CliqueClack TV

The Modern Family finale shows us some dirty photos

'Modern Family' has stayed true to itself throughout its freshman season, and while the finale wasn't one that stood out too much from the rest of the season, that in no way means it wasn't fantastic. In fact, every episode this season was fantastic.

- Season 1, Episode 24 - "Family Portrait"

Sometimes  — no, most times — a great series doesn’t need a splashy finale to show off just how great it is. It doesn’t save the best for last, even when there may be many expecting it to go over the top. When every episode of the season was awesome, there’s no need for it to go above and beyond for a finale. In fact, it may be damn near impossible.

One thing this episode did really well was hone in on what makes every character special … well, with the exception of Alex — does she ever really get much to do in these episodes besides being, y’know, Alex-y? We had Phil and his uncomfortably funny infatuation with Gloria, Claire’s anal retentiveness, Luke’s awkwardness (to put it mildly), Jay’s crotchetiness, Mitchell being a wimp, Cam’s love for singing and Haley’s angst. The only character I would have liked to see more from was Manny, and even the short shots he got in were great.

For me, the best moment of the episode was Mitchell’s slow-motion attack on the poor, trapped pigeon, to the tune of Cam singing “Ave Maria.” It was a definite laugh-out-loud moment and one of the more memorable ones of the season.

Though I saw the photo shoot “mishap” coming, it didn’t at all take away the pleasure of seeing this family — one we’ve come to love watching throughout these 24 episodes — quickly get over their minor squabbles with one another and have fun. Although, what’s up with needing some fancy “professional” photographer to take a family portrait?

I’m definitely looking forward to more Modern Family next season, and I have faith that the writers can hit us another 24-episode home run.

Great quotes from this episode:

“Ordinarily I’m a role follower, but when someone tells me I can’t bring my own snacks into their stadium … that’s when I get a little ‘nuts.’ It’s a free country, right? Let’s just say it ‘Ruffles’ me when some ‘Goobers’ tell me I have to spend half my ‘Payday’ on their ‘hot dogs.'” – Phil

“Kobe! Kobe!” – Phil
“Hey, what can I do for you?” – Kobe
“… You like being a basketball player?” – Phil
” … You serious?” – Kobe
“I choked. I didn’t think you’d look up here at me.” – Phil
“A little preparation next time. It’s a mental game.” – Kobe
“Duly noted.” – Phil

“Pigeons aren’t afraid of anything — they stand on electrical wires.” – Mitchell

“Oh God! Oh! You look like the guy from Dance Fever!” – Claire
“Thank you!” – Phil


2 Responses to “The Modern Family finale shows us some dirty photos”

May 20, 2010 at 2:32 PM

The entire pigeon bit had me in tears I was laughing so hard. To finish it off with the Ave Maria sequence was perfection.

May 20, 2010 at 7:14 PM

Yeah, that was really clever. I laughed at this episode more than usual, for sure, and then it was so sweet at the end with the mud fight that I almost got teary!

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