CliqueClack TV

Hawaii 5-0 was part-James Bond, part-Sopranos last night

This week’s episode featured the strike squad’s new name, another disastrous undercover op, Jersey mob shark attacks, and a silk robed Grace Park.

- Season 1, Episode 3 - "Malama Ka Aina"

I just realized 45 minutes in why this show might succeed: it has the kitchen sink concerning production, writing, acting, and casting. While Moonlight had a great supporting cast, 80% of the show resided on O’Loughlin’s charisma, likewise with the unwatched-by-me Three Rivers. However, 5-0’s high production value and ensemble-driven script, doesn’t rely on Alex O’Loughlin. In fact, he almost isn’t necessary, which is healthy for the show (as reflected in this week’s ep). But that doesn’t mean I’m not glad he’s there.

Rather than focus on McGarrett, “Malama Ka Aina” intensified Danno’s child custody battle and Chin Ho’s corruption tar while introducing the Jersey mob as its case of the week. Here’s another reason I like this show. Although procedure-driven, it continues to augment its characters while slightly modifying the formula. Even if the informative, Writing Assistant-run blog didn’t provide insight, you can see it on a weekly basis. Although the last two weeks featured an international terrorist and the Danno-McGarrett bro-medy (bro-comedy) hour, this week broke away from that model, while raising Chin Ho and Danno’s family battles higher.

Although, technically, criminals infiltrating the island with public displays of violence count as terrorists, I assumed the local PD would handle the mob-driven case. But, as McGarrett’s task force takes precedence (and considering the connection), I understand he might pull it into his box. Although I enjoyed the Danno-McGarrett bits in the past, it took away from the ongoing plot and pushed the other characters to the side. This week felt more balanced regarding cast interaction. While NCIS:LA’s Callen is the strongest, baddest and the coolest, 5-0 spreads the responsibility without the “look how cool/smart/sexy” signposts. I liked Danno’s pizza box recognition, McGarrett’s science hour, Kona’s undercover gig, and Kona and Danno’s no nonsense makeout session (without the obligatory “maybe this kiss means more than it should” dialogue). I continue to love Chin Ho and Kona’s family connection. While I didn’t care about Chin Ho during week one, at week three, I love watching his facial anguish with each snub (augmented by this week’s final scene).

Another thing the show continues to improve is reality. The writers don’t pretend the actors are the same age. Each week reminds us that Chin Ho is the oldest (compared to McGarrett) and Kona the youngest. Although it’s creepy and slightly incestuous, the McGarrett-Chin Ho and Kona-Chin Ho relationships concretize the show’s family feel (although I wonder who Chin Ho/Kona aren’t related to). Plus, Danno’s daughter doesn’t fade into the background. The continuing influence of McGarrett Sr. (while almost like Hamlet’s father) further binds them. Keeping the reality-theme going, I like they stuck to their pilot-thesis, where clearly the team can’t go undercover without disastrous results. CBS could have made this a clone of NCIS:LA with hot, single, 20s-ish/20s-looking people. Luckily, it didn’t.

Random Thoughts:

  • I wonder now if Sid is the dirty cop. He’s the one who easily went undercover with the gangs. In a place where everyone knows everyone, it’s interesting that Chin Ho, marked as dirty, can’t find gang acceptance while Sid can, with a similar ‘fired’ cover story. Sure, Sid’s built like a brick house, but he’s wicked fast and has a wife far prettier than he should pull.
  • I’ll be generous this week regarding Grace Park. While I don’t buy the sports-obsessed, manly girl personae they’re selling, I felt the actress came alive during the undercover assignment. It’s the first time I saw her throw in miniature flourishes from the lip bite to the side giggles.
  • OK, I have to rock the Danno NJ connection. They finally state where Danno comes from and hello, West Orange, although changing, is still one of the nicer suburbs. However, contrary to Danno’s description, it has NO skyscrapers (unless you go to NYC) and is firmly in the center of suburban land. Although Danno outed the pizza parlor guy as West Orange, their accents sounded more East Orange, West Orange’s urban stepsister (unless I misheard). In truth, I could see Danno’s upscale wife preferring West Orange, while he worked the gritty East Orange/Orange beat. I love when writer’s show geographic diversity, but sometimes I wonder about their familiarity.

Quotes (it’s no coincidence that half come from Danno):

Although I now use subtitles, I’m wondering if I tape the show and play it back later, I can still access the closed captions, so I can verify.

Danno: “I’ll tell you what’s wrong with tennis … it can be played on a table….”

McGarrett: “You want me to book him, Danno? ”

Danno: “That’s funny? ”

Danno: “There’s something wrong with you, you know that, right? ”

Danno: “Thick crust, extra bullets, please. ”

Danno: “You low-life, miserable money-suck … Hello? ”

McGarrett (to Danno): “How much of your soul did you just lose by appreciating me? ”

Danno: “You weren’t held when you were a baby were you? ”

. . .

