CliqueClack TV

Glee – What about the rest of the cast?

Tina’s misuse is almost criminal. “True Colors” proved that she’s got the chops, and the burgeoning relationship between her and Artie should easily serve as an opportunity for both of them to show off their pipes a bit more.

- Season 1, Episode 15 - "The Power of Madonna"

I had actually written out my thoughts on tonight’s Glee in advance, but lost them to the digital 1s and 0s that is my laptop hard drive. In the end, though, I’m just a little glad, as in tonight’s Live-Blog/Chat, one of our frequent attendees, Justin, and I had a little back and forth about how the show continues to under-represent several of the characters. This week, the writers may have made a move to rectify that, at least with Mercedes and Kurt. However, they’ve got a long way to go before they’ve got it right.

As brilliant as some of tonight’s Glee was (and, damn weren’t the musical numbers outstanding?), there were a couple of  significant plot happenings. First was Jesse “transferring” to McKinley and New Directions, which I think was unnecessary dramatically, but does provide Jonathan Groff an opportunity to sing with the rest of the cast. More of a surprise, though, was Kurt and Mercedes defection to the Cheerios. It paid immediate returns with their fronting the cheerleaders on “4 Minutes.” They are both probably on the next level down from Shue, Rachel, and Finn as far as featured songs go, and more is definitely a move in the right direction. I think it’s well past time that we saw more of the secondary cast featured.

I’m looking at you, Quinn, Artie, and Tina. Sure, Quinn has had a lot more to do dramatically than the others, but “I Say a Little Prayer” and “Papa Don’t Preach” are two of my favorite songs on the show yet, and I want more. Artie is a bit different, having been almost as many duets as Rachel and Finn, but I can think of only one solo to his credit. Tina’s misuse is almost criminal. “True Colors” proved that she’s go the chops, and the burgeoning relationship between her and Artie should easily serve as an opportunity for both of them to show off their pipes a bit more.

And don’t even get me started on Other Asian (Mike) and Matt. I had to look up their damn names!

But tonight was about Madonna, and I think they worked the Material Girl’s … uh … material into the show quite well. I loved the scene with all of the students dressed in the different looks of Madonna in the background. I would have liked to have seen “All the way May” from A League of their Own, but that’s just me. The music selections were also diverse and well produced. I loved “4 Minutes” and “Express Yourself” in particular. Would have have killed them, though, to include a full length version of Quinn/Dianna Agron’s “Papa Don’t Preach” from “Hairography,” though?

Notes & Quotes

  • “The woman most responsible for my take no prisoners demeanor, and my subconscious tendency to always be desperately looking for someone named Susan.” – Sue
  • “Just do what I do: never say no.” – Santana
    “Oh, totally! What’s the worst that could happen? Oh, sorry Quinn.” – Brittany
  • “Oh, hello William. I thought I smelt cookies wafting from the ovens of the little elves who live in your hair.” – Sue
  • “When I pulled my hamstring, I went to a misogynist.” – Brittany
  • “It’s gonna be Madge-ical … Madge-ical … You know, Madonna’s nickname?” – Kurt
  • “Listen very closely. You can have your Barbaras … and your Chers … and your Christinas … and … Wow I just lost my train of thought you have so much margarine in your hair.” – Sue
  • “I’m so glad you came. I picked the Stephen Sondheim biography section for our clandestine meeting place because only he would be able to express my melancholia.” – Jesse
  • “Which is why I’m planning on doing nasty with you tonight at your place. Foreplay shall begin at 7:30 sharp.” – Emma
  • [To Rachel, hiding in the bathroom] Just come out so we can talk. Or sing about it” – Jesse
  • “Yeah that’s right. And you just trot me out at the end of every number so I can wail on the last note. How is that OK?” – Mercedes … True that!
  • “My eyes? Are up here! I’m a person with feelings! Get out of my grill. I am a power woman and my growing feminism will cut you in half like a righteous blade of equality!” – Tina
  • “We’ve been treating the girls like crap. Not caring about their feelings, not listening. Objectifying … that’s the right word, right Mr. Shue?” – Finn
    “That’s right.” – Shue
    “Objectifying.” – Finn
  • [to Finn] Sing-off. The parking lot. 5:00. Be there.“ – Jesse
    “No!” – Rachel

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Glee | Polls | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Glee – What about the rest of the cast?”

April 21, 2010 at 12:11 PM

Jesse’s lines were killing me! I could give these writers a big, sloppy kiss … and your chat was fun!

April 21, 2010 at 6:37 PM

I’m loving the Finn-Santana dynamic these last two episodes. She’s so unapologetically bitchy, it’s awesome.

And the pamphlets behind Emma’s desk are hilarious

April 21, 2010 at 10:22 PM

LOVED this episode. Confession time: I spent the better part of the ’80s singing along to my double “tape deck” to Madonna playing on one side, and me recording my singing on the other. So yeah, Keith had to listen to me singing over the Glee kids tonight, but at least I had fun! :-) If I were going to try out for American Idol, Madonna (probably “Express Yourself”) would be my audition song … or Joni Mitchell…. ;-)

April 22, 2010 at 12:15 AM

Deb: It is much more fun when you sing along!

April 21, 2010 at 10:23 PM

Oh, and I really don’t care who got to sing or not sing tonight, because I did, LOL! :-)

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