CliqueClack TV

I’m kicking my own garbage can in sympathy for Gordon Ramsay!

The first of another two-parter, in which we find celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay pissed off. What? That's nothing new? True. Let's see what he's "on about" now!

- Season 07, Episode 07 - "10 Chefs Compete"

I have to say that one of my favorite parts of Hell’s Kitchen is watching my Gordon Ramsay kick garbage cans while he has an utter freak out. This may put some people off, and definitely scares the contestants and patrons of the restaurant. Why then, it is so special to me? Because I have felt the urge to kick the living crud out of something for about a year and a half now. The whys don’t really matter here, at least until I know you better. Let’s just say I’m living vicariously through television. And isn’t that the point of television anyway?

In part one of two episodes this week, we find Chef Ramsay showing his sentimental side. At first. He challenges the teams to recreate the wedding menu of the cutest older couple who are celebrating their 50th anniversary. This couple must have had some scratch back in the ’50s, as their menu featured a choice between Trout Almondine, Steak Diane, or Chicken Kiev. I thought I was snazzy with eight kinds of hor d’oeuvres and an open bar!

As you recall, Benjamin was put on the red team last week. Boy, is he turning out to be the new pain in our collective butts, or what? He starts by just taking over the Red Team. First he has the nerve to bitch about Gordon’s choice to put him there, and then he tells the remaining girls on the team that he “hope(s) you f@#king guys pick it up!” Following this insult, he just monopolizes the entire challenge, assigning the women here and there. And they let him! Listen buster. If I was there, you would’ve at least gotten an argument! It seems the Red Team is so tired of losing that they are forgetting Chef Ramsay is only looking for one great chef to lead the Savoy in London. They’ve completely lost sight of the fact that this is not really a “team competition.” It’s a you competition!

The Red Team won by a narrow margin though, and Siobhan said, “Alls (yes, she said “alls”) it took was Benjamin to lead us.” Stupid girl. As you’ll see, she’s stepped right into Benjamin’s hands, and she will eat those words. With a lovely side of risotto, of course!

The usual punishment of prepping (in this case that night’s wedding reception for the older couple) falls to the Blue Team, while the Red ladies and Benjamin go to a ’50s diner for grub. We don’t really have to talk about this part of the show, except I have to point out one of the best quotes so far this season. Jay says it when talking about Autumn, who never shuts up while prepping. When they cut to him for a behind the scenes remark he states, “I’m almost ready to take my own life right now.” Jay highly amuses me on a regular basis.

Kitchen service has its ups and downs. There’s under- and overcooked food. Benjamin actually messes up and gets flustered, which was great in a kind of “sixth grade bully breaking his nose during dodge ball” way. But the big story (or maybe not because we saw it coming) is Salvatore. Oh my. Poor guy is clueless on the garnish station, and just shuts up and blanks out. It doesn’t take a “rocket surgeon” to know that Gordon will hone in for the kill if you’re like that. Fran is so lucky that Salvatore is still there, distracting my Gordon from her continual screw ups.

Because when all is said and done, even though the Red Team loses on dinner service, it’s Sal that gets a fork stuck in him. Fran is safe to complain another day. Gosh, her team hates her. Even Gordon points out that she spends more time on the carpet that in her stations.

As I said Ciao! to Sal, I couldn’t help but wonder … will these women on the Red Team keep letting Benjamin call all the shots? They are following him like they should follow, um, Chef Ramsay! Although, I think Siobhan may be coming around. We’ll see. In my next review!

Photo Credit: Fox

4 Responses to “I’m kicking my own garbage can in sympathy for Gordon Ramsay!”

June 30, 2010 at 12:43 PM

Okay, sort of getting ahead of things, but I think Benjamin is digging his own grave by being so condescending with the weaker members of the Red Team. Chef Ramsay was quite pleased with him as a member of the Blue Team, which is why he sent him over (to test his leadership skills), and Ben is blowing it big-time. The guys of the Blue Team, and Holli, are now my front-runners to win the competition. Nobody else has shown the necessary combination of cooking skill, a cool head in the kitchen, and teamwork that it takes to be picked by Ramsay.

Give me Jay, Ed, and Holli in the final three. Jason could potentially be there, but he showed before that he’s not great at working with others when things get tough. I’ll take Jay to win it all.

June 30, 2010 at 12:51 PM

Hey Adam, thanks for the comment. I’m a big fan of Jay too.

June 30, 2010 at 12:53 PM

While I initially liked Sal, it was time for him to get the heave ho. He had a certain charm and joie de vivre about him, but should’ve exited a few episodes ago, truth be told.

Fran sticks in my craw. I can’t stand her. She keeps sliding beneath the radar, but her time is short. Mayhap it came last evening during Part 2 of the program and I missed it because I fell asleep! That means I must stay away from the other part of your synopsis until I’ve had the opportunity to view it!

Stupid need for sleep …

June 30, 2010 at 1:07 PM

**You Donkey, Get out of Here!** :) I love it, what can I say.

Come on give us the one – two punch, I can’t believe we get two episodes a night!

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