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Mad Men and the ironically titled episode

This week's episode of 'Mad Men' may have been titled "The Good News," but it seemed like all the news was bad in this alternately sad and funny (but mostly sad) outing.

- Season 4, Episode 3 - "The Good News"

For an episode entitled “The Good News,” there certainly was a lot of bad news doled out in this week’s episode of Mad Men. Don took a trip to see his old friend (and the real Don Draper’s wife) Anna. While on the trip Don learned that Anna was sick with cancer and had very little time left, even though she herself didn’t know it. It was heartbreaking watching Don say goodbye to her, most likely for the last time. Even as he did, she talked about how he would bring his kids out to meet her in the spring. As they were talking I wondered if Anna is the only person who really loves Don. Certainly his children do, but aside from that does he have anyone right now? I fear that Anna’s impending death is going to send Don right down to rock bottom.

As hard as it is to believe, I don’t think Don has hit the bottom yet. He certainly took a few steps down this week, dragging poor Lane with him. It was nice to see more of the Brit this week. I feel like all last season we only got to know Lane in a business setting, and so far in season four he has been pretty scarce. I was happy to see a different side of him. Plus, he slapped a T-bone steak against his crotch, in the middle of a crowded restaurant, in one of the show’s funniest moments to date. You have to love that.

There was actually quite a bit of comedy in this week’s episode. Aside from the comedian that Lane and Don went to see before taking a few prostitutes home, there was the flower incident between Joan and Lane. I thought it was a great moment. Not so much because of the confusion, but because Joan and Lane both took out their anger over their own embarrassment on the poor secretary. Neither of them were forgiving at all, even though none of the blame really lay with the hapless helper. There was something about watching the two join forces that tickled me.

The episode also featured a lot of Joan and Greg, to create the trifecta of bad, or at the very least strained, relationships. Mr. and Mrs. Harris have one of the more complicated couples on the show. Clearly, there is love between them, however it is just as clear that Joan is missing something in her marriage. She is the queen bee in the office, but at home she is forced to play the subservient wife. There is something so disconcerting watching Joan prepare dinner for Greg (only to have it go unappreciated), or rearrange her life around his schedule. Of course there was the whole pre-marriage rape that probably started things off on the wrong foot. With all of that being said, though, they are looking to start a family, and Joan is struggling with Greg’s having to go away for his Army training (and probable stint in Vietnam). I’m very curious to see how their story progresses.

What struck you about this week’s episode?

Photo Credit: Michael Yarish/AMC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | Mad Men | TV Shows |

One Response to “Mad Men and the ironically titled episode”

August 10, 2010 at 3:33 AM

That hug after Dick signed the wall was the saddest thing ever on “Mad Men”… *sniffle*

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