CliqueClack TV

Community – Uh Duh

Jeff and Britta meet the most annoying teenagers in existence. This week's episode is as strong a case for birth control as I've ever seen.

- Season 1, Episode 22 - "The Art of Discourse"

Every show features annoying characters. This especially happens in ensembles in which members need to unite against a common enemy. But dear Lord. Have you ever seen a more annoying set of characters in your life? I wanted to throw my television out of the window just so I would never have to hear “duh” again. Well played, Community; you made me want to destroy my best friend. Well played.

Those kids were so annoying that had I been in Jeff or Britta’s shoes, I don’t know how I would have avoided going to jail. Someone was going to get punched or their eyes gouged out or something. Point is, someone else was going to need that teeny-tiny eye patch more than Britta’s new cat.

Aside from the visceral reactions I was having throughout this episode, it was nice to see Pierce’s bigotry and general stupidity actually addressed. It can be laughed off up to a point, but they chose a really good reason to kick his ass out. Sure, I don’t 100% buy the resolution, with Pierce telling Shirley that he respects her more than anybody, but it was a good way to get everyone back together, regardless.

There also hasn’t been nearly enough Shirley-centric storylines. Too often, she’s just there to react to the escapades of the other people in the group. It was nice to see her show some backbone and actually acknowledge her second-class status. I want to see her taking center stage more often — and I really do want her to have an actual love interest.

I also enjoyed Britta and Jeff’s friendship in this episode. They seem to be becoming genuine friends more and more, without the constant desperate sexual subtext. I hate shows that focus on “will they or wont they” scenarios, so the Britta/Jeff relationship was my biggest complaint about the early episodes. Their relationship now, in which they’re bonded by their common fragile egos, is much more interesting to me.

Photo Credit: Trae Patton/NBC

Categories: | Community | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “Community – Uh Duh”

April 30, 2010 at 7:31 AM

I almost could not watch the episode, luckily I remembered how much I love this show and powered through it. It might have paid off this time, but oh my goodness those kids were the worst! I’m sure I was never that bad.

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