CliqueClack TV

Fringe – I think I would have figured it out by now

I'm disappointed everyone is taking so long to realize Olivia is missing, but I'm sure as hell enjoying the ride.

- Season 3, Episode 4 - "Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep?"

Peter came so incredibly close — like sexual-frustration close — to nailing Fauxlivia. Oh, no, not like that. He knows she is different. She’s more patient with Walter, less burdened. She also wears eye makeup, bangs and thinks about sex more than Olivia ever did. Plus, she has shifty eyes. She’s like a squirrel on crack, eyes darting every which way, as she fears discovery. These people are basically geniuses, right? But, in spite of the fact everyone pretty much agreed there is a mole here from the other side, no one sees the obvious. Well, Peter does see the obvious, but for some reason, he lets it go. Why is that?

Fauxlivia is having a more difficult time holding it together as time goes by. She has now lost two important characters who have been giving her information, to which she would not otherwise have had access. Now that she’s flying solo, how will she handle things? I think not that well. There’s talk about her moral compass and integrity. Before he shifted away, Newton made her question everything she is doing over here. Although it seems like people are close in the alternate universe, when they come here they find themselves clinging hopefully to our emotional entanglements. It’s one of the things they are taught — don’t let the other side fool you. It’s clearly not as cut and dry as Fauxlivia had hoped.

Walter is enjoying the hell out of owning Massive Dynamic, but he needs to do more than self medicate and teach class in his skivvies if we are to learn more about the place. I’m also hoping the shift to the Massive Dynamic lab is only a temporary detour, and that Walter will remember he does his best thinking when he has to do it on his feet, and not with every convenience at his fingertips. It’s creating brain gear out of toothpicks and paperclips that really drives him. I fear losing his base will keep him from seeing what he normally stumbles upon so engagingly.

We have a few weeks before we see a new episode, which really stinks. We did get a little something to suck on in the meantime. Fauxlivia’s mission seems to be to gain Peter’s complete trust. Seeing that he’s wearing blinders about just why Olivia is so different, it shouldn’t have surprised me he was so willing to let his little brain do his thinking. Fauxlivia went where no Olivia had gone before; she nailed him.

“You just called me Astrid. You never get my name right.” – Astrid
“Must be the LSD.” – Walter

“One thing I do know. I’m no longer high.” – Walter

Did you know the stegosaurus had a brain in its ass?” – Walter

“He left his pudding, something must be wrong.” – Peter

“Ownership has its privileges.” – Walter

Photo Credit: FOX

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6 Responses to “Fringe – I think I would have figured it out by now”

October 14, 2010 at 11:49 PM

I have loved this season of Fringe more than I could have imagined. Though I miss our Olivia! Too bad we have to wait until November for another episode. It pains me to see Peter falling for Fauxlivia.

October 15, 2010 at 12:27 AM

I think things will never be what we had once hoped. He had sex with Fauxlivia. That’s going to hurt everyone from all directions. Sigh.

October 15, 2010 at 12:24 PM

Problem is that fauxlivia is human. Unless she is caught doing something bad/wrong it will be hard for them to figure it all out. I would imagine that her cover will be blown when Olivia makes it back to our world.

October 15, 2010 at 3:28 PM

I think Peter has it figured out already and is playing along, giving Fauxlivia some rope to hang herself. He’s too smart to not have figured it out and too smart to show his hand until he’s certain of what her ultimate goal is over here.

Too bad we have to wait weeks to possibly find out. Too bad so many people find enjoyment in watching people hit a round thing with a stick, week after week, year after year. I know I’m the minority voice in that sentiment, but why don’t these same people find the same enjoyment in watching chess masters play? It’s the same basic premise of a battle with rules and everyone looks the same, plays the same parts and someone is the clear winner at the end. Why a ball and a stick? Sounds like something dogs would enjoy, though.

October 15, 2010 at 3:47 PM

I’m in your majority! I hate sports preemption. I dislike watching men behave as idiots in general. ;-)

I like your idea. You’re right. I should have more faith in Peter. He was just soooo close to saying the right thing – frustrating!! But, then why make out with her (or more) if he knows it’s not her. Aaack. I just don’t know.

October 15, 2010 at 4:27 PM

I’m chalking up the whole making out with Fauxlivia thing to Peter just being *that* good at deception. Something that hasn’t been touched on as of late is Peter’s sordid past before he was brought on to the Fringe team. I’m sure he had to do much worse just to stay alive back then and his behavior with Fauxlivia could have consequences for the entirety of our universe, not just his own life.

I’ve made something of a career out of putting my foot in my mouth, so I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if I’m way off the mark on this one. Right or wrong it’s fun to speculate and then see how the writers work it out!

Too bad this ball and stick circus couldn’t be moved to say, oh…a sports network. I’d like to see episodes of Glee start playing on ESPN and see what kind of uproar that would cause! Because everybody knows you can’t have non-sports on a sports network, but not the other way around. :o)

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