So, truth time: I love, love, love Drop Dead Diva. Why? Well, because like most Ugly Bettys of the world, it totally appeals to the underdog portion of my personality that wants cotton confectionary fun, yet with a bit of intelligence while offering the vicarious parade of male eye candy. And, with Betty exiting stage right, Diva now takes center rink. So, of course, I leapt at the opportunity to sit in on Drop Dead Diva’s ‘virtual’ tour of their set with guardian angel Fred (Ben Feldman) as our Dante-like guide into these various circles. So, below find items I glimpsed in the tour, fun facts, and random bits of kitchen sink-like information.
First up, the virtual tour showed us a peek into:
- Deb’s apartment
- The outdoor spaces surrounding her apartment
- The Kraft Services table (tons of coffee, apple, cereal, donuts)
- The very impressive courtroom and its less impressive greenroom
- A live film rehearsal (Ben actually had to whisper)
- The ‘Video Village,’ the director/producer video screening room
All I know about Drop Dead Diva I learned from Fred:
- The show is filmed in Peach Tree City, Georgia
- All of the cast now lives in the area during filming
- The stage is built on an old airplane hanger
- The entire cast uses Deb’s bedroom as a greenroom for naps, etc. in between takes
- Ben Feldman loves the cloth horse in Deb’s house
- Ben makes a wine (I believe)
- None of the filmed food is real (which is typical on most sets)
- They use various lights and reflectors to mirror sunlight (ditto what I said above)
- The kitchen table is where the women typically go to cry in the show
So, here’s the rest of the kitchen sink:
- The tour featured a mini-Margaret Cho/Ben Feldman comedy hour while Ben pointed out Stacey’s exercise machine and why she’s always on it: “She’s a model and she has to stay hot.”
- Deb’s apartment is huge. I always thought it was too expensive for an on-again, off-again model to afford; but, after the tour (which revealed it as 2x larger), I’d almost say it’s too big for Deb. Then, again, she owns a Porsche.
- The outdoor spaces surrounding her apartment are awesome, even if artificial (and not all too frequently used in shots, according to Ben).
- The Virtual Experience: I love the idea of a virtual tour because it takes advantage of contemporary technologies. Skype/web conference software is so prolific, I was intrigued that Drop Dead Diva decided to take advantage of a version of it (which is smart considering today’s economy). Admittedly, I thought there would be more bells and whistles with ribbons swinging from the rafters. I thought they’d have a glossier version than what’s in use today with a more stylized ‘pink’ interface; but, I wonder if more shows will take advantage of it — which I’m not averse to. There were a lot of echoes, static and lost sound in the live video cast, but even so, I enjoyed it.
We were supposed to have a live interview at the end of the tour, but couldn’t due to cast scheduling conflicts. So, we sent our questions on to the rep who forwarded them to the cast. When the video comes through I’ll post that as well. However, Drop Dead Diva Premieres Sunday, June 6 at 9 pm et/pt on Lifetime. Don’t let the network fool you, it’s good stuff.
Since CC Deb has done an awesome job getting Sophie’s Choice like polls up (no, I can’t choose who looks best in a suit or who’s the better con-man. They all do/are!), I’ll ask, if you were in Deb’s position and considering the number of hot men in her life who would you choose for your flavor of the week?

Photo Credit: Lifetime
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Being a guy, I chose not to vote in the poll, but love this show and all the characters in it. Every episode just makes me happy to have watched it.
So, An, were you also an Ally McBeal fan back in the day, or is there another show you would hold up to DDD?
I think it’s interesting that the majority of the people who voted (all 11 as of today :)) voted for David.
However, Ryan, you’re correct I was an Ally McBeal fan from way back, I just never made the connection between DDD and AB. I saw the UB connection moreso, just b/c of tone (incredibly upbeat), theme (Plain Jane who really isn’t plain), and shared color palette (pink/red). But, there’s definitely an AB connection. It’s ironic that the public eventually focused on the weight of the lead character in AB; yet, no one does that for DDD, despite the show’s focus.
That is weird; I thought women from the boards loved Grayson.
I’ve never watched Ugly Betty, so you could be right that it’s a closer match. I was drawn to the other two shows for their fantasy elements, and stayed because they are just that good. Both were light-hearted, but could play the pathos equally well when necessary. And I know the court cases will always turn out for the best, which is why I could stand to watch them over more realistic legal dramas. Ally and Jane both had good hearts, as well as a steely resolve that enabled their streaks of righteousness. And I love all the characters on both shows.
The body change from Deb to Jane was focused on in the first season, as should be expected, and gave us some fitting storylines. It’s good that they’ve de-emphasized that aspect in the second season, as Jane’s become more comfortable in herself, and they can move on to the more mental and relationship-oriented aspects of the shift.
I did rewatch the Ally McBeal pilot recently, and Ally started out on the skinny side, but reasonably so, and very attractive (she still had boobs back then). Her great legs were certainly spotlighted to an amusing degree by her tiny skirts; I don’t think either of those things changed in the seasons to come.