CliqueClack TV

Greek – Revenge is going to be sweet

The time is drawing near on 'Greek' - the KTs are out for revenge on the Omega Chis. And it won't be pretty.

Spring break is right around the corner on Greek, and that can mean only one thing: season finale. As in next week. Seems to have popped up kind of fast, which could be a positive thing, like that this season hasn’t really dragged at all and has just been fun. I’d say that’s mostly true, which makes it even more painful to think that the show will end within the next dozen episodes.

I have extremely high hopes for this whole Kappa Tau revenge plot. The entire series has pitted the KTs against the Omega Chis, and if this is meant to be the culmination of their animosity, I’m excited at the prospects. And I think I’m more excited to see the looks on their faces than even to get a preview of what’s in store for the OXs. Now that’s growth.

Meanwhile, ZBZ’s battle with the Gamma Psis hasn’t provided me with as much enjoyment. I wasn’t moved at all that Greek Week had been cancelled, or that ZBZ might close out the year in second place. I don’t think we’ve really ever been given a face to root against on the other side … not since the IKI house existed did we really know ZBZ’s enemy, and Frannie only stirred up reasons to root against her.

I’m really happy to see that Calvin and Grant are no more, and that Heath might be back in the picture for Calvin. I’ve been rooting for both things for quite some time, the latter longer than the former, and it’s nice to think that Calvin might actually end up in a relationship that’s good for him. I loved that he was counseling Dale’s friend Adam, and that Dale was looking out for Adam — two school years ago Dale would have condemned him as a sinner and attempted an exorcism. It’s really cool to see how much he’s grown.

With women as well. Dale and Laura were a thing! I knew it! I’m sorry that things seem to have cooled for them, but how awesome was it, even just for a moment? Dale is underutilized, but when he does get a plot, he always shines.

I was a little confused by Rusty and Cappie’s story last night. I can understand Rusty being upset when he learned about Evan and Cappie, but getting upset with Cappie for keeping his own counsel? And at the same time, why would Cappie not share his plot for revenge, or lack thereof, with Rusty? There wasn’t anything earth-shattering about the sub-plots, but neither seemed particularly in-character for either, even for the traditionally desperate-to-be-included Rusty. I liked that Cappie eventually appeared to view Rusty as a friend, so the outcome was good, by did we need all of the drama?

I’ll expend a few words on this just because it dominated a fair amount of the episode, but not too many — Rebecca deserves sympathy from no one. She’s a terrible person, a terrible friend, and she slept with Evan when he was dating Casey, and cheated on Evan multiple times while they were together, not to mention countless reasons to dislike her in between. I have no good feelings for her, and I say let her cry in a corner. Just leave us alone.

The end of last night’s episode definitely set things in motion for the season finale. Rusty as revenge chair, and the completion of phase one, Mission: Probable, was all very exciting. I am of course a bit nervous that the revenge plot will be a letdown, but for now I’m going to think good thoughts. The other alternative (aside from it being just okay) is that it’ll be awesome, so let’s all hope for that. To Myrtle Beach!

“Hey Cal, there’s a Jehovah’s Witness here to see you.” – Tripp to Calvin when Dale came to visit him
“Ah, I’m a Baptist, thank you. That’s like mistaking a Methodist for a Lutheran.” – Dale

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Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Greek – Revenge is going to be sweet”

March 23, 2010 at 12:45 PM

When Heath went “I’m sorry to hear that” with Calvin’s breakup I was so happy, they are great together. However I wouldn’t mind if Calvin and Adam got together, Adam is so damn cute, but would obviously have the same issues that Calvin had with Grant. Maybe Heath and Calvin will get back together and be friends with Adam.

I really enjoyed this episode, it was really nicely done. Rusty and Cappie needed to fight a little, I enjoyed it. When Dale announced he was having a relationship with one of the girls, I was so happy! You go Dale!

I liked this part….
“I’d like you to meet Adam, he is one of you.” – Dale
“Catholic?” – Calvin

March 24, 2010 at 12:05 AM

Both of those thoughts about Adam occurred to me. I think a friendship between Adam and Calvin and/or Heath would help him a lot, but dating him would just be another bad relationship for Calvin.

Calvin also could have said black. :)

March 28, 2010 at 8:25 AM

Dale : FTW ! Love this character.

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