CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Jack finally chooses … or at least fate does it for him

This week's '30 Rock' may not have matched the hilarity of last week's episode, but the finale was a satisfying send off of the season.

- Season 4, Episode 22 - "I Do Do"

After last week’s stellar episode of the 30 Rock (perhaps the best all season?), it was inevitable that tonight’s episode wouldn’t quite reach the same levels of awesome. With that being said, the season finale was a good episode. We finally got a resolution to Jack’s double girlfriend plot, which was not the highlight of the season and all the weddings have finally arrived (it’s a shame we didn’t get to see any more Floyd).

After it looked like Jack was going to settle on Nancy, Avery swept in under the radar with a surprise pregnancy to seal the deal. Nancy bowed out gracefully after learning the news and Avery and Jack decided to make a go of it with the baby (even if Avery did want to sue the fetus, along with the makers of her birth control). At this point, I’m just glad that it is all settled. Frankly, I think the show dragged this plot line on a little too long. It will be interesting to see if Avery (and her portrayer Elizabeth Banks) will be around more next season or if she will remain off screen for most of the episodes.

Liz’s love life seemed to show signs of a turn around as well, as she met Carol, the seemingly perfect pilot (and perhaps the only super fan of TGS). It was a little odd seeing Matt Damon in the role. I’m not really sure what to think about it. Is he going to be back on the show for more guest starring duty next year? Was this just a quickie cameo and the relationship will be brushed off at the beginning of the season? It seemed a little unnecessary to just throw him in right at the last minute. With that being said, however, he had some funny lines and definitely added something.

Season finales of 30 Rock always seem a bit rough on Kenneth, and this year saw him getting fired. He was trying to give a crappy tour so that he wouldn’t be promoted out of the New York offices, but ended up giving it to the new bosses from Kabletown. It did lead to a hilarious speech at Grizz’s wedding, and I’m sure that he will be back at NBC before the start of the new season.

I will leave you with some quotes:

“You can’t force your fate, you just have to let it wash over you, like a spray tan that won’t take because your skin is to oily.” – Liz

“The world is made by those who control their own destiny. It isn’t made by those who don’t do, it’s made by those who do do. Which is what made me the man I am — I do do.” – Jack

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “30 Rock – Jack finally chooses … or at least fate does it for him”

May 21, 2010 at 2:39 AM

Funniest moment had to be Kenneth giving up his gun.

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