CliqueClack TV

FlashForward – The mole revealed

Mark upped the ante in the search for the mole in this episode of 'FlashForward.' We did indeed find out who the leak in the FBI was, but not without a twist.

Well, Janis just got a whole lot more interesting, eh? I didn’t think that FlashForward had a twist like that in it. I was all ready to complain about how the obvious candidate was the mole, meaning Marcy, and then the episode threw me for a loop. Marcy had the suspicious motive and we had never really met her before. She seemed like a great option to toss away in a meaningless investigation. I suppose I should have expected a little more, but FlashForward has let me down a lot in its first season. This was definitely a fun twist though, and it should be interesting moving forward watching Janis working both sides of the investigation.

There wasn’t a whole lot else going on in this episode. It was a little heavy on Mark and Olivia for my taste. I swear, the both of them are so self involved it’s sickening. If either of them just took a step back to realize what huge idiots they’re both being, I don’t think there would be a problem with their relationship. Talk about a self fulfilling prophecy. I don’t know if their relationship issues are just being handled sloppily by the writers or if the characters are really meant to be this emotionally stunted. Regardless, Mark is out of the house. Hopefully we don’t have to hear about it anymore for a few weeks.

There was also some forward movement on the Bryce/Keiko story line. Keiko got a job in the city in a car repair garage, but was busted at the end of the episode by the immigration department. Chances are, she’ll be headed back to Japan for the time being. Did anyone else get the feeling that Emil maybe had a flash that conflicted with Keiko’s? He looked discouraged when Keiko was talking about Bryce, and then commented that his flash was “different” than hers. I’m wondering if he and Keiko were together in his flash, which is why he was willing to hire her and give her a chance. I could be way off base.

Hopefully the big reveal in this episode (which helps to explain a few of the questions surrounding Simon’s actions in Canada) will kick start the series and help the pacing out. It seems like most of this episode was really slow, and then things picked up at the end with the shootout and twist. The stakes are higher than ever now. I have to admit that I loved the mad escape attempt by Marcy, as she took down agent after agent in a bloody massacre, only to be caught by the other mole in the office. From the looks of things, we probably won’t be seeing Seth MacFarlane back on the show again. I imagine he’ll stay fairly busy with the acting gig. I was surprised to see him on FlashForward to begin with.

What did  you think of this episode? Were you surprised by the reveal? Are you hopeful about the future? Are you ready to throw something at the TV the next time Mark says that “there’s going to be another blackout!” like I am?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “FlashForward – The mole revealed”

April 9, 2010 at 1:10 AM

Yeah the ep was definitely slow to start. I was so bummed when Seth got shot. I was actually hoping he was the mole, figuring Simon would say some nerdy comment about his rpg char that revealed he made up the story or something.

April 9, 2010 at 1:38 AM

I agree with what you said about Mark and Olivia, it’s like Mark, if you don’t want your wife to sleep with Loyd then its probably not a good idea to move out of the house. I was interested by Bryce and Nicole’s story in this episode. Oh like when he called her the next day saying sorry for the kiss but then says he’s happy he did it =)…The Mole was JANIS!!! that was a major twist. I was with my jaw to the the floor when she told Simon, i figured the mole would be Vogel but of course he would be the most obvious…All I know is I can’t wait for the next episode…

April 9, 2010 at 12:29 PM

I was really shocked by Janis being the mole. I’m wondering how she will be able to continue being the mole since Simon knows? I also think you’re on the right track with Keiko and Emil. I thought the same thing.

April 10, 2010 at 2:58 AM

Mayabe she is not the mole. Maybe she is playing with Simon.
She is part of the main cast it will be really dumb if the writers make her a real mole

*sorry ’bout the english!

April 23, 2010 at 2:39 AM

Yeah, Janis may not be a bad gal after all. Thanks for the teaser at the end of tonight’s (4/22) show.

May 19, 2010 at 6:25 AM

Yeah Janis was like 1 of my fav characters bt it was a mean twist. Half da time on this show I get th feelin some1s bad like tracts army friend but think it couldn’t be but then it turns out true

May 19, 2010 at 6:39 AM

Sorry lots of typos will repeat. Yeah Janis was like 1 of my fav character’s but it was a mean twist. Half the time on this show I get the feel sumthin bad is gonna happen but then I think na. Like tracys army friend which he did turn out 2 b bad.

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