CliqueClack TV

So You Think You Can Dance – Performance excellence … and creepy clowns

I'm starting a campaign in anticipation of next year: No more clowns in 'SYTYCD' routines. Who's with me?

- Season 7, Episode 20 - "The Final Four Perform"


They’re scary. Really scary.

But … let’s come back to them a bit later, shall we? After all, we have the Final Four on So You Think You Can Dance to deal with first.

Because it should be pretty easy with barely a week left of the competition … no? Hokay … here we go:  Lauren Froderman, AdéChiké Torbert, Robert Roldan and Kent Boyd. They were all fantastic in the Final Four performances.

The End.

Except … it’s not the end. I have some ‘splain’ to do:

Lauren and all-star partner Pasha started things off by burning up the floor with a tango which had many of us fanning ourselves effusively. It was hot. Period.

AdéChiké: Cripes! Another freakin’ ethnic dance more “flail” than “dance.” I really do believe someone on SYTYCD positions contestants with these dances so they’re set up to fail miserably. It’s a conspiracy, methinks.

Robert committed a Viennese Waltz routine that was butter. Butter in a good way.

And then everybody’s little buddy Kent tortured us with disco. *ugh* The judges weren’t impressed with it, either. Look: I’m a Pet Shop Boys disco lover … but enough with the disco dance on the show. It’s craptastic … extra emphasis on ‘crap’.

Brilliance from Lauren and Robert. A throw-away routine from AdéChiké. And pain from Kent.

But wait! That’s not all! There’s more!

In the second acts of the night for everyone, Lauren partnered with Ade Obayomi to kick off a scorching Sean Cheesman jazz number. WowZah! Did you see that? Another fantastical performance from a pair who steam up the cameras. (Note: Lauren’s outfit was smokin’, too. And her hair – tossed all over the place free and easy – added vim and vigor to the performance.) I’ve said it before, I’ll say it here again: The girl can twirl and move and contort and shebang. Even Adam Shankman admitted he was ready to hire her on the spot.

AdéChiké redeemed himself with his final performance of the evening. The dude moves … and some of those moves are superb. But … I just don’t feel it completely from him. Overall, he’s not a right fit for the finals, in my humble opinion.

Now … let’s get back to the clowns. Freakin’ clowns. They’re scary. Really scary. And Robert -- working a Napoleon and Tabitha creepfest routine about a couple jesters whose circus is drawing its final curtain — didn’t quell any lingering nightmarish tendencies for my future beddie-by times. It was difficult (translation: impossible) to tear my eyes away from the screen, terrifyingly curious to witness the performance of horror on my television screen. But I have to admit: It was a gooder. (If Fox would just allow the video, I could creep you out right here and now and you could share my pain. *sigh … shudder*)

Lastly, Kent and all-star Neil put on an outstanding Travis Wall story of rejection for us. It was one of those routines that makes SYTYCD completely and totally worthwhile, a real treat coming at the close of the program. Set to DeVotchKa’s “How It Ends” (how appropriate for the routine!), the two performers wrung every ounce of life out of it. And the cool thing was this: Much as there are those out there who do not get or do not like or cannot stand Kent as a performer, his routine brilliance went nuclear with this piece.

You want to see spifficated performances and come up to speed with SYTYCD? Seek out the full performances of this episode. (This particular show airs, cryptically, four days from now according to FOX’s site notes.)

AdéChiké? It’s been nice knowing you. You have nothing whatsoever to hang your head about in leaving during elimination. The Top Four was definitely your place … now, it’s just time for you to head off stage …

Oh … and by the way: The voting from last week? You guys overwhelmingly believe Kent is going to take it. I think you’re wrong.

Next Week: The Finale of So You Think You Can Dance

Photo Credit: FOX

6 Responses to “So You Think You Can Dance – Performance excellence … and creepy clowns”

August 5, 2010 at 4:53 PM

I think if we put Lauren in a sexy clown outfit we would be hearing a totally different story from Mr Noble, just say’n :-)

August 5, 2010 at 6:43 PM

. . . . .

Dear Johnson & Johnson®:

I’ve heard rumor you are in the delicate, experimental stages where an innovative brain bleach is concerned. I would like to offer myself as a human guinea pig – free of charge – in light of a comment on one of my review postings on the public site CliqueClack. The commenter – one Bronsont – has taken liberties with my mind in suggesting a drastic cure for Coulrophobia. Not only am I not on board with his suggestion, I find myself anxious to remove the thought from my mind post haste.

Please get back to me at your earliest convenience and let me know what can be worked out.

Earlier, if possible.

Love and Rockets, Michael

August 5, 2010 at 6:54 PM

My favourite routine was Napitabs with Robert and Dominic. Robert is just a dramatic beast, he can perform which will serve him well. And it was danced ok too :)

The backstab story was more interesting than the dance itself but loved Kent on it. Anyone knows what’s it about? Dancers intel? Kent lost himself in the choreography, had to check Neil to keep going , strange that they didn’t say it. He wasn’t alone , I don’t remember now but some other dancer got lost in the choreo. It’s funny, now that choreos are live we get to see them fail a bit more. It was the one that had Catherine.

Now… regretable first choreos, I’m tired of Tyce’s broadway and bway in general. The african jazz is boring too although is hand choreo was pretty good and Lauren’s dress rocked. I disagree with the hair comment Michael, I couldn’t see her face , no clue what she was performing and I’m not a fan of her lines. Ade is a beast tho and they have good chemistry.

If i could give the prize it would be for Ade and Catherine but I doubt they let me.

August 5, 2010 at 7:10 PM

. . . . .

Robert can definitely mix it up. Between he, Kent and Lauren, it’s going to go down to the wire. The favorites, I believe, are going to be Kent and Lauren, however.

No clue what the deal was with the backstory, Adrian. It seemed as if Travis was somewhat reluctant to even admit there was a story when questioned by Nigel.

Tyce likes that dramatical thing, no doubt about it. His comments alone on the Kent / Neil showcase were enough to erase any thoughts which might run the opposite direction. That’s just him sometimes. (Though, I am taken with his “all that and a bag of chips” comments.)

Lauren’s hair flinging? I may have been taken hostage by the contrast of her outfit and contrasting blonde locks, I confess. And I really don’t have a problem with that.

Let’s see what happens tonight …

August 5, 2010 at 10:33 PM

last night show was excellent. I am rooting for Kent! Cute small town guy all the way

August 7, 2010 at 8:53 PM

sigh…. I missed this show… I was so freaking busy did not get out of work until 6:30 then have to take kids to make up swimming lesson. Anyway looks like I don’t miss much.

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