CliqueClack TV

Lost in Lost – A review of what we don’t know

With only five hours of 'Lost' left, I figured it was a good time to run down some of the outstanding questions that have been raised.

So much!

Sadly, that really isn’t overstating things, is it? With only five hours of Lost left, the writers have left a lot of questions open. I know that a good many of you are starting to get concerned that you are going to be let down with the finale, or that the creators are leaving too much undone this late in the show. I’m remaining optimistic at this point, but I can certainly understand why some are worrying.

Before heading into the home stretch of the series, I thought it might be a good time to sum up some of the big (and not so big) questions that remain:

  • What is the deal with Smokey: There are many questions that remain around the smoke monster. What is his history? Was he truly a man at some point in time? Why is he trapped on the island? What is going to happen if he leaves? I’m confident that these questions are going to be answered.
  • Is someone going to become the next Jacob? If so, who: All the smart money is on Jack, which leads me to believe that it won’t be him. The person acting most Jacob-like these days is Desmond, but his name wasn’t on the cave wall. Does that matter? I also think it would be a fun twist, and a fitting end, if Ben ended up being the caretaker of the island. With this week’s episode being entitled “The Candidate,” I have a feeling that we may get an answer to this question soon.
  • Who’s going to die: I don’t know about you, but I’ve been surprised that there hasn’t been more bloodshed this season. With the rate that Lost has offed characters in the past, I thought this whole season was going to have some shocking deaths. I’m sure that there are going to be some before all is said and done. Does Claire still have it out for Kate? Is Smokey going to grow tired of Sawyer’s insolence? Will Widmore reign down some terror? We’ll see.
  • What about the sideways world: We know Desmond is trying to tell people that the sideways world is wrong, or unnatural, but to what end? Does he want to see an end to the alternate timeline? Does he want the original timeline to go away? How is this going to play into the end game with the smoke monster? I’m eager to find out.

Those are the real big questions floating around my head, but there are certainly a bunch of little ones that still remain:

  • Who are Adam and Eve: Jacob and Smokey? Rose and Bernard? At this point, I don’t think I would be shocked with any answer, but I’m looking forward to getting one. The producers have pointed to the two skeletons in the cave as proof that they are not making the story up as they go along. We’ll see how convincing that argument is after the truth is revealed.
  • What was the Dharma Initiative really doing: A lot of this has sort of been answered peripherally through off-screen stories. One of the Alternate Reality Games brought us all the info about the Valenzetti Equation, but I’m curious to see if the writers choose to address any of this on screen before the end of the series.
  • Will there be any closure between Ben and Widmore: They have a long history together, and seem to be playing by some of the same rules as Smokey and Jacob (i.e. they can’t kill each other). It seems like there is more than we have seen between these two, and I’m looking forward to seeing them reunite.
  • Is there something more to Walt: We haven’t seen him all season, and haven’t really seen him much since season two, but I think there is still more to his story. Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe he just has weird mental powers and that’s all there is to it.
  • What was the cause of the pregnancy issues on the island: Why were pregnant women dying, and did it have a deeper meaning? I have a feeling that this is one that the writers may leave hanging, but it was such a huge plot point earlier in the season, I would be a little disappointed if they didn’t answer it.
  • Where is Christian’s body: I think there is still some mystery surrounding Christian. Smokey claimed to have appeared as Christian, but Jack had visions of his father off the island. How is that possible, and where is Christian’s corpse? I have a feeling that we’re going to see a plot twist here before the end.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten lots of open questions. What are some of the ones that have been nagging you?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Columns | General | Lost | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Lost in Lost – A review of what we don’t know”

May 3, 2010 at 11:25 PM

Bob, all I can say is I’m prepared to be left with a lot of unanswered questions. Over the years they’ve set up so many mysteries, left so many situations unanswered that even if they fill the last 5 hours with nothing but answers they couldn’t get to them all. Sometimes we just have to accept that there are mysterious things that cannot be explained, even in the LOST universe.

All I really want to know is what smokey is, what is the island, what is the island’s purpose and what the hell do the numbers mean? I guess that’s 4 questions, although what the island question(s) could be considered one. All the other loose threads can remain and I wouldn’t feel cheated at all. Anyone who still watches has to admit that no matter what, LOST has been one of the best rides on television ever.

I guess I’m treating it like I am a kid and it’s almost Christmas. I have a list of things that I want, but I never expected to get them all, I just hoped I got a few. That’s all I’m hoping for here as well.

May 3, 2010 at 11:28 PM

Okay, something’s up with the edit function. I’m unable to scroll down and keep the editor on the lines that fall below the edit box. It just keeps jumping up to the top. Can someone look into this?

May 3, 2010 at 11:40 PM

Walt!!!! Really need to get that one answered.

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