of him. Was it a good old fashion beating at the hands of Lenny (aka grifter Lester Wiggins)? Was it Patty’s man, who she had thought she called off? Was it an agent of the Tobins, angry with Tom’s involvement with the case? It could plausibly be any of those. However, with Ellen’s bag being found covered with blood and Lenny’s fingerprints, he’s getting my vote as of now.

Back in the present day there was a lot going on. It seems like Patty is headed for a breakdown. She’s certainly not taking the destruction of her relationship with her son very well, lashing out at the wall and other people (including a blind-sided Frobisher). I can’t imagine that Tom’s resignation is going to help things at all. I’m concerned for Patty. I don’t think she can afford to get any meaner. She may attain critical bitch mass and explode. That would be really fun to watch, though.

Also fun to watch, I’m sure, will be the making of this Frobisher movie. I can’t wait to see who they cast as Patty.

Finally, I’m curious to see where the story involving Ellen’s annoying family is going to end up. I can’t say that I’m enjoying that subplot this season. My guess is that Ellen is going to have to leave the DA’s office in order to help her sister, which will bring her to Tom as we have seen in the flashforwards. With Tom’s death, however, I think that Ellen is going to end up back with Patty at season’s end.

Photo Credit: FX

Categories: | Damages | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Damages – Patty is coming undone”

March 24, 2010 at 12:41 PM

Good God, it is such a pleasure to watch the brilliant Ted Danson in his role as the sniveling, out-of-touch, egomaniacal loser that is Frobisher. It was so ironic that Patty is the only person seeing through him….

March 24, 2010 at 4:12 PM

As far removed the Frobisher story is from everything, its nice to have some levity on the show. The Hollywood people’s reaction to her was hilarious. I also look forward to the next revelation Frobisher gets while screwing a hooking in a car after doing coke.

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