CliqueClack TV

Quibbling Siblings: Should Cougar Town have changed its name?

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic. This week we discuss whether or not 'Cougar Town' should have changed its name.


There was a ton of hullabaloo this summer over whether or not Cougar Town would change its name. The Powers That Be thought perhaps a name change would get them new viewership (read: all the people who were turned off because the title was offensive) or maybe just a title that actually fit what the show was about would do it some good.

When all was said and done, though, Cougar Town remains Cougar Town. Honestly, I think they are getting more mileage out of not changing their name than if they had. They’ve been very clever with the — for lack of a better term — subtitles that they’ve snuck into the opening credits:

  • (Still) Cougar Town
  • Welcome to Cougar Town (which I think is what they always had?)
  • Badly Titled Cougar Town
  • Not What the Show Is: Cougar Town
  • 100% Cougar Free Cougar Town
  • Titles Are Hard: Cougar Town

The discussion of whether or not to change the name got everyone talking, and now the subtitles are all the buzz. It almost makes one wonder if they ever intended on changing the name at all.

What are your thoughts about Cougar Town‘s not-name change?


I think we need to standardize what amounts to a “hullabaloo,” because I remember some brief discussions about the title of Cougar Town, not a ton of hullabaloo. In any case, however, I think they should have changed the name. We live in the information age and I think that anyone interested in the show would have heard that the name had been changed. It wasn’t like the time slot changed, so people would have known where to look for it. Also, I think it could have possibly attracted some new viewers and perhaps grown the audience a little bit.

In the end, though, I don’t think it’s a big deal that they didn’t change it. It’s the safe play, I suppose, but there are shows that have changed their name and been fine (do you remember that Ellen started out as These Friends of Mine?). Besides, we have gotten those hysterical little title cards with every episode, and I have really been enjoying them. It’s clear that the writers have a sense of humor about the title.


HA! I love exaggerated exaggeration! Hullabaloo it is and shall remain in my warped little mind.

I am glad they didn’t change the name, and I think the opposite of you — the information age would also have allowed anyone turned off by the name to hear about the hullabaloo and know that the show is not about cougars at all. Ratings-wise, Brett says the demo is remaining steady, which is a good sign, even though overall it is a bit down from last year. Do you think a name change would have helped?

Maybe you’re right and they should have just renamed it Courteney. Hey, going the ego route worked once, right?


If you ask me, instead of Courteney they should go with Cox.


And now we’ve pretty much come full circle.

Photo Credit: ABC

3 Responses to “Quibbling Siblings: Should Cougar Town have changed its name?”

October 28, 2010 at 11:29 AM

Cougar Town XXX?

Nice one ^^;

October 28, 2010 at 11:36 AM

Really, how could I resist? ;-)

October 28, 2010 at 11:45 AM

. . . . .

I am so glad I wasn’t drinking coffee when I read Bob’s final line.

Spewage would surely have occurred …

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