McGarrett: “… I have photos if you want proof…. ”

Danno: “Photoshop.”

Photo Credit: cbs

13 Responses to “Hawaii 5-0 was part-James Bond, part-Sopranos last night”

October 5, 2010 at 1:02 PM

I just have to take issue with the comment you made about the 20-somethings on NCIS: LA … Chris O’Donnell is 40 and 40 is beautiful. We don’t have to look like a 20-something to be hot (said the 40-year-old!)…. ;-) That’s actually the beauty of NCIS: LA to me — the 2 main guys are not spring chickens, but they are surely doing something right to grab those ratings!

October 5, 2010 at 1:14 PM

I’d like to point out I said 20s-looking. C.O.D. looks like a 27-year-old and LL Cool J has the body of a 26-year-old. I know I have issues with NCIS:LA. I view it as mindless brain candy. All the while, I still find myself watching it while enjoying the eye candy ;)

October 5, 2010 at 2:18 PM

No, I know you said look like, but my point was that they don’t look like 20-somethings — they look like fabulous forties!

October 5, 2010 at 3:24 PM

Ah. I see what you mean. I now revise my comment to say “CBS could have made this a clone of NCIS:LA with hot, single, people in their fabulous 40s. Luckily, it didn’t.” :) But, I’ll say this for the NCIS:LA cast 20/30/40/50/100, they just look good.

October 5, 2010 at 6:36 PM

Outstanding review, An.

Is it just me or does McGarret look a little like Matthew Broderick through the eyes? Mostly, it’s when he gives that hangdog look (that women love) when the resemblence is there. I know it has been mentioned a lot but H5-0 has a huge advantage in that the three male stars are attractive to women. I loooove that because if a lot of women watch the show, ratings look out! And these guys can act too. I’m so envious. It makes me want to be a movie star, but alas!….my wife told me they cancelled Mr. Ed years ago….

I felt so sorry for Chin Ho. Although you might have guessed there would be some reconciliation, you could feel his pain. I agree that the banter was maybe borderline heavy this time but I’m not complaining as this was such an exemplar episode. It was a thorough story, that led up to just the right timing and amount, of the action climax.

Kona (the epitome of pulchritude), played by an actress with the charisma and poise of a born star, continues to mesmerize us. What a performance!

To say I am looking forward to next episode would be an understatement.

ps: What a great father Dano is….

October 5, 2010 at 7:44 PM

Yeah, not going to lie. Totally had to google pulchritude.

October 5, 2010 at 11:17 PM

Easier way to find the meanings of words we’ve been using for years: One-Click Answers from It’s a small, free applet that sits in your system tray and you just alt-click on any word in almost any application and it pops up a little balloon with the definition. Even has a little speaker you can click on to hear how the word is pronounced. It’s one of the few apps I’d pay for, but it’s free.

If you want it go to, scroll to the bottom of the page and under “Downloads” you’ll see “One-Click Answers” where you can d/l it.

I know I sound like I’m selling something, but I’m only providing advice because I have found it to be one of the most useful programs I’ve ever encountered. It’s on every PC here and at my office.

October 6, 2010 at 7:30 AM

I’ll admit that both Matthew B and Alex O are brunettes who have mastery over their facial expressions and do excel at the ‘hangdog’ look. I never noticed the similarity (just because I find AO slightly hotter than Matthew B’s adorable witticisms). But, yes, I do feel as if this show slightly appeals to women with the male eye candy and I wonder what it’s current audience makeup looks like. And, yea, Danno continues to impress as an awesome father figure.

October 6, 2010 at 1:47 PM

I’m not in the hot demographic that sponsers love;(been around too long); but of all the new shows, Hawaii 5-0 is my number #1. Very good review An, and thanks for the info on the app Tom. This site continues to be one of the best on reviews of shows, but is now adding computer knowledge–keep it up and thank you.

October 6, 2010 at 2:13 PM

From one geezer to another, you’re very welcome, Bob. (Yeah, I just fell outside the target demo this year) I don’t understand why hides that wonderful little applet down at the bottom of their site. It used to hold a very prominent position at the top, but one day they redesigned and put their brightest candle under a basket.

Oh well, at least it’s still there! :o)

October 7, 2010 at 8:04 AM

Thx, Bob. But, to Tom, you are the world’s best shill a la Don Draper. I initially thought you were an part-time spokesman until Deb set me right :)

October 6, 2010 at 9:35 PM

Hawaii Five-0 is a winner of a show. I love the entire cast, who portray their intriguing characters to perfection.

October 7, 2010 at 8:04 AM

Ditto on that and love the icon!

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