CliqueClack TV

Bleep My Dad Says – Shatner shoots … and scores

This was the best episode of 'Bleep My Dad Says' to date. Want proof? Just take a look at this video.

- Season 1, Episode 4 - "Code Ed"

This was the best episode of Bleep My Dad Says yet, and if for only a single reference. A single, not-so-obscure reference the writers injected into the episode.

The Proof? All you need to do is view the following video clip. I about spewed.

But, if that wasn’t enough, to get a Right Said Fred “I’m Too Sexy” performance out of William Shatner to boot, well …  that was nothing less than gravy on top.

(If you’re not privy to the in-joke, Shatner recorded a cheese-fest, spoken-word version of the tune back in the ’70s. It’s been a classic ever since. I’ve offered a video below for your dining and dancing pleasure.)

In my opinion, the show got into a groove this time ’round. Is this the beginning of hitting a stride with Bleep My Dad Says? Stay tuned.

And yes: I’m still annoyed at the Vince / Bonnie fluff they’re forcing on us. Maybe that will change at some point. But I’m not holding my breath.

Photo Credit: Michael Ansell/Warner Bros.

6 Responses to “Bleep My Dad Says – Shatner shoots … and scores”

October 15, 2010 at 5:53 PM

Much better show this week but only because it was carried by Shatner, without him the show has nothing but i hope it can surprise me in the future and maybe change my mind.

October 15, 2010 at 11:26 PM

I completely agree that the show is carried by Shatner. Obviously Vince and Bonnie need to take a Thelma and Louise drive off a cliff, but even his son is very bland. I know this is Shatner’s show, but you can’t have one noteworth character surrounded by forgettable and/or annoying characters and expect the show to thrive.

I enjoy the show, but not enough to be disappointed if it gets cancelled and I don’t want to keep feeling that way about it. I want this to turn into a “can’t miss” show, but I worry it won’t.

October 19, 2010 at 2:22 AM

. . . . .

Tom: Henry isn’t that bad.

Did you see who they had on for the original pilot? Ryan Devlin. He was not the character Jonathan Sadowski has made a mainstay. (If you can call him that.)

Talk about your un-noteworthy characters …

October 19, 2010 at 2:16 AM

. . . . .

Just keep Shatner going and everything will be all right, Matt …

October 15, 2010 at 8:13 PM

Haha, “Not tonight!” Good one!

October 16, 2010 at 12:16 AM

I tried to watch it last night, and obviously I missed this clip because I had to click away. The canned laughter was just too much for me, and the writing I saw/heard was awful. I want to like it so I can read your reviews and be all supportive and stuff. But I’m not sure if I can.

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